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 * Copyright (c) 2020, MOBICOOP. All rights reserved.
 * This project is dual licensed under AGPL and proprietary licence.
 *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 *    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 *    License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 *    Licence MOBICOOP described in the file

namespace App\Carpool\Service;

use App\Carpool\Entity\Ask;
use App\Carpool\Entity\AskHistory;
use App\Carpool\Entity\CarpoolProof;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Criteria;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Matching;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Position;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Proposal;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Result;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Waypoint;
use App\Carpool\Exception\DynamicException;
use App\Carpool\Exception\ProofException;
use App\Carpool\Repository\AskHistoryRepository;
use App\Carpool\Repository\AskRepository;
use App\Carpool\Repository\MatchingRepository;
use App\Carpool\Ressource\Dynamic;
use App\Carpool\Ressource\DynamicAsk;
use App\Carpool\Ressource\DynamicProof;
use App\Communication\Entity\Message;
use App\Communication\Entity\Recipient;
use App\Communication\Service\InternalMessageManager;
use App\Geography\Entity\Address;
use App\Geography\Entity\Direction;
use App\Geography\Service\AddressCompleter;
use App\Geography\Service\Geocoder\GeocoderFactory;
use App\Geography\Service\GeoRouter;
use App\Geography\Service\GeoTools;
use App\Geography\Service\Point\AddressAdapter;
use App\Geography\Service\Point\GeocoderPointProvider;
use App\User\Entity\User;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

 * Dynamic ad manager service.
 * @author Sylvain Briat <>
class DynamicManager
    private $entityManager;
    private $proposalManager;
    private $proposalMatcher;
    private $askManager;
    private $resultManager;
    private $geoTools;
    private $geoRouter;
    private $reversePointProvider;
    private $addressCompleter;
    private $params;
    private $logger;
    private $matchingRepository;
    private $askRespository;
    private $askHistoryRepository;
    private $internalMessageManager;
    private $proofManager;

     * Constructor.
    public function __construct(
        EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,
        ProposalManager $proposalManager,
        ProposalMatcher $proposalMatcher,
        AskManager $askManager,
        ResultManager $resultManager,
        GeoTools $geoTools,
        GeoRouter $geoRouter,
        GeocoderFactory $geocoderFactory,
        array $params,
        LoggerInterface $logger,
        MatchingRepository $matchingRepository,
        AskRepository $askRespository,
        AskHistoryRepository $askHistoryRepository,
        InternalMessageManager $internalMessageManager,
        ProofManager $proofManager
    ) {
        $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
        $this->proposalManager = $proposalManager;
        $this->proposalMatcher = $proposalMatcher;
        $this->askManager = $askManager;
        $this->resultManager = $resultManager;
        $this->geoTools = $geoTools;
        $this->geoRouter = $geoRouter;
        $this->params = $params;
        $this->logger = $logger;
        $this->matchingRepository = $matchingRepository;
        $this->askRespository = $askRespository;
        $this->askHistoryRepository = $askHistoryRepository;
        $this->internalMessageManager = $internalMessageManager;
        $this->proofManager = $proofManager;

        $this->reversePointProvider = new GeocoderPointProvider($geocoderFactory->getGeocoder());
        $this->addressCompleter = new AddressCompleter($this->reversePointProvider);


     * Get a dynamic ad.
     * @param int $id the dynamic ad id
     * @return Dynamic the dynamic ad
    public function getDynamic(int $id)
        if (!$proposal = $this->proposalManager->get($id)) {
            throw new DynamicException('Dynamic ad not found');
        $dynamic = new Dynamic();
        $dynamic->setRole($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() ? Dynamic::ROLE_DRIVER : Dynamic::ROLE_PASSENGER);

        return $dynamic;

     * Create a dynamic ad.
     * @param Dynamic $dynamic The dynamic ad to create
     * @return Dynamic the created Dynamic ad
    public function createDynamic(Dynamic $dynamic)
        // first we check if the user has already a dynamic ad pending
        if ($this->proposalManager->hasPendingDynamic($dynamic->getUser())) {
            throw new DynamicException('This user has already a pending dynamic ad');

