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Test Coverage
_Replace italic text by your own description_

### Why this Merge Request

_This merge request addresses, and describe the problem or user story being addressed._

### What is implemented, what is the chosen solution

_Explain the fix or solution implemented. Which other solution have been envisaged._

### Related issues and impact on other project in codebase

_Provide links to the related issues, feature requests and merge request (from Gitlab and Redmine)._

_And Link to other project Impacted._

### Other Information

_Include any extra information or considerations for reviewers._

## Checklists

### Merge Request

-   [ ] Target branch identified.
-   [ ] Code based on last version of target branch (i.e. do a `git clone origin dev` localy in your branch if it came from `dev` before asking for a MR. You'll reduce the risks for conflicts)
-   [ ] Description filled.
-   [ ] Impact on other project codebase identified.
-   [ ] Test run in locally.
-   [ ] Need to add a .env variable (possibilty also in twig.yaml) in every client checked.
-   [ ] Need to adapt overloaded components (MHeader, MFooter...) in every client checked.
-   [ ] Add something to do in the [met-mep file]( checked.
-   [ ] Every migrations has been tested on local environnement

### Code Review

-   [ ] The target branch of the MR and the `Version Cible` field in redmine are the same.
-   [ ] Code is easily readable.
-   [ ] Commit are all related to MR and well written (Atomic commit).
-   [ ] No useless logging or debugging code.