import argparse
import difflib
import os.path
import jinja2
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet import Worksheet
from srg_utils.worksheet_utils import Row, get_stigid_set, get_cce_dict_to_row_dict
from srg_utils import get_rule_dir_json, get_cce_dict, get_full_name
import ssg.jinja
SSG_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
BUILD_ROOT = os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, "build")
OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(BUILD_ROOT, "srg_diff.html")
RULES_JSON = os.path.join(BUILD_ROOT, "rule_dirs.json")
def _parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--base', '-b', help="The file to compare to, usually the file from the"
" latest build of CaC, in xlsx format.",
parser.add_argument('--target', '-t', help="The file with the changes, usually the file "
"modified by external parities, in xlsx format.",
parser.add_argument('--changed-name', '-n', type=str, action="store",
help="The name that DISA uses for the product. Defaults to RHEL 9",
default="RHEL 9")
parser.add_argument('--product', '-p', type=str, action="store", required=True,
help="The product")
parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', type=str, action="store", default=OUTPUT_PATH,
help=f"What file to output the diff to. Defaults to {OUTPUT_PATH}")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--root", type=str, action="store", default=SSG_ROOT,
help=f"Path to SSG root directory (defaults to {SSG_ROOT})")
parser.add_argument("-e", '--end-row', type=int, action="store", default=600,
help="What row to end on, defaults to 600")
parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", type=str, action="store", default=RULES_JSON,
help=f"Path to the rules_dir.json (defaults to {RULES_JSON})")
return parser.parse_args()
class SrgDiffResult:
cci = ""
rule_id = ""
Requirement = ""
Vul_Discussion = ""
Status = ""
Check = ""
Fix = ""
Severity = ""
def should_display(self):
return self.Requirement != "" or self.Vul_Discussion != "" or self.Status != "" or \
self.Check != "" or self.Fix != "" or self.Severity != ""
def __repr__(self):
return f'SrgDiffResult({self.cci}, {self.rule_id})'
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.cci < other.cci
def word_by_word_diff(original: str, edited: str) -> str:
original = clean_lines(original)
edited = clean_lines(edited)
if original is None or edited is None:
return ""
differ = difflib.HtmlDiff()
table = differ.make_table(clean_lines(original).split('\n'), edited.split('\n'))
return table
def clean_lines(lines: str) -> str:
result = list()
lines = lines.replace('>', '>')
lines = lines.replace('<', '<')
for line in lines.split('\n'):
return '\n'.join(result)
def _get_delta(cac: Row, disa: Row, cce: str, cce_rule_id_dict: dict) -> SrgDiffResult:
delta = SrgDiffResult()
delta.cci = cce
delta.rule_id = cce_rule_id_dict[cce]
if clean_lines(disa.Requirement) != cac.Requirement:
delta.Requirement = word_by_word_diff(disa.Requirement, cac.Requirement)
if clean_lines(disa.Vul_Discussion) != clean_lines(cac.Vul_Discussion):
delta.Vul_Discussion = word_by_word_diff(disa.Vul_Discussion, cac.Vul_Discussion)
if clean_lines(disa.Status) != clean_lines(cac.Status):
delta.Status = word_by_word_diff(disa.Status, cac.Status)
if clean_lines(disa.Check) != clean_lines(cac.Check):
delta.Check = word_by_word_diff(disa.Check, cac.Check)
if clean_lines(disa.Fix) != clean_lines(cac.Fix) and cac.Fix is not None and \
disa.Fix is not None:
delta.Fix = word_by_word_diff(disa.Fix, cac.Fix)
if clean_lines(disa.Severity) != cac.Severity:
disa.Severity = word_by_word_diff(disa.Severity, cac.Severity)
return delta
def _create_template(root_path: str) -> jinja2.Template:
loader = ssg.jinja.AbsolutePathFileSystemLoader()
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader)
path = os.path.join(root_path, 'utils', 'srg_diff.html')
template = env.get_template(path)
return template
def get_requirements_with_no_cces(sheet: Worksheet, end_row: int) -> list:
result = list()
for i in range(2, end_row):
requirement = sheet[f'F{i}'].value
if requirement is None or requirement.strip() == "":
cce = sheet[f'D{i}'].value
if cce is not None and cce.startswith('CCE-') and requirement.strip() != "":
status = sheet[f'I{i}'].value
if status is not None and status.strip() == 'Applicable - Configurable':
srgs_ids = sheet[f'C{i}'].value
result.append(f'{requirement.strip()} - {srgs_ids}')
return result
def get_deltas(cac_cce_dict: dict, cce_rule_id_dict: dict, common_set: set, disa_cce_dict: dict) \
-> list:
deltas = list()
for cce in common_set:
disa = disa_cce_dict[cce]
cac = cac_cce_dict[cce]
delta = _get_delta(cac, disa, cce, cce_rule_id_dict)
return deltas
def get_worksheet(path: str) -> Worksheet:
wb = load_workbook(path)
return wb['Sheet']
def get_missing_in(in_set: set, cce_rule_id_dict: dict) -> list:
result = list()
for cce in in_set:
cce = cce.replace('\n', '').strip()
result.append(f"{cce} - {cce_rule_id_dict[cce]}")
return result
def main():
args = _parse_args()
base_path = args.base
target_path = args.target
target_sheet = get_worksheet(base_path)
base_sheet = get_worksheet(target_path)
base_set = get_stigid_set(base_sheet, args.end_row)
target_set = get_stigid_set(target_sheet, args.end_row)
full_name = get_full_name(args.root, args.product)
cac_cce_dict = get_cce_dict_to_row_dict(target_sheet, full_name, args.changed_name,
disa_cce_dict = get_cce_dict_to_row_dict(base_sheet, full_name, args.changed_name,
base_missing_stig_ids = get_requirements_with_no_cces(base_sheet, args.end_row)
target_missing_stig_ids = get_requirements_with_no_cces(target_sheet, args.end_row)
common_set = target_set - (target_set - base_set)
rule_dir_json = get_rule_dir_json(args.json)
cce_rule_id_dict = get_cce_dict(rule_dir_json, args.product)
missing_in_base = get_missing_in((target_set - base_set), cce_rule_id_dict)
missing_in_target = get_missing_in((base_set - target_set), cce_rule_id_dict)
deltas = get_deltas(cac_cce_dict, cce_rule_id_dict, common_set, disa_cce_dict)
title = f"{base_path} vs {target_path}"
template = _create_template(args.root)
output = template.render(missing_in_base=missing_in_base, deltas=deltas,
missing_in_target=missing_in_target, title=title,
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
print(f"Wrote output to {args.output}.")
if __name__ == "__main__":