        // set Seats
        if (is_null($dynamic->getSeats())) {
            if (Dynamic::ROLE_DRIVER == $dynamic->getRole()) {
            } else {
        // set Date
        if (is_null($dynamic->getDate())) {
            $dynamic->setDate(new \DateTime($this->params['dynamicTimezone']));

        // creation of the proposal
        $this->logger->info('DynamicManager : start '.(new \DateTime('UTC'))->format('Ymd H:i:s.u'));

        $proposal = new Proposal();
        $criteria = new Criteria();
        $position = new Position();
        $direction = new Direction();


        // special dynamic properties

        // comment

        // criteria

        // driver / passenger / seats
        $criteria->setDriver(Dynamic::ROLE_DRIVER == $dynamic->getRole());
        $criteria->setPassenger(Dynamic::ROLE_PASSENGER == $dynamic->getRole());
        $criteria->setSeatsDriver(Dynamic::ROLE_DRIVER == $dynamic->getRole() ? $dynamic->getSeats() : 0);
        $criteria->setSeatsPassenger(Dynamic::ROLE_PASSENGER == $dynamic->getRole() ? $dynamic->getSeats() : 0);

        // prices
        if (Dynamic::ROLE_DRIVER == $dynamic->getRole()) {
        if (Dynamic::ROLE_PASSENGER == $dynamic->getRole()) {

        // dates and times

        // we use the current date

        // waypoints
        foreach ($dynamic->getWaypoints() as $waypointPosition => $point) {
            $waypoint = new Waypoint();
            $address = $this->addressCompleter->getAddressByPartialAddressArray($point);
            $waypoint->setDestination($waypointPosition == count($dynamic->getWaypoints()) - 1);

            if (0 == $waypointPosition) {
                // init position => the origin of the proposal
                // we double this waypoint : it will be a floating waypoint that will reflect the current position of the user (useful for matching)
                // the position of this waypoint will always be 0
                $floatingWaypoint = clone $waypoint;

                // direction


        $proposal = $this->proposalManager->prepareProposal($proposal);
        $this->logger->info('DynamicManager : end creating ad '.(new \DateTime('UTC'))->format('Ymd H:i:s.u'));
        $this->logger->info('DynamicManager : end persisting ad '.(new \DateTime('UTC'))->format('Ymd H:i:s.u'));


        if (Dynamic::ROLE_DRIVER == $dynamic->getRole()) {
        } else {

        // we compute the results

        // default order
            'order' => [
                'criteria' => 'date',
                'value' => 'ASC',



        return $dynamic;

     * Update a dynamic ad => update the current position.
     * @param int     $id          The id of the dynamic ad to update
     * @param Dynamic $dynamicData The dynamic ad data to make the update
     * @return Dynamic the updated Dynamic ad
    public function updateDynamic(int $id, Dynamic $dynamicData)
        // we get the original dynamic ad
        $dynamic = $this->getDynamic($id);

        // dynamic ad ?
        if (!$dynamic->getProposal()->isDynamic()) {
            throw new DynamicException('This ad is not dynamic !');

        // not already finished ?
        if ($dynamic->getProposal()->isFinished()) {
            throw new DynamicException('This ad is finished !');

        // the user indicates that the ad is finished
        if ($dynamicData->isFinished()) {
            // persist the updates

            return $dynamic;

        // last point check
        if ($this->params['dynamicEnableMaxSpeed']) {
            // we compute the direction between the 2 last points to get the average speed
            // => we exclude the point if the speed is too high (can happen with bad GPS coordinates, eg. bad lane guessing on motorways)
            $now = new \DateTime($this->params['dynamicTimezone']);
            $newAddress = new Address();
            $addresses = [
            if ($routes = $this->geoRouter->getRoutes($addresses)) {
                // we have a direction
                $distance = $routes[0]->getDistance();
                $interval = $now->diff($dynamic->getProposal()->getPosition()->getUpdatedDate());
                $seconds = ((($interval->format('%a') * 24) + $interval->format('%H')) * 60 + $interval->format('%i')) * 60 + $interval->format('%s');
                if (($distance / $seconds) > $this->params['dynamicMaxSpeed']) {
                    throw new DynamicException('Speed too high since the last point ('.round($distance / $seconds * 3.6).' kmh) ignoring last point');

