# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Script created to help maintainers during the release process by automating Github tasks.
# References:
# - https://developer.github.com/v3/libraries/
# - https://github.com/PyGithub/PyGithub
# - https://pygithub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/github_objects.html
# - https://docs.github.com/en/rest
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, UTC
from github import Github
import argparse
import configparser
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
def get_parameter_from_ini(config_file, section, parameter) -> str:
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
return config[section][parameter]
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error: {e} entry was not found!')
def create_ini_file_template(creds_file):
new_creds_file = os.path.expanduser(creds_file)
with open(new_creds_file, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
'github_token = <generate your token in https://github.com/settings/tokens>\n'
'# Include these scopes: "repo:status", "repo_deployment" and "public_repo"')
print(f'Great! {new_creds_file} was created! Edit it to include your personal token.')
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error: {e}')
def get_github_token(creds_file) -> str:
creds_file = os.path.expanduser(creds_file)
if os.path.exists(creds_file):
return get_parameter_from_ini(creds_file, "DEFAULT", "github_token")
print(f'{creds_file} file was not found!')
if get_confirmation(f'Would you like to create the "{creds_file}" file?'):
def create_github_session(creds_file) -> object:
token = get_github_token(creds_file)
if not token:
print('WARNING: No token found. The API queries are very limited without a token.\n')
return Github(token)
def get_confirmation(question) -> bool:
answer = str(input(f'{question} (Y/N): ')).lower().strip()
return answer[:1] == 'y'
def get_repo_object(session, repo_id) -> object:
return session.get_repo(repo_id)
def get_repo_root_path() -> str:
root_path = get_script_path()
return os.path.dirname(root_path)
def get_script_path() -> str:
return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def show_git_diff():
subprocess.run(['git', 'diff'], cwd=get_repo_root_path())
print('\nPlease, review the changes and propose a PR to "master" branch.')
# Repository Branches
def filter_repo_branch_by_name(branches, name) -> object:
return [branch for branch in branches if branch.name == name]
def get_repo_branches(repo) -> list:
return repo.get_branches()
def get_repo_stable_branch(repo) -> object:
branches = get_repo_branches(repo)
return filter_repo_branch_by_name(branches, "stable")
def get_old_stabilization_branch(repo) -> object:
branches = get_repo_branches(repo)
latest_version = get_latest_version(repo)
branch_name = f'stabilization-v{latest_version}'
return filter_repo_branch_by_name(branches, branch_name)
def remove_old_stabilization_branch(repo, branch) -> None:
if get_confirmation(f'Are you sure about removing the "{branch.name}" branch?'):
# https://github.com/PyGithub/PyGithub/issues/1570
branch_ref = repo.get_git_ref(f'heads/{branch.name}')
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error: {e}')
print(f'Aborted! {branch.name} branch not removed.')
# Repository Contributors
def get_contributors_commit_diff(commit) -> str:
commit_diff = subprocess.run(
['git', 'show', '--word-diff', commit, 'Contributors.md'],
capture_output=True, text=True, cwd=get_repo_root_path())
return commit_diff.stdout
def get_contributors_last_commit() -> str:
last_commit = subprocess.run(
['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%h', '-1', '--', 'Contributors.md'],
capture_output=True, text=True, cwd=get_repo_root_path())
return last_commit.stdout
def get_contributors_last_update() -> str:
last_commit = get_contributors_last_commit()
last_commit_diff = get_contributors_commit_diff(last_commit)
for line in last_commit_diff.split('\n'):
