# frozen_string_literal: true
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
attr_reader :user, :course, :course_user, :instance_user, :session
# Load all components which declare abilities.
AbilityHost.components.each { |component| prepend(component) }
# Initialize the ability of user.
# @param [User|nil] user The current user. This can be nil if the no user is logged in.
# @param [InstanceUser|nil] user The current instance user. This can be nil if the no user is logged in.
# @param [Course|nil] course The current course. This can be nil if not inside a course.
# @param [CourseUser|nil] course_user The current course_user. This can be nil if not inside a course
# @param [string|nil] session_id The session_id of the current user.
# or user is not part of the course
def initialize(user, course = nil, course_user = nil, instance_user = nil, session_id = nil)
@user = user
@instance_user = instance_user
@course = course
@course_user = course_user
@session_id = session_id
can :manage, :all if user&.administrator?
# Defines abilities for the given user.
# This is the method to implement when defining permissions for a component. Always call
# +super+ when implementing this method.
# Global administrators already have full access.
# @return [void]
def define_permissions