This module contains common code shared by utils/ and
utils/ This code includes functions for walking the output
of the utils/ script, and filtering functions used in both
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from .build_remediations import REMEDIATION_TO_EXT_MAP as REMEDIATION_MAP
from .utils import subset_dict
def get_affected_products(rule_obj):
From a rule_obj, return the set of affected products from rule.yml
return set(rule_obj['products'])
def get_all_affected_products(args, rule_obj):
From a rule_obj, return the set of affected products from rule.yml, and
all fixes and checks.
If args.strict is set, this function is equivalent to
get_affected_products. Otherwise, it includes ovals and fix content based
on the values of args.fixes_only and args.ovals_only.
affected_products = get_affected_products(rule_obj)
if args.strict:
return affected_products
if not args.fixes_only:
for product in rule_obj['oval_products']:
if not args.ovals_only:
for product in rule_obj['remediation_products']:
return affected_products
def _walk_rule(args, rule_obj, oval_func, remediation_func, verbose_output):
Walks a single rule and updates verbose_output if visited. Returns visited
state as a boolean.
Internal function for walk_rules and walk_rules_parallel.
rule_id = rule_obj['id']
affected_products = get_all_affected_products(args, rule_obj)
if not affected_products.intersection(args.products):
return False
if args.query and rule_id not in args.query:
return False
if not args.fixes_only:
result = oval_func(rule_obj)
if result:
verbose_output[rule_id]['oval'] = result
if not args.ovals_only:
for r_type in REMEDIATION_MAP:
result = remediation_func(rule_obj, r_type)
if result:
verbose_output[rule_id][r_type] = result
return True
def walk_rules(args, known_rules, oval_func, remediation_func):
Walk a dictionary of known_rules, returning the number of visited rules
and the output at each visited rule, conditionally calling oval_func and
remediation_func based on the values of args.fixes_only and
args.ovals_only. If the result of these functions are not Falsy, set the
appropriate output content.
The input rule_obj structure is the value of known_rules[rule_id].
The output structure is a dict as follows::
rule_id: {
"oval": oval_func(args, rule_obj),
"ansible": remediation_func(args, "ansible", rule_obj),
"anaconda": remediation_func(args, "anaconda", rule_obj),
"bash": remediation_func(args, "bash", rule_obj),
"puppet": remediation_func(args, "puppet", rule_obj)
The arguments supplied to oval_func are args and rule_obj.
The arguments supplied to remediation_func are args, the remediation type,
and rule_obj.
affected_rules = 0
verbose_output = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None))
for rule_id in known_rules:
rule_obj = known_rules[rule_id]
if _walk_rule(args, rule_obj, oval_func, remediation_func, verbose_output):
affected_rules += 1
return affected_rules, verbose_output
def walk_rule_stats(rule_output):
Walk the output of a rule, generating statistics about affected
ovals, remediations, and generating verbose output in a stable order.
Returns a tuple of (affected_ovals, affected_remediations,
all_affected_remediations, affected_remediations_type, all_output)
affected_ovals = 0
affected_remediations = 0
all_affected_remediations = 0
affected_remediations_type = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
all_output = []
affected_remediation = False
all_remedation = True
if 'oval' in rule_output:
affected_ovals += 1
for r_type in sorted(REMEDIATION_MAP):
if r_type in rule_output:
affected_remediation = True
affected_remediations_type[r_type] += 1
all_remedation = False
if affected_remediation:
affected_remediations += 1
if all_remedation:
all_affected_remediations += 1
return (affected_ovals, affected_remediations, all_affected_remediations,
affected_remediations_type, all_output)
def walk_rules_stats(args, known_rules, oval_func, remediation_func):
Walk a dictionary of known_rules and generate simple aggregate statistics
for all visited rules. The oval_func and remediation_func arguments behave
according to walk_rules().
Returned values are visited_rules, affected_ovals, affected_remediation,
a dictionary containing all fix types and the quantity of affected fixes,
and the ordered output of all functions.
