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 * Copyright (c) 2021, MOBICOOP. All rights reserved.
 * This project is dual licensed under AGPL and proprietary licence.
 *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 *    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 *    License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 *    Licence MOBICOOP described in the file

namespace App\Gamification\Service;

use App\Action\Entity\Action;
use App\Action\Entity\Log;
use App\Action\Repository\LogRepository;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Ask;
use App\Gamification\Entity\Badge;
use App\Gamification\Entity\GamificationAction;
use App\Gamification\Repository\SequenceItemRepository;
use App\User\Entity\User;
use App\Gamification\Entity\SequenceItem;
use App\Gamification\Entity\ValidationStep;
use App\Gamification\Repository\BadgeRepository;
use App\Gamification\Entity\BadgeProgression;
use App\Gamification\Entity\BadgeSummary;
use App\Gamification\Entity\GamificationNotifier;
use App\Gamification\Entity\Reward;
use App\Gamification\Entity\RewardStep;
use App\Gamification\Entity\SequenceStatus;
use App\Gamification\Event\BadgeEarnedEvent;
use App\Gamification\Event\RewardStepEarnedEvent;
use App\Gamification\Event\ValidationStepEvent;
use App\Gamification\Interfaces\GamificationNotificationInterface;
use App\Gamification\Resource\BadgesBoard;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use App\Gamification\Interfaces\GamificationRuleInterface;
use App\Communication\Repository\MessageRepository;
use App\Gamification\Repository\RewardStepRepository;
use App\Gamification\Repository\RewardRepository;
use App\Payment\Entity\CarpoolItem;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use App\User\Repository\UserRepository;
use App\Gamification\Service\RetroactivelyRewardService;
use App\Gamification\Service\BadgesBoardManager;

 * Gamification Manager
 * @author Maxime Bardot <>
class GamificationManager
    private $sequenceItemRepository;
    private $logRepository;
    private $badgeRepository;
    private $entityManager;
    private $eventDispatcher;
    private $gamificationNotifier;
    private $messageRepository;
    private $rewardStepRepository;
    private $rewardRepository;
    private $badgeImageUri;
    private $logger;
    private $userRepository;
    private $retroactivelyRewardService;
    private $badgesBoardManager;

    public function __construct(
        SequenceItemRepository $sequenceItemRepository,
        LogRepository $logRepository,
        BadgeRepository $badgeRepository,
        EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,
        EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher,
        GamificationNotifier $gamificationNotifier,
        MessageRepository $messageRepository,
        RewardStepRepository $rewardStepRepository,
        RewardRepository $rewardRepository,
        string $badgeImageUri,
        LoggerInterface $logger,
        UserRepository $userRepository,
        RetroactivelyRewardService $retroactivelyRewardService,
        BadgesBoardManager $badgesBoardManager
    ) {
        $this->sequenceItemRepository = $sequenceItemRepository;
        $this->logRepository = $logRepository;
        $this->badgeRepository = $badgeRepository;
        $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
        $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
        $this->gamificationNotifier = $gamificationNotifier;
        $this->messageRepository = $messageRepository;
        $this->rewardStepRepository = $rewardStepRepository;
        $this->rewardRepository = $rewardRepository;
        $this->badgeImageUri = $badgeImageUri;
        $this->logger = $logger;
        $this->userRepository = $userRepository;
        $this->retroactivelyRewardService = $retroactivelyRewardService;
        $this->badgesBoardManager = $badgesBoardManager;
     * When a new log entry is detected, we treat it to determine if there is something to do (i.e Gamification)
     * @param Log $log          Event of the action
     * @return void
    public function handleLog(Log $log)
        // A new log has been recorded. We need to check if there is a gamification action to take
        $gamificationActions = $log->getAction()->getGamificationActions();
        if (is_array($gamificationActions) && count($gamificationActions)>0) {
            // This action has gamification action, we need to treat it
            foreach ($gamificationActions as $gamificationAction) {
                $this->treatGamificationAction($gamificationAction, $log);

