from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import ssg_test_suite.oscap
from ssg_test_suite.rule import get_viable_profiles
class ProfileChecker(ssg_test_suite.oscap.Checker):
Iterate over profiles in data stream and perform scanning of unaltered system
using every profile according to input. Also perform remediation run.
Return value not defined, textual output and generated reports is the result.
def _test_target(self):
profiles = get_viable_profiles(
self.profile_spec, self.datastream, self.benchmark_id)
def _run_test(self, profile, test_data):
self.executed_tests += 1
runner_cls = ssg_test_suite.oscap.REMEDIATION_PROFILE_RUNNERS[self.remediate_using]
with runner_cls(
self.test_env, profile, self.datastream, self.benchmark_id) as runner:
for stage in ("initial", "remediation", "final"):
result = runner.run_stage(stage)
if result:
logging.info("Evaluation of the profile has passed: {0} ({1} stage)."
.format(profile, stage))
logging.error("Evaluation of the profile has failed: {0} ({1} stage)."
.format(profile, stage))
def perform_profile_check(options):
checker = ProfileChecker(options.test_env)
checker.datastream = options.datastream
checker.benchmark_id = options.benchmark_id
checker.remediate_using = options.remediate_using
checker.profile_spec = options.target