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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Course::LessonPlan::LearningRateConcern
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  include Course::LessonPlan::StoriesConcern

  # Returns { lesson_plan_item_id => submitted_time or nil }.
  # If the lesson plan item is a key in this hash then we consider the item "submitted" regardless of whether we have a
  # submission time for it.
  # @param [CourseUser] course_user The course user to compute the lesson plan items submission time hash for.
  # @return [Hash{Integer=>ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone|nil}] A hash of submitted lesson plan items' ID to their
  #   submitted time, if relevant/available.
  def lesson_plan_items_submission_time_hash(course_user)
    lesson_plan_items_submission_time_hash = {}
    # Extend this if more lesson plan items to personalize are added in the future.
    merge_course_assessments(lesson_plan_items_submission_time_hash, course_user)
    merge_course_videos(lesson_plan_items_submission_time_hash, course_user)
    merge_course_stories(lesson_plan_items_submission_time_hash, course_user)

  # Computes the learning rate exponential moving average for the given course user.
  # @param [CourseUser] course_user The course user to compute the learning rate for.
  # @param [Array<Course::LessonPlan::Item>] items_affecting_personal_times An array of lesson plan items that affect
  #   personal times, sorted by the start_at for the given user, i.e. via time_for(course_user).start_at.
  # @param [Hash{Integer=>ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone|nil}] submitted_items A hash of submitted lesson plan items' ID to
  #   their submitted time, if relevant/available.
  # @param [Float] alpha Alpha value used in exponential moving average computation.
  # @return [Float|nil] Learning rate exponential moving average, if computable.
  def compute_learning_rate_ema(course_user, items_affecting_personal_times, submitted_items, alpha = 0.4) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
    submitted_items_affecting_personal_times = items_affecting_personal_times.
                                               select { |i| submitted_items.keys }.
                                               select { |i| i.time_for(course_user).end_at.present? }
    return nil if submitted_items_affecting_personal_times.empty?

    learning_rate_ema = 1.0
    # Currently, for the item to affect learning rate, it needs to have an end_at timing.
    # In the future, we may want to consider other ways of computing how much an item affects learning rate.
    submitted_items_affecting_personal_times.each do |item|
      times = item.time_for(course_user)
      next if times.end_at - times.start_at == 0 || submitted_items[].nil?

      learning_rate = (submitted_items[] - times.start_at) / (times.end_at - times.start_at)
      learning_rate = [learning_rate, 0].max
      learning_rate_ema = (alpha * learning_rate) + ((1 - alpha) * learning_rate_ema)

  # Bounds the learning rate based on a given min and max learning rate.
  # Min/max overall learning rate refers to how early/late a student is allowed to complete the course.
  # E.g. if max_overall_lr = 2 means a student is allowed to complete a 1-month course over 2 months.
  # However, if the student somehow managed to complete half of the course within the first day, then we can allow him
  # to continue at lr = 4 and still have the student complete the course over 2 months. This method computes the
  # effective limits to preserve the overall min/max lr.
  # NOTE: It is completely possible for negative results (even -infinity), i.e. student needs to go back in time in
  # order to have any hope of completing the course within the limits. The algorithm needs to take care of this.
  # @param [CourseUser] course_user The course user to compute the learning rate for.
  # @param [Array<Course::LessonPlan::Item>] items An array of lesson plan items for the course user's course,
  #   sorted by the start_at for the given user, i.e. via time_for(course_user).start_at.
  # @param [Hash{Integer=>ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone|nil}] submitted_items A hash of submitted lesson plan items' ID to
  #   their submitted time, if relevant/available.
  # @param [Float] min_learning_rate The minimum overall learning rate.
  # @param [Float] max_learning_rate The maximum overall learning rate.
  # @return [Array<Float>] An array pair containing [min learning rate, max learning rate].
  def compute_learning_rate_effective_limits(course_user, items, submitted_items, min_learning_rate, max_learning_rate) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
    course_start = items.first.start_at
    course_end = items.last.start_at
    last_submitted_item = items.reverse_each.lazy.
                          # TODO: Look into whether there's a need to filter on affects_personal_times?
                          select { |item| item.affects_personal_times? && }.
    return [min_learning_rate, max_learning_rate] if last_submitted_item.nil?

    reference_remaining_time = items.last.start_at - last_submitted_item.reference_time_for(course_user).start_at
    reference_remaining_time += 1e-99 # Prevent division by zero.

    min_remaining_time = course_start + (min_learning_rate * (course_end - course_start)) -
    max_remaining_time = course_start + (max_learning_rate * (course_end - course_start)) -

    [min_remaining_time / reference_remaining_time, max_remaining_time / reference_remaining_time]

  def lesson_plan_items_with_sorted_times_for(course_user)
      sort_by { |item| item.time_for(course_user).start_at }


  # Merges course assessment submissions into the given hash, with the following format:
  # { lesson_plan_item_id => submitted_time }
  # @param [Hash{Integer=>ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone|nil}] hash A hash of submitted lesson plan items' ID to their
  #   submitted time, if relevant/available.
  # @param [CourseUser] course_user Course user to retrieve course assessments for.
  # @return [Hash{Integer=>ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone|nil}] Data with course assessment submission data merged in.
  def merge_course_assessments(hash, course_user)
    # Assessments - consider submitted only if submitted_at is present
      select { |x| x.submissions.present? && x.submissions.first.submitted_at.present? }.
      to_h { |x| [, x.submissions.first.submitted_at] }

  # Merges course video submissions into the given hash, with the following format:
  # { lesson_plan_item_id => nil }
  # @param [Hash{Integer=>ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone|nil}] hash A hash of submitted lesson plan items' ID to their
  #   submitted time, if relevant/available.
  # @param [CourseUser] course_user Course user to retrieve course videos for.
  # @return [Hash{Integer=>ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone|nil}] Data with course video submission data merged in.
  def merge_course_videos(hash, course_user)
    # Videos - consider submitted as long as submission exists
      select { |x| x.submissions.present? }.
      to_h { |x| [, nil] }

  def merge_course_stories(hash, course_user)
    hash.merge!(stories_for(course_user).filter(&:submitted_at).to_h { |s| [, s.submitted_at] })