Common functions for building CPEs
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import ssg.id_translate
from .constants import oval_namespace
from .constants import PREFIX_TO_NS
from .utils import required_key, apply_formatting_on_dict_values
from .xml import ElementTree as ET
from .boolean_expression import Algebra, Symbol, Function
from .entities.common import XCCDFEntity, Templatable
from .yaml import convert_string_to_bool
from .oval_object_model import load_oval_document, OVALDefinitionReference
from .id_translate import IDTranslator
from .xml import parse_file
class CPEDoesNotExist(Exception):
class ProductCPEs(object):
Reads from the disk all the yaml CPEs related to a product
and provides them in a structured way.
def __init__(self):
self.cpes_by_id = {}
self.cpes_by_name = {}
self.product_cpes = {}
self.platforms = {}
self.cpe_oval_href = ""
self.algebra = Algebra(
symbol_cls=CPEALCheckFactRef, function_cls=CPEALLogicalTest)
def load_product_cpes(self, env_yaml):
self.cpe_oval_href = "ssg-" + env_yaml["product"] + "-cpe-oval.xml"
product_cpes_list = env_yaml["cpes"]
except KeyError as exc:
raise Exception("Product %s does not define 'cpes'" % (env_yaml["product"]))
def load_product_cpes_from_list(self, product_cpes_list):
for cpe_dict_repr in product_cpes_list:
for cpe_id, cpe in cpe_dict_repr.items():
# these product CPEs defined in product.yml are defined
# differently than CPEs in shared/applicability/*.yml
# therefore we have to place the ID at the place where it is expected
cpe["id_"] = cpe_id
cpe_item = CPEItem.get_instance_from_full_dict(cpe)
cpe_item.is_product_cpe = True
def load_content_cpes(self, env_yaml):
cpes_root = required_key(env_yaml, "cpes_root")
if not os.path.isabs(cpes_root):
cpes_root = os.path.join(env_yaml["product_dir"], cpes_root)
self.load_cpes_from_directory_tree(cpes_root, env_yaml)
def load_cpes_from_list(self, cpes_list):
for cpe_dict_repr in cpes_list:
for cpe_id, cpe in cpe_dict_repr.items():
cpe["id_"] = cpe_id
cpe_item = CPEItem.get_instance_from_full_dict(cpe)
def load_cpes_from_directory_tree(self, root_path, env_yaml):
for dir_item in sorted(os.listdir(root_path)):
dir_item_path = os.path.join(root_path, dir_item)
if not os.path.isfile(dir_item_path):
_, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dir_item_path))
if ext != '.yml':
"Encountered file '%s' while looking for content CPEs, "
"extension '%s' is unknown. Skipping..\n"
% (dir_item, ext)
cpe_item = CPEItem.from_yaml(dir_item_path, env_yaml)
def add_cpe_item(self, cpe_item):
self.cpes_by_id[cpe_item.id_] = cpe_item
self.cpes_by_name[] = cpe_item
if cpe_item.is_product_cpe:
self.product_cpes[cpe_item.id_] = cpe_item
def get_cpe(self, cpe_id_or_name):
if CPEItem.is_cpe_name(cpe_id_or_name):
return self.cpes_by_name[cpe_id_or_name]
if CPEALCheckFactRef.cpe_id_is_parametrized(cpe_id_or_name):
cpe_id_or_name = CPEALCheckFactRef.get_base_name_of_parametrized_cpe_id(
return self.cpes_by_id[cpe_id_or_name]
except KeyError:
raise CPEDoesNotExist("CPE %s is not defined" % cpe_id_or_name)
def add_resolved_cpe_items_from_platform(self, platform):
for fact_ref in platform.get_fact_refs():
if fact_ref.arg: # the CPE item is parametrized
# if there already exists a CPE item with factref's ID
# we can just use it right away, no new CPE items need to be created
cpe = self.get_cpe_for_fact_ref(fact_ref)
fact_ref.cpe_name =
except CPEDoesNotExist:
# if the CPE item with factref's ID does not exist
# it means that we need to create a new CPE item
# which will have parameters in place
cpe = self.get_cpe(fact_ref.cpe_name)
new_cpe = cpe.create_resolved_cpe_item_for_fact_ref(fact_ref)
fact_ref.cpe_name =
def get_cpe_for_fact_ref(self, fact_ref):
return self.get_cpe(fact_ref.as_id())
def get_cpe_name(self, cpe_id):
cpe = self.get_cpe(cpe_id)
def get_product_cpe_names(self):
return [ for cpe in self.product_cpes.values()]
class CPEList(object):
Represents the cpe-list element from the CPE standard.