        // we update the position

        // update the address geographic coordinates

        // we search if we have reached a waypoint
        foreach ($dynamic->getProposal()->getWaypoints() as $waypoint) {
             * @var Waypoint $waypoint
            if (!$waypoint->isReached() && !$waypoint->isFloating()) {
                if ($this->geoTools->haversineGreatCircleDistance($dynamic->getLatitude(), $dynamic->getLongitude(), $waypoint->getAddress()->getLatitude(), $waypoint->getAddress()->getLongitude()) < $this->params['dynamicReachedDistance']) {
            if ($waypoint->isDestination() && $waypoint->isReached() && $this->geoTools->haversineGreatCircleDistance($dynamic->getLatitude(), $dynamic->getLongitude(), $waypoint->getAddress()->getLatitude(), $waypoint->getAddress()->getLongitude()) < $this->params['dynamicDestinationDistance']) {
            if ($waypoint->isFloating()) {
                // update the floating waypoint address
                // we reverse geocode, to get a full address
                if ($points = $this->reversePointProvider->reverse((float) $dynamic->getLongitude(), (float) $dynamic->getLatitude())) {
                    if (count($points) > 0) {
                        $reversedGeocodeAddress = AddressAdapter::pointToAddress($points[0]);
                if (isset($reversedGeocodeAddress)) {


        // we update the direction of the position

        // first we get all the past points that are stored as a linestring in the geoJsonPoints property
        $points = $dynamic->getProposal()->getPosition()->getGeoJsonPoints()->getPoints();
        // then we add the last point (must be an object that have longitude and latitude properties, like an Address)
        $address = new Address();
        $points[] = $address;
        // here we force the update because maybe none of the properties from the entity could be updated, but we need to compute GeoJson

        // we create an array of Addresses to compute the real direction using the georouter
        $addresses = [];
        foreach ($points as $point) {
            $waypoint = new Address();
            $addresses[] = $waypoint;
        if ($routes = $this->geoRouter->getRoutes($addresses)) {
            // we have a direction
             * @var Direction $newDirection
            $newDirection = $routes[0];
            // $dynamic->getProposal()->getPosition()->getDirection()->setDetail($newDirection->getDetail());
            // the following is needed to compute the geoJson in the direction automatic update trigger
            // here we force the update because maybe none of the properties from the entity could be updated, but we need to compute GeoJson
        } else {
            // the last point introduced an error as we couldn't compute the direction !
            // we send an exception...
            throw new DynamicException('Bad geographic position... Point ignored !');

        // update the matchings
        // (and update the proposal direction (= direction from the current point to the destination))
        $dynamic->setProposal($this->proposalManager->updateMatchingsForProposal($dynamic->getProposal(), $address));

        // update the proof if there's one pending

        // persist the updates

        // default order
            'order' => [
                'criteria' => 'date',
                'value' => 'ASC',


