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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import yaml
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy

from ssg.yaml import yaml_Dumper

from ..xml import ElementTree as ET, add_xhtml_namespace
from ..yaml import DocumentationNotComplete, open_and_macro_expand
from ..shims import unicode_func

from ..constants import (

def extract_reference_from_product_specific_label(items_dict, full_label, value, allow_overwrites):
    label = full_label.split("@")[0]

    if label in GLOBAL_REFERENCES:
        msg = (
            "You cannot use product-qualified for the '{item_u}' reference. "
            "Please remove the product-qualifier and merge values with the "
            "existing reference if there is any. Original line: {item_q}: {value_q}"
            .format(item_u=label, item_q=full_label, value_q=value)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not allow_overwrites and label in items_dict and value != items_dict[label]:
        msg = (
            "There is a product-qualified '{item_q}' item, "
            "but also an unqualified '{item_u}' item "
            "and those two differ in value - "
            "'{value_q}' vs '{value_u}' respectively."
            .format(item_q=full_label, item_u=label,
                    value_q=value, value_u=items_dict[label])
        raise ValueError(msg)

    return label

def make_items_product_specific(items_dict, product_suffix, allow_overwrites=False):
    Function will normalize dictionary values for a specific product, by either
    removing product qualifier from the key (reference@product: value -> reference: value),
    or by dropping irrelevant entries (reference@other_product: value).

    Qualified entries always take precedence over generic ones.

    In case when `allow_overwrites` is set to False even qualified entry won't be allowed
    to replace generic one and Exception will be thrown.

    :param items_dict: Input dictionary.
    :param product_suffix: The product to be normalized against.
    :param allow_overwrites: Controls if the function should replace value from a non-qualified
                             label with a qualified one.
    :return: New, normalized dictionary.
    new_items = dict()
    for full_label, value in items_dict.items():
        if "@" not in full_label:
            # Current full_label is a generic reference, and we should NEVER overwrite an entry
            # that came from a product-qualified reference earlier.
            if full_label not in new_items:
                new_items[full_label] = value

        # This procedure should occur before matching product_suffix with the product qualifier
        # present in the reference, so it catches problems even for products that are not
        # being built at the moment
        label = extract_reference_from_product_specific_label(items_dict, full_label, value,

        if not full_label.endswith(product_suffix):

        new_items[label] = value
    return new_items

def add_sub_element(parent, tag, ns, data):
    Creates a new child element under parent with tag tag, and sets
    data as the content under the tag. In particular, data is a string
    to be parsed as an XML tree, allowing sub-elements of children to be

    If data should not be parsed as an XML tree, either escape the contents
    before passing into this function, or use ElementTree.SubElement().

    Returns the newly created subelement of type tag.
    namespaced_data = add_xhtml_namespace(data)
    # This is used because our YAML data contain XML and XHTML elements
    # ET.SubElement() escapes the < > characters by &lt; and &gt;
    # and therefore it does not add child elements
    # we need to do a hack instead
    # TODO: Remove this function after we move to Markdown everywhere in SSG
    ustr = unicode_func('<{0} xmlns="{3}" xmlns:xhtml="{2}">{1}</{0}>').format(
        tag, namespaced_data, xhtml_namespace, ns)

        element = ET.fromstring(ustr.encode("utf-8"))
    except Exception:
        msg = ("Error adding subelement to an element '{0}' from string: '{1}'"
               .format(parent.tag, ustr))
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # Apart from HTML and XML elements the rule descriptions and similar
    # also contain <xccdf:sub> elements, where we need to add the prefix
    # to create a full reference.
    for x in element.findall(".//{%s}sub" % XCCDF12_NS):
        x.set("idref", OSCAP_VALUE + x.get("idref"))
        x.set("use", "legacy")
    return element

def derive_id_from_file_name(filename):
    return os.path.splitext(filename)[0]

def dump_yaml_preferably_in_original_order(dictionary, file_object):
        return yaml.dump(dictionary, file_object, indent=4, sort_keys=False,
    except TypeError as exc:
        # Older versions of libyaml don't understand the sort_keys kwarg
        if "sort_keys" not in str(exc):
            raise exc
        return yaml.dump(dictionary, file_object, indent=4, Dumper=yaml_Dumper)

class XCCDFEntity(object):
    This class can load itself from a YAML with Jinja macros,
    and it can also save itself to YAML.