# The "generate_contributors.py" creates a commend in the beginning of the file.
# This comment informs when the file was updated.
if 'Last Modified:' in line:
elements = line.split('{+')
datetime = elements[1].replace('+}', '')
return datetime
def get_new_contributors(commit) -> str:
last_commit_diff = get_contributors_commit_diff(commit)
new_contributors = []
for line in last_commit_diff.split('\n'):
if line.startswith('{+'):
for chars in ['{+', '+}']:
line = line.replace(chars, '')
return '\n'.join(new_contributors)
def is_contributors_list_updated(date_string) -> bool:
date = datetime.strptime(date_string[:16], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
# As a rule of thumbs, this function consider contributors list
# updated if not older than 2 weeks.
two_weeks_back = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=15)
if date < two_weeks_back:
return False
return True
def update_contributors():
last_update = get_contributors_last_update()
# Currently, this script considers contributors lists is already updated if not
# older than 2 weeks.
if is_contributors_list_updated(last_update):
print(f'It is all fine, the contributors list was updated in {last_update}')
print(f'Contributors list last update was in {last_update}. I can update it for you.')
utils_scripts_path = get_script_path()
contributors_script = os.path.join(utils_scripts_path, 'generate_contributors.py')
[f'PYTHONPATH=. {contributors_script}'], shell=True, cwd=get_repo_root_path())
# Repository Milestones
def has_milestone_version_format(milestone) -> bool:
regex = re.compile(r'\d\.\d\.\d')
return regex.match(milestone.title)
def filter_version_milestones(milestones) -> list:
version_milestones = []
for milestone in milestones:
if has_milestone_version_format(milestone):
return version_milestones
def get_repo_milestones(repo) -> list:
return repo.get_milestones(state="all", direction="desc")
def get_latest_version_milestone(repo) -> object:
milestones = get_repo_milestones(repo)
version_milestones = filter_version_milestones(milestones)
latest_version_milestone = version_milestones[0]
# It is not ensured the returned milestones list is ordered as expected.
# This function ensures the last milestone based on titles.
for milestone in version_milestones:
if milestone.title > latest_version_milestone.title:
latest_version_milestone = milestone
return latest_version_milestone
def get_version_milestone(repo, version) -> object:
milestones = get_repo_milestones(repo)
version_milestones = filter_version_milestones(milestones)
for milestone in version_milestones:
if milestone.title == version:
return milestone
def close_milestone(milestone) -> None:
if milestone.state == "closed":
print(f'Nice. The "{milestone}" milestone is already closed.')
if get_confirmation(f'The "{milestone}" milestone should be closed. Ok?'):
milestone.edit(milestone.title, state="closed")
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error: {e}')
print(f'Aborted! {milestone} milestone not closed.')
def create_repo_milestone(repo, name) -> None:
if get_version_milestone(repo, name):
print(f'Great! The "{name}" milestone is already created.')
latest_release = get_latest_release(repo)
estimated_release_date = get_next_release_date(latest_release.published_at)
if get_confirmation(f'Are you sure about creating the "{name}" milestone?'):
future_release_date = get_next_release_date(estimated_release_date)
future_stabilization_date = get_next_stabilization_date(future_release_date)
formatted_date_stabilization = get_date_for_message(future_stabilization_date)
milestone_description = (
f'Milestone for the release {name}. '
f'Stabilization phase starts on {formatted_date_stabilization}')
title=name, description=milestone_description, due_on=estimated_release_date)
print(f'Milestone {name} successfully created with the following information:')
print(f'Description: {milestone_description}')
print(f'Due on: {estimated_release_date}')
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error: {e}')
print(f'Aborted! {name} milestone not created.')
# Repository Releases
def get_repo_releases(repo) -> list:
return repo.get_releases()
def get_latest_release(repo) -> object:
releases = get_repo_releases(repo)
# The API returns the list already ordered by published date.
return releases[0]
# Repository Versions
def extract_version_from_tag_name(version) -> str:
return version.split("v")[1]
def get_latest_version(repo) -> str:
release = get_latest_release(repo)
return extract_version_from_tag_name(release.tag_name)
# Repository Next Release
def bump_version(current_version, bump_position) -> str:
# version format example: 0.1.64
if bump_position == 'minor':
position = 2
elif bump_position == 'major':
position = 1
position = 0
split_version = current_version.split('.')