        // we get the asks related to the dynamic ad
        // we include the corresponding result
        $asks = [];
        if (Dynamic::ROLE_DRIVER == $dynamic->getRole()) {
            // the user is driver, we search the matching requests
            foreach ($dynamic->getProposal()->getMatchingRequests() as $matching) {
                foreach ($matching->getAsks() as $ask) {
                     * @var Ask $ask
                    // there's an ask, the initiator of the ask is the passenger => the user of the ask
                    // if the pickup hasn't been made yet, we compute the direction between the driver and the passenger
                    $pickUpDuration = null;
                    $pickUpDistance = null;
                    $pickUpUnlock = false;
                    if (0 == count($ask->getCarpoolProofs())) {
                        $addresses = [];
                        $addressDriver = $matching->getProposalOffer()->getPosition()->getWaypoint()->getAddress();
                        $addressPassenger = $matching->getProposalRequest()->getPosition()->getWaypoint()->getAddress();
                        $addresses[] = $addressDriver;
                        $addresses[] = $addressPassenger;
                        $pickUpUnlock = $this->geoTools->haversineGreatCircleDistance(
                        ) <= $this->params['dynamicProofDistance'];
                        if ($routes = $this->geoRouter->getRoutes($addresses)) {
                            $pickUpDuration = $routes[0]->getDuration();
                            $pickUpDistance = $routes[0]->getDistance();
                    // check if there's a proof pending
                    $proof = null;
                    if (1 == count($ask->getCarpoolProofs())) {
                        $proof['id'] = $ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getId();
                        if (is_null($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getPickUpDriverAddress()) && !is_null($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getPickUpPassengerAddress())) {
                            $proof['needed'] = 'pickUp';
                        } elseif (is_null($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getDropOffDriverAddress()) && !is_null($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getDropOffPassengerAddress())) {
                            $proof['needed'] = 'dropOff';
                    $status = DynamicAsk::STATUS_PENDING;
                    if (Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER == $ask->getStatus()) {
                        $status = DynamicAsk::STATUS_ACCEPTED;
                    } elseif (Ask::STATUS_DECLINED_AS_DRIVER == $ask->getStatus()) {
                        $status = DynamicAsk::STATUS_DECLINED;
                    } elseif (Ask::STATUS_DECLINED_AS_PASSENGER == $ask->getStatus()) {
                        $status = DynamicAsk::STATUS_CANCELLED;
                    $asks[] = [
                        'id' => $ask->getId(),
                        'status' => $status,
                        'user' => [
                            'id' => $ask->getUser()->getId(),
                            'givenName' => $ask->getUser()->getGivenName(),
                            'shortFamilyName' => $ask->getUser()->getShortFamilyName(),
                            'telephone' => DynamicAsk::STATUS_ACCEPTED == $status ? $ask->getUser()->getTelephone() : null,
                            'position' => $matching->getProposalRequest()->getPosition()->getWaypoint()->getAddress(),
                        'result' => $this->getResult($matching, $dynamic->getResults()),
                        'messages' => $this->getThread($ask),
                        'priceKm' => $ask->getCriteria()->getPriceKm(),
                        'price' => $ask->getCriteria()->getPassengerComputedRoundedPrice(),
                        'duration' => $matching->getDropOffDuration() - $matching->getPickUpDuration(),
                        'pickUpDuration' => $pickUpDuration,
                        'pickUpDistance' => $pickUpDistance,
                        'pickUpUnlock' => $pickUpUnlock,
                        'detourDistance' => $matching->getDetourDistance(),
                        'detourDuration' => $matching->getDetourDuration(),
                        'proof' => $proof,
        } else {
            // the user is passenger, we search the matching offers
            foreach ($dynamic->getProposal()->getMatchingOffers() as $matching) {
                foreach ($matching->getAsks() as $ask) {
                     * @var Ask $ask
                    // there's an ask, the recipient of the ask is the driver => the userRelated of the ask
                    // if the pickup hasn't been made yet, we compute the direction between the driver and the passenger
                    $pickUpDuration = null;
                    $pickUpDistance = null;
                    $pickUpUnlock = false;
                    if (0 == count($ask->getCarpoolProofs())) {
                        $addresses = [];
                        $addressDriver = $matching->getProposalOffer()->getPosition()->getWaypoint()->getAddress();
                        $addressPassenger = $matching->getProposalRequest()->getPosition()->getWaypoint()->getAddress();
                        $addresses[] = $addressDriver;
                        $addresses[] = $addressPassenger;
                        $pickUpUnlock = $this->geoTools->haversineGreatCircleDistance(
                        ) <= $this->params['dynamicProofDistance'];
                        if ($routes = $this->geoRouter->getRoutes($addresses)) {
                            $pickUpDuration = $routes[0]->getDuration();
                            $pickUpDistance = $routes[0]->getDistance();
                    // check if there's a proof pending
                    $proof = null;
                    if (1 == count($ask->getCarpoolProofs())) {
                        $proof['id'] = $ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getId();
                        if (!is_null($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getPickUpDriverAddress()) && is_null($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getPickUpPassengerAddress())) {
                            $proof['needed'] = 'pickUp';
                        } elseif (!is_null($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getDropOffDriverAddress()) && is_null($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getDropOffPassengerAddress())) {
                            $proof['needed'] = 'dropOff';
                    $status = DynamicAsk::STATUS_PENDING;
                    if (Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER == $ask->getStatus()) {
                        $status = DynamicAsk::STATUS_ACCEPTED;
                    } elseif (Ask::STATUS_DECLINED_AS_DRIVER == $ask->getStatus()) {
                        $status = DynamicAsk::STATUS_DECLINED;
                    } elseif (Ask::STATUS_DECLINED_AS_PASSENGER == $ask->getStatus()) {
                        $status = DynamicAsk::STATUS_CANCELLED;
                    $asks[] = [
                        'id' => $ask->getId(),
                        'status' => $status,
                        'user' => [
                            'id' => $ask->getUserRelated()->getId(),
                            'givenName' => $ask->getUserRelated()->getGivenName(),
                            'shortFamilyName' => $ask->getUserRelated()->getShortFamilyName(),
                            'telephone' => DynamicAsk::STATUS_ACCEPTED == $status ? $ask->getUserRelated()->getTelephone() : null,
                            'position' => $matching->getProposalOffer()->getPosition()->getWaypoint()->getAddress(),
                        'result' => $this->getResult($matching, $dynamic->getResults()),
                        'messages' => $this->getThread($ask),
                        'priceKm' => $ask->getCriteria()->getPriceKm(),
                        'price' => $ask->getCriteria()->getPassengerComputedRoundedPrice(),
                        'duration' => $matching->getDropOffDuration() - $matching->getPickUpDuration(),
                        'pickUpDuration' => $pickUpDuration,
                        'pickUpDistance' => $pickUpDistance,
                        'pickUpUnlock' => $pickUpUnlock,
                        'detourDistance' => $matching->getDetourDistance(),
                        'detourDuration' => $matching->getDetourDuration(),
                        'proof' => $proof,