    It is supposed to work with the content in the project,
    when entities are defined in the benchmark tree,
    and they are compiled into flat YAMLs to the build directory.
    KEYS = dict(
            id_=lambda: "",
            title=lambda: "",
            definition_location=lambda: "",

    MANDATORY_KEYS = set()


    ID_LABEL = "id"

    def __init__(self, id_):
        super(XCCDFEntity, self).__init__()
        self.id_ = id_

    def _assign_defaults(self):
        for key, default in self.KEYS.items():
            default_val = default()
            if isinstance(default_val, RuntimeError):
                default_val = None
            setattr(self, key, default_val)

    def get_instance_from_full_dict(cls, data):
        Given a defining dictionary, produce an instance
        by treating all dict elements as attributes.

        Extend this if you want tight control over the instance creation process.
        entity = cls(data["id_"])
        for key, value in data.items():
            setattr(entity, key, value)
        return entity

    def process_input_dict(cls, input_contents, env_yaml, product_cpes=None):
        Take the contents of the definition as a dictionary, and
        add defaults or raise errors if a required member is not present.

        Extend this if you want to add, remove or alter the result
        that will constitute the new instance.
        data = dict()

        # Lets keep a list of the initial keys for alternative comparison
        initial_input_keys = input_contents.keys()
        for key, default in cls.KEYS.items():
            if key in input_contents:
                if input_contents[key] is not None:
                    data[key] = input_contents[key]
                del input_contents[key]

            if key not in cls.MANDATORY_KEYS:
                data[key] = cls.KEYS[key]()
            elif key in cls.ALTERNATIVE_KEYS:
                if cls.ALTERNATIVE_KEYS[key] in initial_input_keys:
                    data[key] = cls.KEYS[key]()
                msg = (
                    "Key '{key}' is mandatory for definition of '{class_name}'."
                    .format(key=key, class_name=cls.__name__))
                raise ValueError(msg)

        return data

    def parse_yaml_into_processed_dict(cls, yaml_file, env_yaml=None, product_cpes=None):
        Given yaml filename and environment info, produce a dictionary
        that defines the instance to be created.
        This wraps :meth:`process_input_dict` and it adds generic keys on the top:

        - `id_` as the entity ID that is deduced either from the file name,
          or from the parent directory name.
        - `definition_location` is the original location where the entity got defined.
        file_basename = os.path.basename(yaml_file)
        entity_id = derive_id_from_file_name(file_basename)
        if file_basename == cls.GENERIC_FILENAME:
            entity_id = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(yaml_file))

        if env_yaml:
            env_yaml[cls.ID_LABEL] = entity_id
        yaml_data = open_and_macro_expand(yaml_file, env_yaml)

            processed_data = cls.process_input_dict(yaml_data, env_yaml, product_cpes)
        except ValueError as exc:
            msg = (
                "Error processing {yaml_file}: {exc}"
                .format(yaml_file=yaml_file, exc=str(exc)))
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if yaml_data:
            msg = (
                "Unparsed YAML data in '{yaml_file}': {keys}"
                .format(yaml_file=yaml_file, keys=list(yaml_data.keys())))
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        if not processed_data.get("definition_location", ""):
            processed_data["definition_location"] = yaml_file

        processed_data["id_"] = entity_id

        return processed_data

    def from_yaml(cls, yaml_file, env_yaml=None, product_cpes=None):
        yaml_file = os.path.normpath(yaml_file)

        local_env_yaml = None
        if env_yaml:
            local_env_yaml = dict()

            data_dict = cls.parse_yaml_into_processed_dict(yaml_file, local_env_yaml, product_cpes)
        except DocumentationNotComplete as exc:
        except Exception as exc:
            msg = (
                "Error loading a {class_name} from {filename}: {error}"
                .format(class_name=cls.__name__, filename=yaml_file, error=str(exc)))
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        result = cls.get_instance_from_full_dict(data_dict)

        return result

    def represent_as_dict(self):
        Produce a dict representation of the class.

        Extend this method if you need the representation to be different from the object.
        data = dict()
        for key in self.KEYS:
            value = getattr(self, key)
            if value or True:
                data[key] = getattr(self, key)
        if "id_" in data:
            del data["id_"]
        return data

    def dump_yaml(self, file_name, documentation_complete=True):
        to_dump = self.represent_as_dict()
        to_dump["documentation_complete"] = documentation_complete
        with open(file_name, "w+") as f:
            dump_yaml_preferably_in_original_order(to_dump, f)

    def to_xml_element(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def to_file(self, file_name):
        root = self.to_xml_element()
        tree = ET.ElementTree(root)

    def _update_not_included_components(group, rule_ids_list, variables_ids_list, out_sets):
        rules_, groups_, variables_ = group.get_not_included_components(
                rule_ids_list, variables_ids_list

