# frozen_string_literal: true
module Extensions::DatabaseEvent::ActiveRecord::Base
module ClassMethods
# Waits for the given +NOTIFY+ signal, optionally until a given time, or until a specific
# condition is met.
# @param [String] identifier The +NOTIFY+ signal to wait for.
# @param [Integer|nil] timeout The timeout to wait for a message. A +nil+ or zero timeout will
# wait indefinitely. The timeout applies to the total time waiting for a notification, even
# if the function waits multiple times.
# @param [Proc|nil] while_callback The callback that will be called after the +LISTEN+ statement
# is sent, and is used to check to see if the library should continue waiting for a
# notification. If this returns +false+, the named of the last received notification is
# returned. If no notification was received yet (i.e. before the first wait), this returns
# +false+.
# @return [Boolean] If a +while+ callback was specified and it returned
# false before the first wait, this returns false.
# @return [String] If a notification was received.
# @return [nil] If the timeout elapsed.
def wait(identifier, timeout: nil, while_callback: nil, &block)
deadline = timeout ? + timeout : nil
connection.execute("LISTEN #{identifier};")
wait_for_identifier(identifier, deadline, while_callback, &block)
connection.execute("UNLISTEN #{identifier};")
# Signals to possible waiting consumers on this record.
def signal(identifier)
connection.execute("NOTIFY #{identifier};")
# Waits for the given identifier to be signalled.
# @param [String] identifier The identifier to wait for.
# @param [Time|nil] deadline The deadline to wait until.
# @param [Proc|nil] while_callback The loop will keep waiting until this returns a truthy value.
# @return [String] Returns the notified event if the deadline has not elapsed.
# @return [nil] If the deadline elapsed.
def wait_for_identifier(identifier, deadline, while_callback, &block)
return false if while_callback && == false
last_notification = false
last_notification = wait_until(deadline, while_callback, &block) until
last_notification.nil? || last_notification == identifier
# Waits until the deadline, or while_callback returns false.
# @param [Time|nil] deadline The deadline to wait until.
# @param [Proc|nil] while_callback The loop will keep waiting until this returns a truthy value.
# @return [String] Returns the notified event if the deadline has not elapsed.
# @return [nil] If the deadline elapsed.
def wait_until(deadline, while_callback, &block)
while deadline.nil? || < deadline
wait_timeout = deadline ? deadline - : nil
result = connection.instance_variable_get(:@raw_connection).
wait_for_notify(wait_timeout, &block)
return result if while_callback.nil? || !
# Waits for a signal on the current record. A signal can be sent by using {#signal}.
# @param [Integer|nil] timeout The timeout to wait for a message. A +nil+ or zero timeout will
# wait indefinitely.
# @param [Proc] while_callback The callback that will be called after the +LISTEN+ statement is
# sent, and is used to check to see if the library should continue waiting for a notification
# event. If this returns +false+, the named of the last received notification is returned. If no
# notification was received yet (i.e. before the first wait), this returns false.
# @return [Boolean] If a +while+ callback was specified and it returned
# false before the first wait, this returns false.
# @return [String] Otherwise, this returns the notification received.
# @return [nil] If the notification received is +nil+.
def wait(timeout: nil, while_callback: nil, &block)
self.class.wait(notify_identifier, timeout: timeout, while_callback: while_callback, &block)
# Signals to possible waiting consumers on this record.
def signal
# A string identifier usable with the Postgres NOTIFY command.
# @return [String]
def notify_identifier
to_global_id.to_s[18..]. # Remove gid://application/
tr('/:', '_'). # Remove / and :