from __future__ import print_function
import functools
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time
from collections import namedtuple
import ssg.yaml
from ssg.build_cpe import ProductCPEs
from ssg.build_yaml import Rule as RuleYAML
from ssg.constants import MULTI_PLATFORM_MAPPING
from ssg.constants import FULL_NAME_TO_PRODUCT_MAPPING
from ssg.constants import OSCAP_RULE
from ssg.jinja import process_file_with_macros
from ssg.products import product_yaml_path, load_product_yaml
from ssg.rules import get_rule_dir_yaml, is_rule_dir
from ssg.utils import mkdir_p
from ssg_test_suite.log import LogHelper
import ssg.templates
Scenario_run = namedtuple(
("rule_id", "script"))
Scenario_conditions = namedtuple(
("backend", "scanning_mode", "remediated_by", "datastream"))
SSG_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'))
os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, 'linux_os', 'guide')),
os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, 'applications')),
_SHARED_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../shared'))
_SHARED_TEMPLATES = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, 'shared/templates'))
REMOTE_USER = "root"
SSH_ADDITIONAL_OPTS = tuple(os.environ.get('SSH_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS').split())
except AttributeError:
# If SSH_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS is not defined set it to empty tuple.
"-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
"-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null",
TESTS_CONFIG_NAME = "test_config.yml"
def walk_through_benchmark_dirs(product=None):
directories = _BENCHMARK_DIRS
if product is not None:
yaml_path = product_yaml_path(SSG_ROOT, product)
product_base = os.path.dirname(yaml_path)
product_yaml = load_product_yaml(yaml_path)
benchmark_root = os.path.join(product_base, product_yaml['benchmark_root'])
directories = [os.path.abspath(benchmark_root)]
for dirname in directories:
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
yield dirpath, dirnames, filenames
class Stage(object):
NONE = 0
class RuleResult(object):
Result of a test suite testing rule under a scenario.
Supports ordering by success - the most successful run orders first.
def __init__(self, result_dict=None):
self.scenario = Scenario_run("", "")
self.conditions = Scenario_conditions("", "", "", "")
self.when = ""
self.passed_stages = dict()
self.passed_stages_count = 0
self.success = False
if result_dict:
def load_from_dict(self, data):
self.scenario = Scenario_run(data["rule_id"], data["scenario_script"])
self.conditions = Scenario_conditions(
data["backend"], data["scanning_mode"],
data["remediated_by"], data["datastream"])
self.when = data["run_timestamp"]
self.passed_stages = {key: data[key] for key in self.STAGE_STRINGS if key in data}
self.passed_stages_count = sum(self.passed_stages.values())
self.success = data.get("final_scan", False)
if not self.success:
self.success = (
"remediation" not in data
and data.get("initial_scan", False))
def save_to_dict(self):
data = dict()
data["rule_id"] = self.scenario.rule_id
data["scenario_script"] = self.scenario.script
data["backend"] = self.conditions.backend
data["scanning_mode"] = self.conditions.scanning_mode
data["remediated_by"] = self.conditions.remediated_by
data["datastream"] = self.conditions.datastream
data["run_timestamp"] = self.when
for stage_str, result in self.passed_stages.items():
data[stage_str] = result
return data
def record_stage_result(self, stage, successful):
assert stage in self.STAGE_STRINGS, (
"Stage name {name} is invalid, choose one from {choices}"
.format(name=stage, choices=", ".join(self.STAGE_STRINGS))
self.passed_stages[stage] = successful
def relative_conditions_to(self, other):
if self.conditions == other.conditions:
return self.when, other.when
return tuple(self.conditions), tuple(other.conditions)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.success == other.success
and tuple(self.passed_stages) == tuple(other.passed_stages))
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.passed_stages_count > other.passed_stages_count
def run_cmd_local(command, verbose_path, env=None):
command_string = ' '.join(command)
logging.debug('Running {}'.format(command_string))
returncode, output = _run_cmd(command, verbose_path, env)
return returncode, output
def _run_cmd(command_list, verbose_path, env=None):
returncode = 0
output = b""
with open(verbose_path, 'w') as verbose_file:
output = subprocess.check_output(
command_list, stderr=verbose_file, env=env)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