bumped = int(split_version[position]) + 1
split_version[position] = str(bumped)
return ".".join(split_version)
def bump_master_version(repo):
content_changed = False
old_version = get_next_release_version(repo)
new_version = bump_version(old_version, 'minor')
old_minor_version = old_version.split('.')[2]
new_minor_version = new_version.split('.')[2]
repo_root = get_repo_root_path()
with open(os.path.join(repo_root, "CMakeLists.txt"), mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
content = file.readlines()
for ln, line in enumerate(content):
if f'set(SSG_PATCH_VERSION {old_minor_version}' in line:
content[ln] = content[ln].replace(old_minor_version, new_minor_version)
content_changed = True
if content_changed:
with open(os.path.join(repo_root, "CMakeLists.txt"), mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
print('Great! The version in CMakeLists.txt file is already updated.')
def describe_next_release_state(repo) -> str:
if is_next_release_in_progress(repo):
return 'In Stabilization Phase'
return 'Scheduled'
def get_friday_that_follows(date) -> datetime:
return date + timedelta((4 - date.weekday()) % 7)
def get_monday_that_follows(date) -> datetime:
return date + timedelta((0 - date.weekday()) % 7)
def get_next_quarter_first_month(latest_release_date: datetime) -> int:
last_release_quarter = (latest_release_date.month - 1) // 3 + 1
if last_release_quarter == 4:
next_release_quarter = 1
next_release_quarter = last_release_quarter + 1
return (next_release_quarter - 1) * 3 + 1
def get_last_monday_of_month(year: int, month: int) -> datetime:
if month == 12:
last_month_day = datetime(year, month, 31)
last_month_day = datetime(year, month + 1, 1) - timedelta(days=1)
days_since_monday = (last_month_day.weekday() - 0) % 7
return last_month_day - timedelta(days=days_since_monday)
def get_next_stabilization_date(release_date) -> datetime:
two_weeks_before = release_date - timedelta(weeks=2)
stabilization_monday = get_monday_that_follows(two_weeks_before)
return stabilization_monday.date()
def get_next_release_date(latest_release_date: datetime) -> datetime:
month = get_next_quarter_first_month(latest_release_date)
now = datetime.now(UTC)
if month > 9 and latest_release_date <= now:
year = latest_release_date.year + 1
year = latest_release_date.year
last_monday = get_last_monday_of_month(year, month)
return get_friday_that_follows(last_monday + timedelta(weeks=1))
def is_next_release_in_progress(repo) -> bool:
stabilization_branch = get_next_stabilization_branch(repo)
branches_names = [branch.name for branch in get_repo_branches(repo)]
if stabilization_branch in branches_names:
return True
return False
def get_next_release_version(repo) -> str:
current_version = get_latest_version(repo)
next_version = bump_version(current_version, 'minor')
return next_version
def get_next_stabilization_branch(repo) -> str:
next_release = get_next_release_version(repo)
return f'stabilization-v{next_release}'
# Communication
def get_date_for_message(date) -> datetime:
return date.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
def get_git_config_username() -> str:
user_name = subprocess.run(
['git', 'config', 'user.name'],
capture_output=True, text=True, cwd=get_repo_root_path())
return user_name.stdout
def get_release_highlights(release) -> str:
highlights = []
for line in release.body.split('\r\n'):
if '### Important Highlights' in line:
if '###' in line:
if line:
return '\n'.join(highlights)
def get_release_start_message(repo) -> str:
latest_release = get_latest_release(repo)
next_release_version = get_next_release_version(repo)
next_release_date = get_next_release_date(latest_release.published_at)
date = get_date_for_message(next_release_date)
branch = get_next_stabilization_branch(repo)
future_version = bump_version(next_release_version, 'minor')
future_release_date = get_next_release_date(next_release_date)
future_date = get_date_for_message(future_release_date)
future_stabilization_date = get_next_stabilization_date(future_release_date)
future_date_stabilization = get_date_for_message(future_stabilization_date)
message_author = get_git_config_username()
template = f'''
Subject: stabilization of v{next_release_version}
Hello all,
The release of Content version {next_release_version} is scheduled for {date}.