        return $dynamic;

     * Get the last unfinished dynamic ad.
     * @param User $user The user for which we want the ad
     * @return null|Dynamic the dynamic ad found or null if not found
    public function getLastDynamicUnfinished(User $user)
        if ($proposal = $this->proposalManager->getLastDynamicUnfinished($user)) {
            $dynamic = new Dynamic();
            $dynamic->setRole($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() ? Dynamic::ROLE_DRIVER : Dynamic::ROLE_PASSENGER);

            return $dynamic;

        return null;


     * Get a dynamic ask.
     * @param int $id the dynamic ask id
     * @return DynamicAsk the dynamic ask
    public function getDynamicAsk(int $id)
        if (!$ask = $this->askRespository->find($id)) {
            throw new DynamicException('Dynamic ask not found');
        $dynamicAsk = new DynamicAsk();

        return $dynamicAsk;

     * Create an ask for a dynamic ad.
     * @param DynamicAsk $dynamicAsk The ask to create
     * @return DynamicAsk the created ask
    public function createDynamicAsk(DynamicAsk $dynamicAsk)
        // only the passenger can create an ask
        $matching = $this->matchingRepository->find($dynamicAsk->getMatchingId());
        if ($dynamicAsk->getUser()->getId() != $matching->getProposalRequest()->getUser()->getId()) {
            throw new DynamicException('Only the passenger can create the dynamic ask');

        // check that another ask is not already made
        if ($this->askManager->hasPendingDynamicAsk($dynamicAsk->getUser())) {
            throw new DynamicException('This user has already a pending dynamic ask');

        // check that another ask has not been made on this particular ad
        if ($this->askManager->hasRefusedDynamicAsk($dynamicAsk->getUser(), $matching)) {
            throw new DynamicException('This user has already a refused dynamic ask on this matching');

        $ask = new Ask();

        // we use the matching criteria
        $criteria = clone $matching->getCriteria();

        // we use the matching waypoints
        $waypoints = $matching->getWaypoints();
        foreach ($waypoints as $waypoint) {
            $newWaypoint = clone $waypoint;

        // Ask History
        $askHistory = new AskHistory();

        // message
        if (!is_null($dynamicAsk->getMessage()) && '' != $dynamicAsk->getMessage()) {
            $message = new Message();
            $recipient = new Recipient();