An effort is made to provide consistently ordered verbose_output by
sorting all visited keys and the keys of
affected_rules, verbose_output = walk_rules(args, known_rules, oval_func, remediation_func)
affected_ovals = 0
affected_remediations = 0
all_affected_remediations = 0
affected_remediations_type = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
all_output = []
for rule_id in sorted(verbose_output):
rule_output = verbose_output[rule_id]
results = walk_rule_stats(rule_output)
affected_ovals += results[0]
affected_remediations += results[1]
all_affected_remediations += results[2]
for key in results[3]:
affected_remediations_type[key] += results[3][key]
return (affected_rules, affected_ovals, affected_remediations,
all_affected_remediations, affected_remediations_type, all_output)
def walk_rules_parallel(args, left_rules, right_rules, oval_func, remediation_func):
Walks two sets of known_rules (left_rules and right_rules) with identical
keys and returns left_only, right_only, and common_only output from
_walk_rule. If the outputted data for a rule when called on left_rules and
right_rules is the same, it is added to common_only. Only rules which
output different data will have their data added to left_only and
right_only respectively.
Can assert.
left_affected_rules = 0
right_affected_rules = 0
common_affected_rules = 0
left_verbose_output = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None))
right_verbose_output = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None))
common_verbose_output = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None))
assert set(left_rules) == set(right_rules)
for rule_id in left_rules:
left_rule_obj = left_rules[rule_id]
right_rule_obj = right_rules[rule_id]
if left_rule_obj == right_rule_obj:
if _walk_rule(args, left_rule_obj, oval_func, remediation_func, common_verbose_output):
common_affected_rules += 1
left_temp = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None))
right_temp = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None))
left_ret = _walk_rule(args, left_rule_obj, oval_func, remediation_func, left_temp)
right_ret = _walk_rule(args, right_rule_obj, oval_func, remediation_func, right_temp)
if left_ret == right_ret and left_temp == right_temp:
if left_ret:
common_affected_rules += 1
if left_ret:
left_affected_rules += 1
if right_ret:
right_affected_rules += 1
left_only = (left_affected_rules, left_verbose_output)
right_only = (right_affected_rules, right_verbose_output)
common_only = (common_affected_rules, common_verbose_output)
return left_only, right_only, common_only
def walk_rules_diff(args, left_rules, right_rules, oval_func, remediation_func):
Walk a two dictionary of known_rules (left_rules and right_rules) and generate
five sets of output: left_only rules output, right_only rules output,
shared left output, shared right output, and shared common output, as a
five-tuple, where each tuple element is equivalent to walk_rules on the
appropriate set of rules.
Does not understand renaming of rule_ids as this would depend on disk
content to reflect these differences. Unless significantly more data is
added to the rule_obj structure (contents of rule.yml, ovals,
remediations, etc.), all information besides 'title' is not uniquely
identifying or could be easily updated.
left_rule_ids = set(left_rules)
right_rule_ids = set(right_rules)
left_only_rule_ids = left_rule_ids.difference(right_rule_ids)
right_only_rule_ids = right_rule_ids.difference(left_rule_ids)
common_rule_ids = left_rule_ids.intersection(right_rule_ids)
left_restricted = subset_dict(left_rules, left_only_rule_ids)
left_common = subset_dict(left_rules, common_rule_ids)
right_restricted = subset_dict(right_rules, right_only_rule_ids)
right_common = subset_dict(right_rules, common_rule_ids)
left_only_data = walk_rules(args, left_restricted, oval_func, remediation_func)
right_only_data = walk_rules(args, right_restricted, oval_func, remediation_func)
l_c_d, r_c_d, c_d = walk_rules_parallel(args, left_common, right_common,
oval_func, remediation_func)
left_changed_data = l_c_d
right_changed_data = r_c_d
common_data = c_d
return (left_only_data, right_only_data, left_changed_data, right_changed_data, common_data)
def walk_rules_diff_stats(results):
Takes the results of walk_rules_diff (results) and generates five sets of
output statistics: left_only rules output, right_only rules output,
shared left output, shared right output, and shared common output, as a
five-tuple, where each tuple element is equivalent to walk_rules_stats on
the appropriate set of rules.