As part of the release process, a stabilization branch was created.
Issues and PRs that were not solved were moved to the {future_version} milestone.
Any bug fixes you would like to include in release {next_release_version} should be
proposed for the *{branch}* and *master* branches as a measure to avoid
potential conflicts between these branches.
The next version, {future_version}, is scheduled to be released on {future_date},
with the stabilization phase starting on {future_date_stabilization}.
return template
def get_release_end_message(repo) -> str:
latest_release = get_latest_release(repo)
latest_release_url = latest_release.html_url
highlights = get_release_highlights(latest_release)
last_commit = get_contributors_last_commit()
new_contributors = get_new_contributors(last_commit)
released_version = get_latest_version(repo)
message_author = get_git_config_username()
for asset in latest_release.get_assets():
if asset.content_type == 'application/x-bzip2':
source_tarball = asset.browser_download_url
elif asset.content_type == 'application/zip':
prebuild_zip = asset.browser_download_url
elif '.tar.bz2.sha512' in asset.name:
source_tarball_hash = asset.browser_download_url
prebuild_zip_hash = asset.browser_download_url
# It would be more readable if this multiline string would be indented. However, this makes
# the final text weird, after the "format" substitutions, when highlights and new_contributors
# have multilines too. So, the readability was compromised in favor of simplicity and user
# experience. The user only needs to copy and paste, without removing leading spaces.
template = f'''
Subject: ComplianceAsCode/content v{released_version}
Hello all,
ComplianceAsCode/Content v{released_version} is out.
Some of the highlights of this release are:
Welcome to the new contributors:
For full release notes, please have a look at:
Pre-built content: {prebuild_zip}
SHA-512 hash: {prebuild_zip_hash}
Source tarball: {source_tarball}
SHA-512 hash: {source_tarball_hash}
Thank you to everyone who contributed!
return template
def print_communication_channels(phase='release') -> None:
gitter_lnk = 'https://gitter.im/Compliance-As-Code-The/content'
ghd_lnk = 'https://github.com/ComplianceAsCode/content/discussions/new?category=announcements'
twitter_lnk = 'https://twitter.com/openscap'
ssg_mail = 'scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org'
openscap_mail = 'open-scap-list@redhat.com'
print('Please, share the following message in:\n'
f'* Gitter ({gitter_lnk})\n'
f'* Github Discussion ({ghd_lnk})\n'
f'* SCAP Security Guide Mail List ({ssg_mail})')
if phase == "finish":
print(f'* OpenSCAP Mail List ({openscap_mail})\n'
f'* Twitter ({twitter_lnk})')
# Issues and PRs
def filter_items_outdated_milestone(objects_list, milestone) -> list:
items_old_milestone = []
for item in objects_list:
if has_milestone_version_format(item.milestone) and \
item.milestone.title != milestone.title:
return items_old_milestone
def show_outdated_items(items_to_update):
count = len(items_to_update)
print(f'{count} open issues have an outdated milestone. Here are their links:')
for item in items_to_update:
print(f'{item.number:5} - {item.html_url:65} - {item.milestone.title} - {item.title}')
def filter_outdated_items(repo, objects_list) -> list:
latest_milestone = get_latest_version_milestone(repo)
items_to_update = filter_items_outdated_milestone(objects_list, latest_milestone)
print('INFO: Please, note that in Github API the Pull Requests are also Issues objects but '
'with some few differences in properties.')
if items_to_update:
if get_confirmation(
'Are you sure about updating the milestone in these open issues?'):
return items_to_update
print('Aborted! Milestones not updated in open issues.')
print('Great! There is no open issue with an outdated milestone.')