        // disable the passenger dynamic ad to avoid asks to other drivers


        // todo : dispatch en event ?


        return $dynamicAsk;

     * Update an ask for a dynamic ad :
     * - by the driver to accept / refuse an ask
     * - by the passenger to cancel an ask (before the driver has accepted only !).
     * @param int        $id             The id of the ask to update
     * @param DynamicAsk $dynamicAskData The ask data to make the update
     * @return DynamicAsk the updated ask
    public function updateDynamicAsk(int $id, DynamicAsk $dynamicAskData)
        // get the ask
        $ask = $this->askRespository->find($id);

        // the driver should only accept or decline the ask
        if ($ask->getUserRelated()->getId() == $dynamicAskData->getUser()->getId() && DynamicAsk::STATUS_ACCEPTED != $dynamicAskData->getStatus() && DynamicAsk::STATUS_DECLINED != $dynamicAskData->getStatus()) {
            throw new DynamicException('Only accept or decline are permitted.');

        // the driver should only accept or decline a pending ask
        if ($ask->getUserRelated()->getId() == $dynamicAskData->getUser()->getId() && Ask::STATUS_DECLINED_AS_PASSENGER == $ask->getStatus()) {
            throw new DynamicException('The ask has been cancelled.');

        // the passenger can only cancel an ask
        if ($ask->getUser()->getId() == $dynamicAskData->getUser()->getId()) {
            if (Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER == $ask->getStatus()) {
                throw new DynamicException('Update forbidden : the driver has already accepted the carpooling.');
            if (DynamicAsk::STATUS_CANCELLED != $dynamicAskData->getStatus()) {
                throw new DynamicException('Only cancel is permitted.');

        $ask->setStatus(DynamicAsk::STATUS_ACCEPTED == $dynamicAskData->getStatus() ? Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER : (DynamicAsk::STATUS_DECLINED == $dynamicAskData->getStatus() ? Ask::STATUS_DECLINED_AS_DRIVER : Ask::STATUS_DECLINED_AS_PASSENGER));

        // Ask History
        $askHistory = new AskHistory();

        // message => the driver is the userRelated, the passenger is the user
        if (!is_null($dynamicAskData->getMessage()) && '' != $dynamicAskData->getMessage()) {
            $message = new Message();
            // we search the previous message if it exists
            if ($lastAskHistoryWithMessage = $this->askHistoryRepository->findLastAskHistoryWithMessage($ask)) {
                if (!is_null($lastAskHistoryWithMessage->getMessage()->getMessage())) {
                    // the linked message has a parent => it is also the parent of our new message
                } else {
                    // no parent => we use the message linked as parent for our new message
            $recipient = new Recipient();
            if ($ask->getUser()->getId() == $dynamicAskData->getUser()->getId()) {
                // the passenger sends a message
            } else {
                // the driver sends a message


        if (Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER == $ask->getStatus()) {
            // dynamic carpooling accepted : update the ad to include the passenger path

            $proposal = $ask->getMatching()->getProposalOffer();

            // waypoints :
            // - we remove all the previous waypoints
            // - we use the waypoints of the ask
            $newWaypoints = [];
            foreach ($ask->getWaypoints() as $point) {
                $waypoint = clone $point;
                if (0 == $waypoint->getPosition()) {
                    // the first waypoint was the driver floating waypoint when the passenger made the ask, it wasn't reached, but we set it as reached anyway
                // we search in the original waypoints if the current waypoint has been reached by the driver
                foreach ($proposal->getWaypoints() as $curWaypoint) {
                    if (
                        $curWaypoint->getAddress()->getLongitude() == $point->getAddress()->getLongitude()
                        && $curWaypoint->getAddress()->getLatitude() == $point->getAddress()->getLatitude()
                    ) {
                        if ($curWaypoint->isReached()) {

                $newWaypoints[] = $waypoint;
            foreach ($proposal->getWaypoints() as $waypoint) {
                if (!$waypoint->isFloating()) {
            foreach ($newWaypoints as $waypoint) {

