import json
import collections
import re
import argparse
from ssg_test_suite import common
class Difference(object):
def __init__(self, what_failed, why_failed, what_not_failed):
self.what_failed = what_failed
self.why_failed = why_failed
self.what_not_failed = what_not_failed
def __str__(self):
ret = ("failed {failed_stage}\n\t\tfailed on {failed_config}\n\t\tpassed on {good_config}"
failed_stage=self.why_failed, failed_config=self.what_failed,
return ret
def aggregate_results_by_scenarios(rule_results):
aggregated = collections.defaultdict(list)
for result in rule_results:
return aggregated
def analyze_differences(rules):
rules = sorted(rules)
# For the time being, support only comparison of two results -
# compare the best one and the worst one
return analyze_pair(rules[0], rules[-1])
def analyze_pair(best, other):
if best == other:
return None
if other.passed_stages_count < common.Stage.PREPARATION:
failure_string = "preparation"
elif other.passed_stages_count < common.Stage.INITIAL_SCAN:
failure_string = "initial scan"
elif other.passed_stages_count < common.Stage.REMEDIATION:
failure_string = "remediation"
failure_string = "final scan"
good_conditions, bad_conditions = best.relative_conditions_to(other)
return Difference(bad_conditions, failure_string, good_conditions)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("json_results", nargs="+")
return parser.parse_args()
def print_result_differences(json_results):
results = [json.load(open(fname, "r")) for fname in json_results]
rules = [common.RuleResult(r) for r in sum(results, [])]
aggregated_results = aggregate_results_by_scenarios(rules)
# Number of scenarios that ended the same way
# despite testing conditions may have been different.
rules_that_ended_same = 0
# Number of scenarios that succeeded regardless of different conditions
rules_that_ended_by_success = 0
differences = []
for scenario, results in aggregated_results.items():
if len(results) < 2:
if results[0].success:
rules_that_ended_by_success += 1
# At most one scenario => no difference analysis is applicable.
difference = analyze_differences(results)
if difference:
rule_stem = re.sub("xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_(.+)", r"\1", scenario.rule_id)
assert len(rule_stem) < len(scenario.rule_id), (
"The rule ID '{rule_id}' has a strange form, as it doesn't have "
"the common rule prefix.".format(rule_id=scenario.rule_id))
msg = ("{scenario} in {rule_stem}: {diff}"
.format(scenario=scenario.script, rule_stem=rule_stem, diff=difference))
rules_that_ended_same += 1
if results[0].success:
rules_that_ended_by_success += 1
msg = ("Analyzed {total_count} scenarios. Of those,\n"
"\t{same_count} ended the same,\n\t{success_count} were a success.\n\n"
"{different_count} ended differently:"
.format(total_count=len(aggregated_results), same_count=rules_that_ended_same,
success_count=rules_that_ended_by_success, different_count=len(differences)))
for d in differences:
print("\t" + d)
return len(aggregated_results) == rules_that_ended_by_success
def main():
args = parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":