returncode = e.returncode
output = e.output
return returncode, output.decode('utf-8')
def _get_platform_cpes(platform):
ssg_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
if platform.startswith("multi_platform_"):
products = MULTI_PLATFORM_MAPPING[platform]
except KeyError:
"Unknown multi_platform specifier: %s is not from %s"
% (platform, ", ".join(MULTI_PLATFORM_MAPPING.keys())))
raise ValueError
platform_cpes = set()
for p in products:
product_yaml_path = os.path.join(ssg_root, "products", p, "product.yml")
product_yaml = load_product_yaml(product_yaml_path)
p_cpes = ProductCPEs()
platform_cpes |= set(p_cpes.get_product_cpe_names())
return platform_cpes
# scenario platform is specified by a full product name
product = FULL_NAME_TO_PRODUCT_MAPPING[platform]
except KeyError:
"Unknown product name: %s is not from %s"
% (platform, ", ".join(FULL_NAME_TO_PRODUCT_MAPPING.keys())))
raise ValueError
product_yaml_path = os.path.join(ssg_root, "products", product, "product.yml")
product_yaml = load_product_yaml(product_yaml_path)
product_cpes = ProductCPEs()
platform_cpes = set(product_cpes.get_product_cpe_names())
return platform_cpes
def matches_platform(scenario_platforms, benchmark_cpes):
if "multi_platform_all" in scenario_platforms:
return True
scenario_cpes = set()
for p in scenario_platforms:
scenario_cpes |= _get_platform_cpes(p)
return len(scenario_cpes & benchmark_cpes) > 0
def run_with_stdout_logging(command, args, log_file):
log_file.write("{0} {1}\n".format(command, " ".join(args)))
result = subprocess.run(
(command,) + args, encoding="utf-8", stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False)
if result.stdout:
log_file.write("STDOUT: ")
if result.stderr:
log_file.write("STDERR: ")
return result
def _exclude_garbage(tarinfo):
file_name = tarinfo.name
if file_name.endswith('pyc'):
return None
if file_name.endswith('swp'):
return None
return tarinfo
def _make_file_root_owned(tarinfo):
if tarinfo:
tarinfo.uid = 0
tarinfo.gid = 0
# set permission to 775
tarinfo.mode = 509
return tarinfo
def get_product_context(product_id=None):
Returns a product YAML context if any product is specified. Hard-coded to
assume a debug build.
# Load product's YAML file if present. This will allow us to parse
# tests in the context of the product we're executing under.
product_yaml = dict()
if product_id:
product = load_product_yaml(product_yaml_path(SSG_ROOT, product_id))
product_properties_path = os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, "product_properties")
# We could run into a DocumentationNotComplete error when loading a
# rule's YAML contents. However, because the test suite isn't executed
# in the context of a particular build (though, ideally it would be
# linked), we may not know exactly whether the top-level rule/profile
# we're testing is actually completed. Thus, forcibly set the required
# property to bypass this error.
product_yaml['cmake_build_type'] = 'Debug'
# Set the Jinja processing environment to Test Suite,
# this allows Jinja macros to behave differently in a content build time and in a test time.
product_yaml['SSG_TEST_SUITE_ENV'] = True
return product_yaml
def load_rule_and_env(rule_dir_path, env_yaml, product=None):
Loads a rule and returns the combination of the RuleYAML class and
the corresponding local environment for that rule.
# First build the path to the rule.yml file
rule_path = get_rule_dir_yaml(rule_dir_path)
# Load rule content in our environment. We use this to satisfy
# some implied properties that might be used in the test suite.
# Make sure we normalize to a specific product as well so that
# when we load templated content it is correct.
rule = RuleYAML.from_yaml(rule_path, env_yaml)
# Our local copy of env_yaml needs some properties from rule.yml
# for completeness.
local_env_yaml = dict()
local_env_yaml['rule_id'] = rule.id_
local_env_yaml['rule_title'] = rule.title
local_env_yaml['products'] = {product}
return rule, local_env_yaml
def write_rule_test_content_to_dir(rule_dir, test_content):
for scenario in test_content.scenarios:
scenario_file_path = os.path.join(rule_dir, scenario.script)
with open(scenario_file_path, "w") as f:
for file_name, file_content in test_content.other_content.items():
file_path = os.path.join(rule_dir, file_name)
with open(file_path, "w") as f:
def create_tarball(test_content_by_rule_id):
Create a tarball which contains all test scenarios and additional
content for every rule that is selected to be tested. The tarball contains
directories with the test scenarios. The name of the directories is the
same as short rule ID. There is no tree structure.