return []
def get_items_with_milestone(object_list) -> list:
with_milestone = []
for item in object_list:
if item.milestone:
return with_milestone
def get_open_issues_with_milestone(repo) -> list:
open_issues = repo.get_issues(state='open', direction='asc')
return get_items_with_milestone(open_issues)
def get_open_prs_with_milestone(repo) -> list:
open_prs = repo.get_pulls(state='open', direction='asc')
return get_items_with_milestone(open_prs)
def update_milestone(repo, object_list) -> None:
milestone = get_latest_version_milestone(repo)
for item in object_list:
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error: {e}')
def update_milestone_in_issues(repo, issues_list) -> None:
outdate_issues = filter_outdated_items(repo, issues_list)
if outdate_issues:
update_milestone(repo, outdate_issues)
# Repo Stats
def collect_release_info(repo) -> dict:
data = dict()
latest_release = get_latest_release(repo)
data["latest_release_created"] = latest_release.created_at
data["latest_release_published"] = latest_release.published_at
data["latest_release_url"] = latest_release.html_url
data["latest_version"] = get_latest_version(repo)
next_release_date = get_next_release_date(latest_release.published_at)
next_release_remaining_days = next_release_date - datetime.today()
data["next_release_date"] = next_release_date
data["next_release_remaining_days"] = next_release_remaining_days.days
data["next_release_state"] = describe_next_release_state(repo)
data["next_release_version"] = get_next_release_version(repo)
next_stabilization_date = get_next_stabilization_date(next_release_date)
next_stabilization_remaining_days = next_stabilization_date - datetime.today().date()
data["next_stabilization_date"] = next_stabilization_date
data["next_stabilization_remaining_days"] = next_stabilization_remaining_days.days
previous_milestone = get_version_milestone(repo, data["latest_version"])
data["previous_milestone"] = previous_milestone.title
data["previous_milestone_closed_issues"] = previous_milestone.closed_issues
data["previous_milestone_open_issues"] = previous_milestone.open_issues
data["previous_milestone_total_issues"] = data["previous_milestone_closed_issues"]\
+ data["previous_milestone_open_issues"]
active_milestone = get_latest_version_milestone(repo)
data["active_milestone"] = active_milestone.title
data["active_milestone_closed_issues"] = active_milestone.closed_issues
data["active_milestone_open_issues"] = active_milestone.open_issues
data["active_milestone_total_issues"] = data["active_milestone_closed_issues"]\
+ data["active_milestone_open_issues"]
return data
def print_specific_stat(status, current, total) -> None:
if current > 0:
percent = round((current / total) * 100.00, 2)
print(f'{status:23.23} {current} / {total} = {percent}%')
def print_last_release_stats(data):
version = data['latest_version']
created_at = data['latest_release_created']
published_at = data['latest_release_published']
url_download = data['latest_release_url']
closed_issues = data["previous_milestone_closed_issues"]
total_issues = data["previous_milestone_total_issues"]
print('Information based on the latest published release:')
print(f'Current Version: {version}')
print(f'Created at: {created_at}')
print(f'Published at: {published_at}')
print(f'Release Notes: {url_download}')
print_specific_stat("Closed Issues/PRs:", closed_issues, total_issues)
def print_next_release_stats(data):
now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
milestone = data['active_milestone']
next_release_version = data['next_release_version']
next_release_date = data['next_release_date']
next_release_days = data['next_release_remaining_days']
next_release_state = data['next_release_state']
next_stab_date = data['next_stabilization_date']
next_stab_days = data['next_stabilization_remaining_days']
closed_issues = data["active_milestone_closed_issues"]
total_issues = data["active_milestone_total_issues"]
print(f'\nNext release information in {now}:')
print(f'Next Version: {next_release_version}')
print(f'Current State: {next_release_state}')
print(f'Estimated Release Date: {next_release_date} ({next_release_days} remaining days)')
print(f'Stabilization Date: {next_stab_date} ({next_stab_days} remaining days)')
print(f'Working Milestone: {milestone}')
print_specific_stat("Closed Issues/PRs:", closed_issues, total_issues)
# Functions to specific phases of the process
def stats(repo, args):
rel_data = collect_release_info(repo)
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error: {e}')
def cleanup(repo, args) -> None:
if args.branch:
branches_to_remove = get_old_stabilization_branch(repo)
if branches_to_remove:
for branch in branches_to_remove:
remove_old_stabilization_branch(repo, branch)
print('Great! There is no branch to be removed.')
