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# DjanGoat

DjanGoat is a vulnerable Django Application based in large part off the [RailsGoat]( project. The application purports to be an internal employee portal for MetaCorp, Inc but includes vulnerabilities from the [OWASP Top 10]( and is intended to be used as an educational tool for developers and security professionals. Any maintainers are welcome to make pull requests.

## Installation

On a mac, first install python.

### Initial Setup


 - Python 2.7
 - Pip
 - mysql (optional)

Begin by creating a virtual-env
    pip install virtualenv
    virtualenv env
    source env/bin/activate

Then install using pip
    make install

### DB-Setup

#### SQLite
Djangoat uses a SQLite database by default. To deploy the server locally with a SQLite database, use:
    make run

This will initialize and migrate a new (gitignored) SQLite database `db.sqlite3` in the root project directory. It will then run the server locally.

At any point after the database has been migrated, it can be seeded with `python seed`.

#### MySQL

1. Make sure you have mysql installed and run the following to
setup the database

    mysql -u root -p
    CREATE DATABASE `db_name`;
    CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `db_name`.* TO 'username'@'localhost';

2. Go to pygoat/ and fill out the given information for your database.

3. Migrate the models and associated database data

    python makemigrations
    python migrate

4. To set up seed data you can run:

    python seed

For developers create a file in the pygoat folder
that mocks

If Django does not recognize MySQL after the setup above, try installing mysql-python and migrate again

    pip install mysql-python

Finally run on localhost:8000
    python runserver

#### PostgreSQL

If you want to setup DjanGoat with a PostgreSQL database, checkout the PostgreSQL branch with the following command:
    $ git checkout postgresql-database
The PostgreSQL branch has modified documentation and tests.

### Testing
To run tests, simply run:
    make test

### Linting

To run `pylint` using the provided `.pylintrc` configuration file:
    make lint

## Tutorial
Tutorial information on the various vulnerabilities in this application are [here](docs/

## Acknowledgements
The development [team](docs/