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for rule_id, test_content in test_content_by_rule_id.items():
short_rule_id = rule_id.replace(OSCAP_RULE, "")
rule_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, short_rule_id)
write_rule_test_content_to_dir(rule_dir, test_content)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
"wb", suffix=".tar.gz", delete=False) as fp:
with tarfile.TarFile.open(fileobj=fp, mode="w") as tarball:
tarball.add(_SHARED_DIR, arcname="shared", filter=_make_file_root_owned)
for rule_id in os.listdir(tmpdir):
# When a top-level directory exists under the temporary
# templated tests directory, we've already validated that
# it is a valid rule directory. Thus we can simply add it
# to the tarball.
absolute_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, rule_id)
if not os.path.isdir(absolute_dir):
absolute_dir, arcname=rule_id,
filter=lambda tinfo: _exclude_garbage(_make_file_root_owned(tinfo))
# Since we've added the templated contents into the tarball, we
# can now delete the tree.
shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
return fp.name
except Exception as exp:
shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
raise exp
def send_scripts(test_env, test_content_by_rule_id):
archive_file = create_tarball(test_content_by_rule_id)
archive_file_basename = os.path.basename(archive_file)
remote_archive_file = os.path.join(remote_dir, archive_file_basename)
logging.debug("Uploading scripts.")
log_file_name = os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, "env-preparation.log")
with open(log_file_name, 'a') as log_file:
print("Setting up test setup scripts", file=log_file)
"mkdir -p {remote_dir}".format(remote_dir=remote_dir),
log_file, "Cannot create directory {0}".format(remote_dir))
archive_file, remote_dir,
log_file, "Cannot copy archive {0} to the target machine's directory {1}"
.format(archive_file, remote_dir))
"tar xf {remote_archive_file} -C {remote_dir}"
.format(remote_dir=remote_dir, remote_archive_file=remote_archive_file),
log_file, "Cannot extract data tarball {0}".format(remote_archive_file))
return remote_dir
def get_prefixed_name(state_name):
return "{}_{}".format(TEST_SUITE_PREFIX, state_name)
def get_test_dir_config(test_dir, product_yaml):
test_config = dict()
test_config_filename = os.path.join(test_dir, TESTS_CONFIG_NAME)
if os.path.exists(test_config_filename):
test_config = ssg.yaml.open_and_expand(test_config_filename, product_yaml)
return test_config
def select_templated_tests(test_dir_config, available_scenarios_basenames):
deny_scenarios = set(test_dir_config.get("deny_templated_scenarios", []))
available_scenarios_basenames = {
test_name for test_name in available_scenarios_basenames
if test_name not in deny_scenarios
allow_scenarios = set(test_dir_config.get("allow_templated_scenarios", []))
if allow_scenarios:
available_scenarios_basenames = {
test_name for test_name in available_scenarios_basenames
if test_name in allow_scenarios
allowed_and_denied = deny_scenarios.intersection(allow_scenarios)
if allowed_and_denied:
msg = (
"Test directory configuration contain inconsistencies: {allowed_and_denied} "
"scenarios are both allowed and denied."
raise ValueError(msg)
return available_scenarios_basenames
def fetch_templated_tests_paths(
rule_namedtuple, product_yaml):
rule = rule_namedtuple.rule
if not rule.template or not rule.template['vars']:
return dict()
tests_paths = fetch_all_templated_tests_paths(rule.template)
test_config = get_test_dir_config(rule_namedtuple.directory, product_yaml)
allowed_tests_paths = select_templated_tests(
test_config, tests_paths.keys())
templated_test_scenarios = {
name: tests_paths[name] for name in allowed_tests_paths}
return templated_test_scenarios
def fetch_all_templated_tests_paths(rule_template):
Builds a dictionary of a test case relative path -> test case absolute path mapping.
Here, we want to know what the relative path on disk (under the tests/
subdirectory) is (such as "installed.pass.sh"), along with the actual
absolute path.
template_name = rule_template['name']
base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_SHARED_TEMPLATES, template_name, "tests"))
results = dict()