Can assert.
assert len(results) == 5
output_data = []
for data in results:
affected_rules, verbose_output = data
affected_ovals = 0
affected_remediations = 0
all_affected_remediations = 0
affected_remediations_type = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
all_output = []
for rule_id in sorted(verbose_output):
rule_output = verbose_output[rule_id]
_results = walk_rule_stats(rule_output)
affected_ovals += _results[0]
affected_remediations += _results[1]
all_affected_remediations += _results[2]
for key in _results[3]:
affected_remediations_type[key] += _results[3][key]
output_data.append((affected_rules, affected_ovals,
affected_remediations, all_affected_remediations,
affected_remediations_type, all_output))
assert len(output_data) == 5
return tuple(output_data)
def filter_rule_ids(all_keys, queries):
From a set of queries (a comma separated list of queries, where a query is either a
rule id or a substring thereof), return the set of matching keys from all_keys. When
queries is the literal string "all", return all of the keys.
if not queries:
return set()
if queries == 'all':
return set(all_keys)
# We assume that all_keys is much longer than queries; this allows us to do
# len(all_keys) iterations of size len(query_parts) instead of len(query_parts)
# queries of size len(all_keys) -- which hopefully should be a faster data access
# pattern due to caches but in reality shouldn't matter. Note that we have to iterate
# over the keys in all_keys either way, because we wish to check whether query is a
# substring of a key, not whether query is a key.
# This does have the side-effect of not having the results be ordered according to
# their order in query_parts, so we instead, we intentionally discard order by using
# a set. This also guarantees that our results are unique.
results = set()
query_parts = queries.split(',')
for key in all_keys:
for query in query_parts:
if query in key:
return results
def missing_oval(rule_obj):
For a rule object, check if it is missing an oval.
rule_id = rule_obj['id']
check = len(rule_obj['ovals']) > 0
if not check:
return "\trule_id:%s is missing all OVALs" % rule_id
def missing_remediation(rule_obj, r_type):
For a rule object, check if it is missing a remediation of type r_type.
rule_id = rule_obj['id']
check = (r_type in rule_obj['remediations'] and
len(rule_obj['remediations'][r_type]) > 0)
if not check:
return "\trule_id:%s is missing %s remediations" % (rule_id, r_type)
def two_plus_oval(rule_obj):
For a rule object, check if it has two or more OVALs.
rule_id = rule_obj['id']
check = len(rule_obj['ovals']) >= 2
if check:
return "\trule_id:%s has two or more OVALs: %s" % (rule_id, ','.join(rule_obj['ovals']))
def two_plus_remediation(rule_obj, r_type):
For a rule object, check if it has two or more remediations of type r_type.
rule_id = rule_obj['id']
check = (r_type in rule_obj['remediations'] and
len(rule_obj['remediations'][r_type]) >= 2)
if check:
return "\trule_id:%s has two or more %s remediations: %s" % \
(rule_id, r_type, ','.join(rule_obj['remediations'][r_type]))
def product_names_oval(rule_obj):
For a rule_obj, check the scope of the platforms versus the product name
of the OVAL objects.
rule_id = rule_obj['id']
for oval_name in rule_obj['ovals']:
if oval_name == "shared.xml":
oval_product, _ = os.path.splitext(oval_name)
for product in rule_obj['ovals'][oval_name]['products']:
if product != oval_product:
return "\trule_id:%s has a different product and OVALs names: %s is not %s" % \
(rule_id, product, oval_product)
def product_names_remediation(rule_obj, r_type):
For a rule_obj, check the scope of the platforms versus the product name
of the remediations of type r_type.
rule_id = rule_obj['id']
for r_name in rule_obj['remediations'][r_type]:
r_product, _ = os.path.splitext(r_name)
if r_product == "shared":
for product in rule_obj['remediations'][r_type][r_name]['products']:
if product != r_product:
return "\trule_id:%s has a different product and %s remediation names: %s is not %s" % \
(rule_id, r_type, product, r_product)