prefix = "cpe-dict"
ns = PREFIX_TO_NS[prefix]
def __init__(self):
self.cpe_items = []
def add(self, cpe_item):
def _create_cpe_list_xml_skeleton():
cpe_list = ET.Element("{%s}cpe-list" % CPEList.ns)
cpe_list.set("xmlns:xsi", "")
" "
return cpe_list
def _add_cpe_items_xml(self, cpe_list, cpe_oval_file, selection_of_cpe_names):
self.cpe_items.sort(key=lambda cpe:
for cpe_item in self.cpe_items:
if in selection_of_cpe_names:
def to_xml_element(self, cpe_oval_file, selection_of_cpe_names=None):
cpe_list = self._create_cpe_list_xml_skeleton()
if selection_of_cpe_names is None:
selection_of_cpe_names = [ for cpe_item in self.cpe_items]
self._add_cpe_items_xml(cpe_list, cpe_oval_file, selection_of_cpe_names)
if hasattr(ET, "indent"):
ET.indent(cpe_list, space=" ", level=0)
return cpe_list
def to_file(self, file_name, cpe_oval_file, selection_of_cpe_names=None):
root = self.to_xml_element(cpe_oval_file, selection_of_cpe_names)
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(file_name, encoding="utf-8")
def translate_cpe_oval_def_ids(self):
for cpe_item in self.cpe_items:
class CPEItem(XCCDFEntity, Templatable):
Represents the cpe-item element from the CPE standard.
KEYS = dict(
name=lambda: "",
check_id=lambda: "",
bash_conditional=lambda: "",
ansible_conditional=lambda: "",
is_product_cpe=lambda: False,
versioned=lambda: False,
args=lambda: {},
content_id=lambda: "ssg",
prefix = "cpe-dict"
ns = PREFIX_TO_NS[prefix]
def cpe_oval_short_def_id(self):
return self.check_id or self.id_
def cpe_oval_def_id(self):
translator = ssg.id_translate.IDTranslator(self.content_id)
full_id = translator.generate_id(
"{" + oval_namespace + "}definition", self.cpe_oval_short_def_id)
return full_id
def set_cpe_oval_def_id(self):
self.check_id = self.cpe_oval_def_id
def to_xml_element(self, cpe_oval_filename):
cpe_item = ET.Element("{%s}cpe-item" % CPEItem.ns)
cpe_item_title = ET.SubElement(cpe_item, "{%s}title" % CPEItem.ns)
cpe_item_title.set('xml:lang', "en-us")
cpe_item_title.text = self.title
cpe_item_check = ET.SubElement(cpe_item, "{%s}check" % CPEItem.ns)
cpe_item_check.set('system', oval_namespace)
cpe_item_check.set('href', cpe_oval_filename)
cpe_item_check.text = self.cpe_oval_short_def_id
return cpe_item
def from_yaml(cls, yaml_file, env_yaml=None, product_cpes=None):
cpe_item = super(CPEItem, cls).from_yaml(yaml_file, env_yaml, product_cpes)
if cpe_item.is_product_cpe:
cpe_item.is_product_cpe = convert_string_to_bool(cpe_item.is_product_cpe)
if cpe_item.versioned:
cpe_item.versioned = convert_string_to_bool(cpe_item.versioned)
return cpe_item
def set_template_variables(self, *sources):
if self.is_templated():
self.template["vars"] = {}
for source in sources:
def create_resolved_cpe_item_for_fact_ref(self, fact_ref):
if fact_ref.has_version_specs():
if not self.versioned:
raise ValueError("CPE entity '{0}' does not support version specifiers: "
"{1}".format(self.id_, fact_ref.cpe_name))
resolved_parameters = self.args[fact_ref.arg]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(
"The {0} CPE item does not support the argument {1}. "
"Following arguments are supported: {2}".format(
self.id_, fact_ref.arg, [a for a in self.args.keys()]))
cpe_item_as_dict = self.represent_as_dict()
cpe_item_as_dict["args"] = None
cpe_item_as_dict["id_"] = fact_ref.as_id()
new_associated_cpe_item_as_dict = apply_formatting_on_dict_values(
cpe_item_as_dict, resolved_parameters)
new_associated_cpe_item = CPEItem.get_instance_from_full_dict(
return new_associated_cpe_item
def is_cpe_name(cpe_id_or_name):
return cpe_id_or_name.startswith("cpe:")
def set_conditional(self, language, content):
if language == "ansible":
self.ansible_conditional = content
elif language == "bash":
self.bash_conditional = content
raise RuntimeError(
"The language {0} is not supported as conditional for CPE".format(language))
class CPEALLogicalTest(Function):
prefix = "cpe-lang"
ns = PREFIX_TO_NS[prefix]
def to_xml_element(self):
cpe_test = ET.Element("{%s}logical-test" % CPEALLogicalTest.ns)
cpe_test.set('operator', ('OR' if self.is_or() else 'AND'))
cpe_test.set('negate', ('true' if self.is_not() else 'false'))