# If no test cases exist, return an empty dictionary.
if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
return results
# Walk files; note that we don't need to do anything about directories
# as only files are recorded in the mapping; directories can be
# inferred from the path.
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(base_dir):
if not filenames:
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith(".swp"):
# Relative path to the file becomes our results key.
absolute_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
relative_path = os.path.relpath(absolute_path, base_dir)
# Save the results under the relative path.
results[relative_path] = absolute_path
return results
def load_templated_tests(
templated_tests_paths, template, local_env_yaml):
templated_tests = dict()
for path in templated_tests_paths:
test = load_test(path, template, local_env_yaml)
basename = os.path.basename(path)
templated_tests[basename] = test
return templated_tests
def load_test(absolute_path, rule_template, local_env_yaml):
template_name = rule_template['name']
template_vars = rule_template['vars']
template_vars["_rule_id"] = local_env_yaml["rule_id"]
# Load template parameters and apply it to the test case.
maybe_template = ssg.templates.Template.load_template(_SHARED_TEMPLATES, template_name)
if maybe_template is not None:
template_parameters = maybe_template.preprocess(template_vars, "tests")
raise ValueError("Rule uses template '{}' "
"which doesn't exist in '{}".format(template_name, _SHARED_TEMPLATES))
jinja_dict = ssg.utils.merge_dicts(local_env_yaml, template_parameters)
filled_template = ssg.jinja.process_file_with_macros(
absolute_path, jinja_dict)
return filled_template
def file_known_as_useless(file_name):
return file_name.endswith(".swp")
def fetch_local_tests_paths(tests_dir):
if not os.path.exists(tests_dir):
return dict()
all_tests = dict()
tests_dir_files = os.listdir(tests_dir)
for test_case in tests_dir_files:
# Skip vim swap files, they are not relevant and cause Jinja
# expansion tracebacks
if file_known_as_useless(test_case):
test_path = os.path.join(tests_dir, test_case)
if os.path.isdir(test_path):
all_tests[test_case] = test_path
return all_tests
def load_local_tests(local_tests_paths, local_env_yaml):
local_tests = dict()
for path in local_tests_paths:
test = process_file_with_macros(path, local_env_yaml)
basename = os.path.basename(path)
local_tests[basename] = test
return local_tests
def get_cpe_of_tested_os(test_env, log_file):
os_release_file = "/etc/os-release"
cpe_line = test_env.execute_ssh_command(
"grep CPE_NAME {os_release_file}".format(os_release_file=os_release_file),
# We are parsing an assignment that is possibly quoted
cpe = re.match(r'''CPE_NAME=(["']?)(.*)\1''', cpe_line)
if cpe and cpe.groups()[1]:
return cpe.groups()[1]
msg = ["Unable to get a CPE of the system running tests"]
if cpe_line:
"Retreived a CPE line that we couldn't parse: {cpe_line}"
"Couldn't get CPE entry from '{os_release_file}'"
raise RuntimeError("\n".join(msg))
fedora=("dnf", "install", "-y"),
ol7=("yum", "install", "-y"),
ol8=("yum", "install", "-y"),
ol9=("yum", "install", "-y"),
rhel8=("yum", "install", "-y"),
rhel9=("yum", "install", "-y"),
rhel10=("dnf", "install", "-y"),
sles=("zypper", "install", "-y"),
ubuntu=("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive", "apt", "install", "-y"),
debian=("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive", "apt", "install", "-y"),
def install_packages(test_env, packages):
log_file_name = os.path.join(LogHelper.LOG_DIR, "env-preparation.log")
with open(log_file_name, "a") as log_file:
platform_cpe = get_cpe_of_tested_os(test_env, log_file)
platform = cpes_to_platform([platform_cpe])
command_str = " ".join(INSTALL_COMMANDS[platform] + tuple(packages))
with open(log_file_name, 'a') as log_file:
print("Installing packages", file=log_file)
command_str, log_file,
"Couldn't install required packages: {packages}".format(packages=",".join(packages)))
def _match_rhel_version(cpe):
rhel_cpe = {
"redhat:enterprise_linux": r":enterprise_linux:([^:]+):",
"centos:centos": r"centos:centos:([0-9]+)"}
for cpe_item in rhel_cpe.keys():
if cpe_item in cpe:
match = re.search(rhel_cpe.get(cpe_item), cpe)
if match:
major_version = match.groups()[0].split(".")[0]
return "rhel" + major_version
def cpe_to_platform(cpe):
trivials = ["fedora", "sles", "ubuntu", "debian"]
for platform in trivials:
if platform in cpe:
return platform
rhel_version = _match_rhel_version(cpe)
if rhel_version is not None:
return rhel_version
if "oracle:linux" in cpe:
match = re.search(r":linux:([^:]+):", cpe)
if match:
major_version = match.groups()[0]
return "ol" + major_version
def cpes_to_platform(cpes):
for cpe in cpes:
platform = cpe_to_platform(cpe)
if platform is not None:
return platform
msg = "Unable to deduce a platform from these CPEs: {cpes}".format(cpes=cpes)
raise ValueError(msg)
def retry_with_stdout_logging(command, args, log_file, max_attempts=5):
attempt = 0
while attempt < max_attempts:
result = run_with_stdout_logging(command, args, log_file)
if result.returncode == 0:
return result
attempt += 1
return result