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6 hrs
Test Coverage
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import os.path
import json

from .build_yaml import Rule, DocumentationNotComplete
from .constants import (
    MULTI_PLATFORM_LIST, OSCAP_VALUE, datastream_namespace,
    xlink_namespace, XCCDF12_NS, SCE_SYSTEM
from .jinja import process_file_with_macros
from .rules import get_rule_dir_id, get_rule_dir_sces, find_rule_dirs_in_paths
from . import utils, products

def load_sce_and_metadata(file_path, local_env_yaml):
    For the given SCE audit file (file_path) under the specified environment
    (local_env_yaml), parse the file while expanding Jinja macros and read any
    metadata headers the file contains. Note that the last keyword of a
    specified type is the recorded one.

    Returns (audit_content, metadata).

    raw_content = process_file_with_macros(file_path, local_env_yaml)
    return load_sce_and_metadata_parsed(raw_content)

def load_sce_and_metadata_parsed(raw_content):
    metadata = dict()
    sce_content = []

    keywords = ['platform', 'check-import', 'check-export', 'complex-check']
    for line in raw_content.split("\n"):
        found_metadata = False
        for keyword in keywords:
            if not line.startswith('# ' + keyword + ' = '):

            found_metadata = True

            # Strip off the initial comment marker
            _, value = line[2:].split('=', maxsplit=1)
            metadata[keyword] = value.strip()

        if not found_metadata:

    if 'check-export' in metadata:
        # Special case for the variables exposed to the SCE script: prepend
        # the OSCAP_VALUE prefix to reference the variable
        new_variables = []
        for value in metadata['check-export'].split(','):
            k, v = value.split('=', maxsplit=1)
        metadata['check-export'] = new_variables

    if 'platform' in metadata:
        metadata['platform'] = metadata['platform'].split(',')

    return "\n".join(sce_content), metadata

def _check_is_applicable_for_product(metadata, product):
    Validates whether or not the specified check is applicable for this
    product. Different from in that this operates directly
    on the parsed metadata and doesn't have to deal with matching XML

    if 'platform' not in metadata:
        return True

    product, product_version = utils.parse_name(product)

    multi_product = 'multi_platform_{0}'.format(product)
    if product in ['macos', 'ubuntu']:
        product_version = product_version[:2] + "." + product_version[2:]

    return ('multi_platform_all' in metadata['platform'] or
            (multi_product in metadata['platform'] and
             product in MULTI_PLATFORM_LIST) or
            (product in metadata['platform'] and
             product_version in metadata['platform']))

def _check_is_loaded(already_loaded, filename):
    # Right now this check doesn't look at metadata or anything
    # else. Eventually we might add versions to the entry or
    # something.
    return filename in already_loaded

def checks(env_yaml, yaml_path, sce_dirs, template_builder, output):
    Walks the build system and builds all SCE checks (and metadata entry)
    into the output directory.
    product = utils.required_key(env_yaml, "product")
    included_checks_count = 0
    reversed_dirs = sce_dirs[::-1]
    already_loaded = dict()
    local_env_yaml = dict()

    # We maintain the same search structure as even though we
    # don't currently have any content under shared/checks/sce.
    product_yaml = products.Product(yaml_path)
    product_dir = product_yaml["product_dir"]
    relative_guide_dir = utils.required_key(env_yaml, "benchmark_root")
    guide_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(product_dir, relative_guide_dir))
    additional_content_directories = env_yaml.get("additional_content_directories", [])
    add_content_dirs = [
        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(product_dir, rd))
        for rd in additional_content_directories

    # First walk all rules under the product. These have higher priority than any
    # out-of-tree SCE checks.
    for _dir_path in find_rule_dirs_in_paths([guide_dir] + add_content_dirs):
        rule_id = get_rule_dir_id(_dir_path)

        rule_path = os.path.join(_dir_path, "rule.yml")
            rule = Rule.from_yaml(rule_path, env_yaml)
        except DocumentationNotComplete:
            # Happens on non-debug builds when a rule isn't yet completed. We
            # don't want to build the SCE check for this rule yet so skip it
            # and move on.