            // uncomment to cancel the other asks arbitrary as the path has changed
            // foreach ($proposal->getMatchingRequests() as $matching) {
            //     if ($matching->getId() != $ask->getMatching()->getId()) {
            //         foreach ($matching->getAsks() as $ask) {
            //             if ($ask->getStatus() == Ask::STATUS_PENDING_AS_PASSENGER) {
            //                 $ask->setStatus(Ask::STATUS_DECLINED_AS_DRIVER);
            //                 $this->entityManager->persist($ask);
            //             }
            //         }
            //     }
            // }

            // update the matchings

            // persist the updates
        } else {
            // dynamic carpooling refused or cancelled : update the passenger ad to make it active again


        return $dynamicAskData;


     * Create a proof for a dynamic ask.
     * @param DynamicProof $dynamicProof The proof to create (or update if it already exists)
     * @return DynamicProof the created or updated proof
    public function createDynamicProof(DynamicProof $dynamicProof)
        // search the ask
        if (!$ask = $this->askRespository->find($dynamicProof->getDynamicAskId())) {
            throw new DynamicException('Dynamic ask not found');

        // check that the ask is accepted
        if (Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER == !$ask->getStatus()) {
            throw new DynamicException('Dynamic ask not accepted');

        // check if a proof already exists => the array of carpool proofs for the ask has only one item as it's dynamic => punctual
        if (1 == count($ask->getCarpoolProofs())) {
            // the proof already exists, it's an update
            return $this->updateDynamicProof($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getId(), $dynamicProof);

        $carpoolProof = $this->proofManager->createProof($ask, $dynamicProof->getLongitude(), $dynamicProof->getLatitude(), CarpoolProof::TYPE_UNDETERMINED_DYNAMIC, $dynamicProof->getUser(), $ask->getUserRelated(), $ask->getUser(), $dynamicProof->getDriverPhoneUniqueId(), $dynamicProof->getPassengerPhoneUniqueId());

            ($carpoolProof->getPickUpPassengerDate() ? '1' : '0').
            ($carpoolProof->getPickUpDriverDate() ? '1' : '0').
            ($carpoolProof->getDropOffPassengerDate() ? '1' : '0').
            ($carpoolProof->getDropOffDriverDate() ? '1' : '0')

        return $dynamicProof;

     * Update a dynamic proof.
     * @param int          $id               The id of the dynamic proof to update
     * @param DynamicProof $dynamicProofData The data to update the dynamic proof
     * @return DynamicProof The dynamic proof updated
    public function updateDynamicProof(int $id, DynamicProof $dynamicProofData)
        // search the proof
        if (!$carpoolProof = $this->proofManager->getProof($id)) {
            throw new DynamicException('Dynamic proof not found');

        // Check if the proof has been canceled
        if (CarpoolProof::STATUS_CANCELED === $carpoolProof->getStatus()) {
            throw new DynamicException('Dynamic proof already canceled');

        try {
            $carpoolProof = $this->proofManager->updateProof($id, $dynamicProofData->getLongitude(), $dynamicProofData->getLatitude(), $dynamicProofData->getUser(), $carpoolProof->getAsk()->getMatching()->getProposalRequest()->getUser(), $this->params['dynamicProofDistance'], $dynamicProofData->getDriverPhoneUniqueId(), $dynamicProofData->getPassengerPhoneUniqueId());
                ($carpoolProof->getPickUpPassengerDate() ? '1' : '0').
                ($carpoolProof->getPickUpDriverDate() ? '1' : '0').
                ($carpoolProof->getDropOffPassengerDate() ? '1' : '0').
                ($carpoolProof->getDropOffDriverDate() ? '1' : '0')
        } catch (ProofException $proofException) {
            throw new DynamicException($proofException->getMessage());

        return $dynamicProofData;

     * Get a result from a Matching.
     * @param Matching $matching The matching
     * @param array    $results  The array of results
     * @return null|Result The result found
    private function getResult(Matching $matching, array $results)
        foreach ($results as $result) {
             * @var Result $result
            if (!is_null($result->getResultDriver()) && !is_null($result->getResultDriver()->getOutward())) {
                if ($result->getResultDriver()->getOutward()->getMatchingId() == $matching->getId()) {
                    return $result;
            if (!is_null($result->getResultPassenger()) && !is_null($result->getResultPassenger()->getOutward())) {
                if ($result->getResultPassenger()->getOutward()->getMatchingId() == $matching->getId()) {
                    return $result;

        return null;