def release_prep(repo, args) -> None:
if args.contributors:
stab_branch_name = get_next_stabilization_branch(repo)
if args.branch:
print('git checkout master\n'
'git pull upstream master\n'
f'git checkout -b {stab_branch_name}\n'
f'git push -u upstream {stab_branch_name}')
if args.milestone:
if is_next_release_in_progress(repo):
stab_milestone = get_latest_version_milestone(repo)
next_release_version = get_next_release_version(repo)
new_milestone = bump_version(next_release_version, 'minor')
create_repo_milestone(repo, new_milestone)
print(f'Milestones can be managed after the "{stab_branch_name}" branch is created.')
if args.issues:
issues_list = get_open_issues_with_milestone(repo)
update_milestone_in_issues(repo, issues_list)
if args.bump_version:
def release(repo, args) -> None:
if is_next_release_in_progress(repo):
if args.tag:
next_version = get_next_release_version(repo)
tag_name = f'v{next_version}'
stab_branch = get_next_stabilization_branch(repo)
print('Release process starts when a version tag is added to the branch.\n'
'It is better to do it manually. But here are the commands you need:\n')
print(f'git tag {tag_name} {stab_branch}\n'
'git push --tags')
if args.message:
message = get_release_start_message(repo)
print('Please, ensure that all steps in the Release Preparation are concluded.')
def finish(repo, args) -> None:
if not is_next_release_in_progress(repo):
if args.message:
message = get_release_end_message(repo)
print('Please, ensure that all steps in the Release process are concluded.')
def parse_arguments():
'''Call argparse to process input parameters and return parsed args'''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Automate Github tasks included in the Release Process.",
epilog="Example: release_helper.py -c ~/secrets.ini -r ComplianceAsCode/content stats",
'-c', '--creds-file', default='~/secrets.ini',
help="INI file containing Github token.")
'-r', '--repository', action='store', default='ComplianceAsCode/content',
help="Project repository name.")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcmd', required=True)
'stats', help="Return information about the repository current state.")
cleanup_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'cleanup', help="Cleanup after completing a release.")
'-b', '--branch', action='store_true',
help="Remove temporary branch used during stabilization phase.")
release_prep_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'release_prep', help="Prepare the repository for the next release.")
'-c', '--contributors', action='store_true',
help="Update the contributors lists. Do it before creating the stabilization branch.")
'-b', '--branch', action='store_true',
help="Create the stabilization branch for the next release.")
'-m', '--milestone', action='store_true',
help="Create the next milestone and close the current milestone.")
'-i', '--issues', action='store_true',
help="Move Open Issues and PRs with a milestone to the next milestone.")
'-v', '--bump-version', action='store_true',
help="Bump the project version in *master* branch.")
release_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'release', help="Tasks to be done during the stabilization phase.")
'-m', '--message', action='store_true',
help="Prepare a message to communicate the stabilization process has started.")
'-t', '--tag', action='store_true',
help="Show commands to properly tag the branch and start the release.")
finish_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'finish', help="Tasks to be done when the release is out.")
'-m', '--message', action='store_true',
help="Prepare a message to communicate the release is out.")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
subcmds = dict(
args = parse_arguments()
ghs = create_github_session(args.creds_file)
repo = get_repo_object(ghs, args.repository)
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error when getting the repository {args.repository}: {e}')
subcmds[args.subcmd](repo, args)
if __name__ == "__main__":