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Test Coverage
  "//expirationDate": "string - The date the subscription is due to expire",
  "expirationDate": null,
  "provider": {
    "api_uri": "",
    "app_id": null,
    "app_secret": null,
    "authentication_uri": "",
    "auto_create_account": false,
    "client_id": null,
    "client_secret": null,
    "code_verifier": null,
    "logout_redirect_uri": "",
    "name": "mobConnect"
  "subscriptions": {
    "ld": {
      "//key": "string - The LD subscription key",
      "key": null,
      "//expirationDate": "string - The date the subscription is due to expire",
      "expirationDate": "2023-12-31",
      "minimalDistance": 80000
    "sd": {
      "//key": "string - The SD subscription key",
      "key": null,
      "//expirationDate": "string - The date the subscription is due to expire",
      "expirationDate": null
  "//previousPeriodWithoutTravel": "null|int - null if infinite period, 0 if no period, a number that expresses the period in months",
  "previousPeriodWithoutTravel": null,
  "//tabView": "null|bool - Determines whether trip tracking is displayed, in tab form or not",
  "tabView": null