     * Get all the messages related to an ask.
     * @param Ask $ask The ask
     * @return array The messages
    private function getThread(Ask $ask)
        $thread = [];
        if (!is_null($ask->getAskHistories()[0]->getMessage())) {
            $messages = $this->internalMessageManager->getCompleteThread($ask->getAskHistories()[0]->getMessage()->getId());
            foreach ($messages as $message) {
                // @var Message $message
                $thread[] = [
                    'text' => $message->getText(),
                    'user' => [
                        'id' => $message->getUser()->getId(),
                        'givenName' => $message->getUser()->getGivenName(),
                        'shortFamilyName' => $message->getUser()->getShortFamilyName(),

        return $thread;

     * Update the direction of the related proofs of a dynamic ad (if it exists).
     * For now we only update the direction using the driver position updates to avoid mismatches.
     * @param Dynamic $dynamic The dynamic ad
    private function updateProofsDirectionForDynamic(Dynamic $dynamic)
        // first we search if there are asks related to the dynamic ad
        if (Dynamic::ROLE_DRIVER == $dynamic->getRole()) {
            // the user is driver
            foreach ($dynamic->getProposal()->getMatchingRequests() as $matching) {
                 * @var Matching $matching
                foreach ($matching->getAsks() as $ask) {
                     * @var Ask $ask
                    if (Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER == $ask->getStatus() && 1 == count($ask->getCarpoolProofs()) && !is_null($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0]->getPickUpDriverAddress())) {
                        // we update the direction if the driver has made its pickup certification
                        $this->updateProofDirection($ask->getCarpoolProofs()[0], $dynamic->getLongitude(), $dynamic->getLatitude());
        // uncomment the following to use also the passenger position
        // } else {
        //     // the user is passenger
        //     foreach ($dynamic->getProposal()->getMatchingOffers() as $matching) {
        //         /**
        //          * @var Matching $matching
        //          */
        //         foreach ($matching->getAsks() as $ask) {
        //             /**
        //              * @var Ask $ask
        //              */
        //             if ($ask->getStatus() == Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER && !is_null($ask->getCarpoolProof()) && !is_null($ask->getCarpoolProof()->getPickUpPassengerAddress())) {
        //                 $this->updateProofDirection($ask->getCarpoolProof(),$dynamic->getLongitude(), $dynamic->getLatitude());
        //             }
        //         }
        //     }
        // }

     * Update a carpool proof direction.
     * @param CarpoolProof $carpoolProof The carpool proof
     * @param float        $longitude    The longitude of the new point
     * @param float        $latitude     The latitude of the new point
    private function updateProofDirection(CarpoolProof $carpoolProof, float $longitude, float $latitude)
        // first we get all the past points that are stored as a linestring in the geoJsonPoints property
        $points = $carpoolProof->getGeoJsonPoints()->getPoints();
        // then we add the last point (must be an object that have longitude and latitude properties, like an Address)
        $address = new Address();
        $points[] = $address;
        // here we force the update because maybe none of the properties from the entity could be updated, but we need to compute GeoJson

        // we create an array of Addresses to compute the real direction using the georouter
        $addresses = [];
        foreach ($points as $point) {
            $waypoint = new Address();
            $addresses[] = $waypoint;
        if ($routes = $this->geoRouter->getRoutes($addresses)) {
            // we have a direction
             * @var Direction $newDirection
            $newDirection = $routes[0];
            // $carpoolProof->getDirection()->setDetail($newDirection->getDetail());
            // the following is needed to compute the geoJson in the direction automatic update trigger
            // here we force the update because maybe none of the properties from the entity could be updated, but we need to compute GeoJson
        } else {
            // the last point introduced an error as we couldn't compute the direction !
            // we send an exeption...
            throw new DynamicException('Bad geographic position... Point ignored !');