# Logical tests must go first, therefore we separate tests and factrefs
tests = [t for t in self.args if isinstance(t, CPEALLogicalTest)]
factrefs = [f for f in self.args if isinstance(f, CPEALCheckFactRef)]
for obj in tests + factrefs:
return cpe_test
def enrich_with_cpe_info(self, cpe_products):
for arg in self.args:
def to_bash_conditional(self):
child_bash_conds = [
a.to_bash_conditional() for a in self.args
if a.to_bash_conditional() != '']
if not child_bash_conds:
return ""
cond = ""
if self.is_not():
cond += "! "
op = " "
cond += "( "
if self.is_or():
op = " || "
elif self.is_and():
op = " && "
cond += op.join(child_bash_conds)
cond += " )"
return cond
def to_ansible_conditional(self):
child_ansible_conds = [
a.to_ansible_conditional() for a in self.args
if a.to_ansible_conditional() != '']
if not child_ansible_conds:
return ""
cond = ""
if self.is_not():
cond += "not "
op = " "
cond += "( "
if self.is_or():
op = " or "
elif self.is_and():
op = " and "
cond += op.join(child_ansible_conds)
cond += " )"
return cond
class CPEALCheckFactRef(Symbol):
prefix = "cpe-lang"
ns = PREFIX_TO_NS[prefix]
def __init__(self, obj):
super(CPEALCheckFactRef, self).__init__(obj)
self.cpe_name = obj # we do not want to modify original name used for platforms
self.bash_conditional = ""
self.ansible_conditional = ""
def enrich_with_cpe_info(self, cpe_products):
self.cpe_oval_href = cpe_products.cpe_oval_href
cpe_item = cpe_products.get_cpe(self.cpe_name)
self.bash_conditional = cpe_item.bash_conditional
self.ansible_conditional = cpe_item.ansible_conditional
self.cpe_name = cpe_products.get_cpe_name(self.cpe_name)
self.cpe_oval_def_id = cpe_item.cpe_oval_def_id
def to_xml_element(self):
el = ET.Element("{%s}check-fact-ref" % CPEALCheckFactRef.ns)
el.set("system", oval_namespace)
el.set("href", self.cpe_oval_href)
el.set("id-ref", self.cpe_oval_def_id)
return el
def to_bash_conditional(self):
return self.bash_conditional
def to_ansible_conditional(self):
return self.ansible_conditional
def cpe_id_is_parametrized(cpe_id):
return Symbol.is_parametrized(cpe_id)
def get_base_name_of_parametrized_cpe_id(cpe_id):
If given a parametrized platform name such as package[test],
it returns the package part only.
return Symbol.get_base_of_parametrized_name(cpe_id)
def extract_subelement(objects, sub_elem_type):
From a collection of element objects, return the value of
the first attribute of name sub_elem_type found.
This is useful when the object is a single element and
we wish to query some external reference identifier
in the subtree of that element.
for obj in objects:
for subelement in obj.iter():
if subelement.get(sub_elem_type):
sub_element = subelement.get(sub_elem_type)
return sub_element
def extract_env_obj(objects, local_var):
From a collection of objects, return the object with id matching
the object_ref of the local variable.
NOTE: This assumes that a local variable can only reference one object.
Which is not true, variables can reference multiple objects.
But this assumption should work for OVAL checks for CPEs,
as they are not that complicated.
for obj in objects:
env_id = extract_subelement(local_var, 'object_ref')
if env_id == obj.get('id'):
return obj
return None
def extract_referred_nodes(tree_with_refs, tree_with_ids, attrname):
Return the elements in tree_with_ids which are referenced
from tree_with_refs via the element attribute 'attrname'.
reflist = []
elementlist = []
for element in tree_with_refs.iter():
value = element.get(attrname)
if value is not None:
for element in tree_with_ids.iter():
if element.get("id") in reflist:
return elementlist
def get_linked_cpe_oval_document(unlinked_oval_file_path):
oval_document = load_oval_document(parse_file(unlinked_oval_file_path))
oval_document.product_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
references_to_keep = OVALDefinitionReference()
for oval_def in oval_document.definitions.values():
if oval_def.class_ != "inventory":
references_to_keep += oval_document.get_all_references_of_definition(
translator = IDTranslator("ssg")
oval_document = translator.translate_oval_document(oval_document)
return oval_document