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Test Coverage
import argparse
import csv
import enum
import os.path
import sys

from utils.create_srg_export import DisaStatus

    import ssg.constants
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
    sys.stderr.write("Unable to load ssg python modules.\n")
    sys.stderr.write("Hint: run source ./\n")

class Problems(enum.Enum):
    MISSING_REQUIREMENT = "Missing requirement"
    REQUIREMENT_HAS_INVALID_CHARS = "Requirement contains \", &, ', <, or > and is invalid."
    CHECK_BADWORDS = "Check contains should, shall, or please."
    FIX_BADWORDS = "Fix contains should, shall, or please."
    CHECK_BAD_START = "Check starts with ensure or interview"
    FIX_BAD_START = "Fix starts with ensure or interview"
    CHECK_IS_A_FIND = "Check doesn't contain ', this is a finding'"
    INVALID_STATUS = "The status is not valid"
    INVALID_SEVERITY = "Severity is not CAT I, CAT II, or CAT III"

def has_element(search: list, target: str) -> bool:
    return len([elem for elem in search if (elem in target)]) != 0

def has_startswith(search: list, target: str) -> bool:
    return len([elem for elem in search if (target.startswith(elem))]) != 0

def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Audits a csv from utils/",
                                     epilog="example: ./utils/ build/1642443529_stig_"
    parser.add_argument('file', type=str, help="A CSV file created by utils/")
    return parser.parse_args()

def create_reduction_dicts() -> (dict, dict, dict, dict):
    # The goal these dictionaries is to reduce all values the dictionary to zero,
    # save optional values.
    # Optional values should reduce to 2 if defined or if not defined should remain 3.
    config_dict = {'Requirement': 1,
                   'Vul Discussion': 1,
                   'Status': 1,
                   'Check': 1,
                   'Fix': 1,
                   'Severity': 1,
                   'Mitigation': 0,
                   'Artifact Description': 0,
                   'Status Justification': 3,
                   'CCI': 1,
                   'SRGID': 1}
    meets_dict = {'Requirement': 1,
                  'VulDiscussion': 1,
                  'Status': 1,
                  'Check': 0,
                  'Fix': 0,
                  'Severity': 1,
                  'Mitigation': 0,
                  'Artifact Description': 1,
                  'Status Justification': 1,
                  'CCI': 1,
                  'SRGID': 1}
    does_not_meet = {'Requirement': 1,
                     'Vul Discussion': 1,
                     'Status': 1,
                     'Check': 0,
                     'Fix': 0,
                     'Severity': 1,
                     'Mitigation': 1,
                     'Artifact Description': 0,
                     'Status Justification': 1,
                     'CCI': 1,
                     'SRGID': 1}
    not_applicable = {'Requirement': 1,
                      'Vul Discussion': 0,
                      'Status': 1,
                      'Check': 0,
                      'Fix': 0,
                      'Severity': 1,
                      'Mitigation': 1,
                      'Artifact Description': 0,
                      'Status Justification': 1,
                      'CCI': 1,
                      'SRGID': 1}
    return config_dict, does_not_meet, meets_dict, not_applicable

def check_paths(file: str) -> None:
    if not os.path.exists(file):
        sys.stderr.write("Unable to perform audit.\n")
        sys.stderr.write(f"File not found: {file}\n")
    if not os.path.isfile(file):
        sys.stderr.write("Unable to perform audit.\n")
        sys.stderr.write(f"Input must be a file: {file}\n")

def validate_check_fix(results: dict, row: dict, row_id: str) -> None:
    check_invalid = ['shall', 'should', 'please']
    check_invalid_start = ['ensure', 'interview']
    if has_element(check_invalid, row['Fix']):
    if has_element(check_invalid, row['Check']):
    if has_startswith(check_invalid_start, row['Check']):
    if has_startswith(check_invalid_start, row['Fix']):
    if 'this is a finding.' not in row['Check']:

def get_results_dict(row: dict) -> dict:
    config_dict, does_not_meet, meets_dict, not_applicable = create_reduction_dicts()
    if row['Status'] == DisaStatus.AUTOMATED:
        results = config_dict.copy()
    elif row['Status'] == DisaStatus.INHERENTLY_MET:
        results = meets_dict.copy()
    elif row['Status'] == DisaStatus.DOES_NOT_MEET:
        results = does_not_meet.copy()
    elif row['Status'] == DisaStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE:
        results = not_applicable.copy()
        results = None
    return results

def process_row_results(errors: dict, results: dict, row: dict) -> None:
    for result in results:
        if results[result] == 1:
            errors[get_row_id(row)].append(f'Field {result} is not defined.')
        elif results[result] == -1:
            errors[get_row_id(row)].append(f'Field {result} is defined and should not be.')
        elif results[result] not in [0, 2, 3]:
            raise AttributeError(f"Config data is not defined correctly. "
                                 f"Result = {result}, {results[result]}")

def validate_base_rows(errors: dict, row: dict) -> None:
    if get_row_id(row) not in errors:
        errors[get_row_id(row)] = list()
    if not row['Requirement']:
    req_bad_chars = ['\"', "&", "'", "<", ">"]
    if has_element(req_bad_chars, row['Requirement']):

def set_blank_rows_results(results: dict, row: dict) -> None:
    for col in row:
        col_value = row[col].strip()
        if col_value != '' and col in results:
            results[col] -= 1

def print_results(errors: dict) -> None:
    for result in errors:
        result_errors = errors[str(result)]
        if len(result_errors) > 0:
            for error in result_errors:

def get_row_id(row: dict) -> str:
    if row['STIGID'] is not None and row['STIGID'] != '':
        return row['STIGID']
        return row['SRGID']

def main():
    args = parse_args()

    with open(args.file, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        errors = dict()
        for row in reader:
            validate_base_rows(errors, row)
            results = get_results_dict(row)
            if row['Status'] == DisaStatus.AUTOMATED:
                validate_check_fix(errors, row, get_row_id(row))
            if row['Status'] not in DisaStatus.STATUSES:
            set_blank_rows_results(results, row)
            process_row_results(errors, results, row)

if __name__ == '__main__':