class SelectionHandler(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.refine_rules = defaultdict(list)
        self.variables = dict()
        self.unselected = []
        self.unselected_groups = []
        self.selected = []

    def selections(self):
        selections = []
        for item in self.selected:
        for item in self.unselected:
        for varname in self.variables.keys():
        for rule, refinements in self.refine_rules.items():
            for prop, val in refinements:
                                  .format(rule=rule, property=prop, value=val))
        return selections

    def selections(self, entries):
        for item in entries:

    def apply_selection(self, item):
        if "." in item:
            rule, refinement = item.split(".", 1)
            property_, value = refinement.split("=", 1)
            if property_ not in XCCDF_REFINABLE_PROPERTIES:
                msg = ("Property '{property_}' cannot be refined. "
                       "Rule properties that can be refined are {refinables}. "
                       "Fix refinement '{rule_id}.{property_}={value}' in profile '{profile}'."
                       .format(property_=property_, refinables=XCCDF_REFINABLE_PROPERTIES,
                               rule_id=rule, value=value, profile=self.id_)
                raise ValueError(msg)
            self.refine_rules[rule].append((property_, value))
        elif "=" in item:
            varname, value = item.split("=", 1)
            self.variables[varname] = value
        elif item.startswith("!"):

    def _subtract_refinements(self, extended_refinements):
        Given a dict of rule refinements from the extended profile,
        "undo" every refinement prefixed with '!' in this profile.
        for rule, refinements in list(self.refine_rules.items()):
            if rule.startswith("!"):
                for prop, val in refinements:
                    extended_refinements[rule[1:]].remove((prop, val))
                del self.refine_rules[rule]
        return extended_refinements

    def update_with(self, rhs):
        extended_selects = set(rhs.selected)
        extra_selections = extended_selects.difference(set(self.selected))

        updated_variables = dict(rhs.variables)
        self.variables = updated_variables

        extended_refinements = deepcopy(rhs.refine_rules)
        updated_refinements = self._subtract_refinements(extended_refinements)
        self.refine_rules = updated_refinements

class Templatable(object):
    The Templatable is a mix-in sidekick for XCCDFEntity-based classes
    that have templates. It contains methods used by the template Builder

    Methods `get_template_context` and `get_template_vars` are subject for
    overloading by XCCDFEntity subclasses that want to customize template

    KEYS = dict(
        template=lambda: None,

    def __init__(self):

    def is_templated(self):
        return isinstance(self.template, dict)

    def get_template_name(self):
        if not self.is_templated():
            return None
            return self.template["name"]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Templatable {0} is missing template name under template key".format(self))

    def get_template_context(self, env_yaml):
        # TODO: The first two variables, 'rule_id' and 'rule_title' are expected by some
        #       templates and macros even if they are not rendered in a rule context.
        #       Better name for these variables are 'entity_id' and 'entity_title'.
        return {
            "rule_id": self.id_,
            "rule_title": self.title,
            "products": env_yaml["product"],

    def get_template_vars(self, env_yaml):
        if "vars" not in self.template:
            raise ValueError(
                "Templatable {0} does not contain mandatory 'vars:' key under "
                "'template:' key.".format(self))
        template_vars = self.template["vars"]

        # Add the rule ID which will be used in template preprocessors (
        # as a unique sub-element for a variety of composite IDs.
        # TODO: The name _rule_id is a legacy from the era when rule was the only
        #       context for a template. Preprocessors implicitly depend on this name.
        #       A better name is '_entity_id' (as in XCCDF Entity).
        template_vars["_rule_id"] = self.id_

        return make_items_product_specific(template_vars, env_yaml["product"],

    def extract_configured_backend_lang(self, avail_langs):
        Returns list of languages that should be generated
        based on the Templatable's template option `template.backends`.
        if not self.is_templated():
            return []

        if "backends" in self.template:
            backends = self.template["backends"]
            for lang in backends:
                if lang not in avail_langs:
                    raise RuntimeError("Templatable {0} wants to generate unknown language '{1}"
                                       .format(self, lang))
            return [lang for name, lang in avail_langs.items() if backends.get(name, "on") == "on"]

        return avail_langs.values()

    def make_template_product_specific(self, product):
        if not self.is_templated():

        product_suffix = "@{0}".format(product)

        not_specific_vars = self.template.get("vars", dict())
        specific_vars = make_items_product_specific(
            not_specific_vars, product_suffix, True)
        self.template["vars"] = specific_vars

        not_specific_backends = self.template.get("backends", dict())
        specific_backends = make_items_product_specific(
            not_specific_backends, product_suffix, True)
        self.template["backends"] = specific_backends