from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import json
import ssg.build_yaml
import ssg.oval
import ssg.build_remediations
import ssg.products
import ssg.rules
import ssg.yaml
SSG_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
BUILD_OUTPUT = os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, "build", "rule_dirs.json")
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-r", "--root", type=str, action="store", default=SSG_ROOT,
help="Path to SSG root directory (defaults to %s)" % SSG_ROOT)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, action="store", default=BUILD_OUTPUT,
help="File to write json output to (defaults to build/rule_dirs.json)")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",
help="Hides output from the script, just creates the file.")
return parser.parse_args()
def walk_products(root, all_products):
visited_dirs = set()
all_rule_dirs = []
product_yamls = {}
# There is a one-to-many mapping of guide_dir->product. This means that
# we first need to walk all products, gather their guide_dirs, and then
# come back and walk the guide_dirs so we have a complete list of products
# to evaluate each under.
product_to_guide = dict()
guide_to_products = defaultdict(set)
for product in sorted(all_products):
product_dir = os.path.join(root, "products", product)
product_yaml_path = os.path.join(product_dir, "product.yml")
product_yaml = ssg.products.load_product_yaml(product_yaml_path)
product_yaml.read_properties_from_directory(os.path.join(root, "product_properties"))
product_yamls[product] = product_yaml
guide_dir = os.path.join(product_dir, product_yaml['benchmark_root'])
guide_dir = os.path.abspath(guide_dir)
product_to_guide[product] = guide_dir
for product in sorted(all_products):
product_dir = os.path.join(root, product)
product_yaml = product_yamls[product]
guide_dir = product_to_guide[product]
potential_products = list(guide_to_products[guide_dir])
if guide_dir not in visited_dirs:
for rule_id, rule_dir in collect_rule_ids_and_dirs(guide_dir):
all_rule_dirs.append((rule_id, rule_dir, guide_dir, potential_products))
additional_content_directories = product_yaml.get("additional_content_directories", [])
if not additional_content_directories:
for add_content_dirs in additional_content_directories:
cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(product_dir, add_content_dirs))
if cur_dir not in visited_dirs:
for rule_id, rule_dir in collect_rule_ids_and_dirs(cur_dir):
all_rule_dirs.append((rule_id, rule_dir, cur_dir, [product]))
return all_rule_dirs, product_yamls
def collect_rule_ids_and_dirs(rules_dir):
for rule_dir in sorted(ssg.rules.find_rule_dirs(rules_dir)):
yield ssg.rules.get_rule_dir_id(rule_dir), rule_dir
def handle_rule_yaml(product_list, product_yamls, rule_id, rule_dir, guide_dir):
rule_obj = {'id': rule_id, 'dir': rule_dir, 'guide': guide_dir}
rule_file = ssg.rules.get_rule_dir_yaml(rule_dir)
prod_type = product_list[0]
env_yaml = dict()
rule_yaml = ssg.build_yaml.Rule.from_yaml(rule_file, env_yaml)
rule_products = set()
for product in product_list:
rule_products = sorted(rule_products)
rule_obj['products'] = rule_products
rule_obj['title'] = rule_yaml.title
rule_obj['identifiers'] = rule_yaml.identifiers
return rule_obj
def handle_ovals(product_list, product_yamls, rule_obj):
rule_dir = rule_obj['dir']
rule_ovals = {}
oval_products = defaultdict(set)
for oval_path in ssg.rules.get_rule_dir_ovals(rule_dir):
oval_name = os.path.basename(oval_path)
oval_product, _ = os.path.splitext(oval_name)
oval_obj = {'name': oval_name, 'product': oval_product}
platforms = ssg.oval.applicable_platforms(oval_path)
cs_platforms = ','.join(platforms)
oval_obj['platforms'] = platforms
oval_obj['products'] = set()
for product in product_list:
if ssg.utils.is_applicable(cs_platforms, product):
oval_obj['products'] = sorted(oval_obj['products'])
rule_ovals[oval_name] = oval_obj
return rule_ovals, oval_products
def handle_remediations(product_list, product_yamls, rule_obj):
rule_dir = rule_obj['dir']
rule_remediations = {}
r_products = defaultdict(set)
for r_type in ssg.build_remediations.REMEDIATION_TO_EXT_MAP:
rule_remediations[r_type] = {}
r_paths = ssg.build_remediations.get_rule_dir_remediations(rule_dir, r_type)
for r_path in r_paths:
r_name = os.path.basename(r_path)
r_product, r_ext = os.path.splitext(r_name)
r_obj = {'type': r_type, 'name': r_name, 'product': r_product, 'ext': r_ext[1:]}
prod_type = product_list[0]
if r_product != 'shared' and r_product in product_list:
prod_type = r_product
product_yaml = product_yamls[prod_type]
env_yaml = dict()
_, config = ssg.build_remediations.parse_from_file_with_jinja(
r_path, env_yaml
platforms = config['platform']
if not platforms:
r_obj['platforms'] = sorted(map(lambda x: x.strip(), platforms.split(',')))
r_obj['products'] = set()
for product in product_list:
if ssg.utils.is_applicable(platforms, product):
r_obj['products'] = sorted(r_obj['products'])
rule_remediations[r_type][r_name] = r_obj
return rule_remediations, r_products
def quiet_print(msg, quiet, file):
if not quiet:
print(msg, file=file)
def main():
args = parse_args()
linux_products, other_products = ssg.products.get_all(args.root)
all_products = linux_products.union(other_products)
all_rule_dirs, product_yamls = walk_products(args.root, all_products)
known_rules = {}
for rule_id, rule_dir, guide_dir, given_products in all_rule_dirs:
rule_obj = handle_rule_yaml(given_products, product_yamls, rule_id,
rule_dir, guide_dir)
except ssg.yaml.DocumentationNotComplete:
# Happens on non-debug build when a rule is "documentation-incomplete"
rule_obj['ovals'], oval_products = handle_ovals(given_products, product_yamls, rule_obj)
rule_obj['remediations'], r_products = handle_remediations(given_products, product_yamls,
# Validate oval products
for key in oval_products:
oval_products[key] = sorted(oval_products[key])
if len(oval_products[key]) > 1:
all_ovals = ','.join(oval_products[key])
msg = "Product {0} has multiple ovals in rule {1}: {2}"
msg = msg.format(key, rule_id, all_ovals)
quiet_print(msg, args.quiet, sys.stderr)
rule_obj['oval_products'] = oval_products
# Validate remediation products
for key in r_products:
r_products[key] = sorted(r_products[key])
if len(r_products[key]) > 1:
exts = sorted(map(lambda x: os.path.splitext(x)[1], r_products[key]))
if len(exts) != len(set(exts)):
all_fixes = ','.join(r_products[key])
msg = "Product {0} has multiple remediations of the same type "
msg += "in rule {1}: {2}"
msg = msg.format(key, rule_id, all_fixes)
quiet_print(msg, args.quiet, sys.stderr)
rule_obj['remediation_products'] = r_products
if rule_id in known_rules:
raise ValueError("Two rules with same identifier exist: " + rule_id)
known_rules[rule_id] = rule_obj
f = open(args.output, 'w')
json.dump(known_rules, f)
if not f.closed:
if __name__ == "__main__":