        local_env_yaml['rule_id'] = rule.id_
        local_env_yaml['rule_title'] = rule.title
        local_env_yaml['products'] = {product}

        for _path in get_rule_dir_sces(_dir_path, product):
            # To be compatible with later checks, use the rule_id (i.e., the
            # value of _dir) to recreate the expected filename if this OVAL
            # was in a rule directory. However, note that unlike
            # build_oval.checks(...), we have to get this script's extension
            # first.
            _, ext = os.path.splitext(_path)
            filename = "{0}{1}".format(rule_id, ext)

            sce_content, metadata = load_sce_and_metadata(_path, local_env_yaml)
            metadata['filename'] = filename

            if not _check_is_applicable_for_product(metadata, product):
            if _check_is_loaded(already_loaded, rule_id):

            with open(os.path.join(output, filename), 'w') as output_file:
                print(sce_content, file=output_file)

            included_checks_count += 1
            already_loaded[rule_id] = metadata

        if rule.template:
            langs = template_builder.get_resolved_langs_to_generate(rule)
            if 'sce-bash' in langs:
                # Here we know the specified rule has a template and this
                # template actually generates (bash) SCE content. We
                # prioritize bespoke SCE content over templated content,
                # however, while we add this to our metadata, we do not
                # bother (yet!) with generating the SCE content. This is done
                # at a later time by build-scripts/
                if _check_is_loaded(already_loaded, rule_id):

                # While we don't _write_ it, we still need to parse SCE
                # metadata from the templated content. Render it internally.
                raw_sce_content = template_builder.get_lang_contents_for_templatable(
                    rule, langs['sce-bash']

                ext = '.sh'
                filename = rule_id + ext

                # Load metadata and infer correct file name.
                sce_content, metadata = load_sce_and_metadata_parsed(raw_sce_content)
                metadata['filename'] = filename

                # Skip the check if it isn't applicable for this product.
                if not _check_is_applicable_for_product(metadata, product):

                with open(os.path.join(output, filename), 'w') as output_file:
                    print(sce_content, file=output_file)

                # Finally, include it in our loaded content
                included_checks_count += 1
                already_loaded[rule_id] = metadata

    # Finally take any shared SCE checks and build them as well. Note that
    # there's no way for shorthand generation to include them if they do NOT
    # align with a particular rule_id, so it is suggested that the former
    # method be used.
    for sce_dir in reversed_dirs:
        if not os.path.isdir(sce_dir):

        for filename in sorted(os.listdir(sce_dir)):
            rule_id, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)

            sce_content, metadata = load_sce_and_metadata(filename, env_yaml)
            metadata['filename'] = filename

            if not _check_is_applicable_for_product(metadata, product):
            if _check_is_loaded(already_loaded, rule_id):

            with open(os.path.join(output, filename), 'w') as output_file:
                print(sce_content, file=output_file)

            included_checks_count += 1
            already_loaded[rule_id] = metadata

    # Finally, write out our metadata to disk so that we can reference it in
    # later build stages (such as during building shorthand content).
    metadata_path = os.path.join(output, 'metadata.json')
    json.dump(already_loaded, open(metadata_path, 'w'))

    return already_loaded

# Retrieve the SCE checks and return a list of path to each check script.
def collect_sce_checks(datastreamtree):
    checklists = datastreamtree.find(
        ".//{%s}checklists" % datastream_namespace)
    checklists_component_ref = checklists.find(
        "{%s}component-ref" % datastream_namespace)
    # The component ID is the component-ref href without leading '#'
    checklist_component_id = checklists_component_ref.get('{%s}href' % xlink_namespace)[1:]

    checks_xpath = str.format(

    checks = datastreamtree.findall(checks_xpath)
    # Extract the file paths of the SCE checks
    return [check.get('href') for check in checks]