     * Treatment and evaluation of a GamificationAction
     * @param GamificationAction $gamificationAction
     * @param Log $log
     * @return void
    private function treatGamificationAction(GamificationAction $gamificationAction, Log $log)
        // We check if this action is in a sequenceItem
        $validationSteps = [];
        $sequenceItems = $this->sequenceItemRepository->findBy(['gamificationAction'=>$gamificationAction]);
        if (is_array($sequenceItems) && count($sequenceItems)>0) {
            // This action has gamification action, we need to treat it
             * @var SequenceItem $sequenceItem
            foreach ($sequenceItems as $sequenceItem) {
                $validationStep = new ValidationStep();
                $validationStep->setValidated(true); // By default, the sequenceItem is valid

                if (!is_null($gamificationAction->getGamificationActionRule())) {
                    // at this point a rule is associated, we need to execute it
                    $gamificationActionRuleName = "\\App\\Gamification\Rule\\" . $gamificationAction->getGamificationActionRule()->getName();
                     * @var GamificationRuleInterface $gamificationActionRule
                    $gamificationActionRule = new $gamificationActionRuleName;
                    $validationStep->setValidated($validationStep->isValidated() && $gamificationActionRule->execute($log, $sequenceItem));
                // This related action needs to be made a minimum amount of time
                if (!is_null($sequenceItem->getMinCount()) && $sequenceItem->getMinCount()>0) {
                    $validationStep->setValidated($validationStep->isValidated() && $this->checkMinCount($gamificationAction->getAction(), $log->getUser(), $sequenceItem->getMinCount()));
                // this related action needs to be made in a range that range date
                if (($sequenceItem->isInDateRange())) {
                    $validationStep->setValidated($validationStep->isValidated() && $this->checkInDateRange($gamificationAction->getAction(), $log->getUser(), $sequenceItem->getBadge()->getStartDate(), $sequenceItem->getBadge()->getEndDate(), $sequenceItem->getMinCount(), $sequenceItem->getMinUniqueCount()));

                // Dispatch an event who says that a ValidationStep has been evaluated
                $validationStepEvent = new ValidationStepEvent($validationStep);
                $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(ValidationStepEvent::NAME, $validationStepEvent);

     * Check if the MinCount criteria is verified
     * @param Action $action    The action to count
     * @param User $user        The User we count for
     * @param int $minCount     The min count to be valid
     * @return boolean  True for valid
    private function checkMinCount(Action $action, User $user, int $minCount): bool
        // We get in the log table all the Action $action made by this User $user
        $logs = $this->logRepository->findBy(['action'=>$action, 'user'=>$user]);
        if (is_array($logs) && count($logs)>=$minCount) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Check if the inDateRange criteria is verified
     * @param Action $action            The action to check
     * @param User $user                The User who made the action
     * @param DateTime $startDate       The start date to be valid
     * @param DateTime $endDate         The end date to be valid
     * @param integer $minCount         The min count to be valid
     * @param integer $minUniqueCount   not implemented The unique min count to be vali_d
     * @return boolean  True for valid
    private function checkInDateRange(Action $action, User $user, $startDate, $endDate, $minCount=0, $minUniqueCount = 0): bool
        // We get in the log table all the Action $action made by this User $user
        $logs = $this->logRepository->findBy(['action'=>$action, 'user'=>$user]);
        $logIds = [];
        foreach ($logs as $log) {
            if ($startDate <= $log->getDate() && $log->getDate() <= $endDate) {
                $logIds[] = $log->getId();
        if (count($logIds)>$minCount) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Get the Badges earned by a User
     * @param User $user
     * @return array|null
    public function getBadgesEarned(User $user): ?array
        $badges = [];
        foreach ($user->getRewards() as $reward) {
            $badges[] = $reward->getBadge();
        return $badges;

     * Take a ValidationStep and take the necessary actions about it (RewardStep, Badge...)
     * @param ValidationStep $validationStep   The ValidationStep to treat
     * @return void
    public function handleValidationStep(ValidationStep $validationStep)
        if ($validationStep->isValidated()) {
            // The ValidationStep has been validated
            // First we get the BadgesBoard of this User. With it, we can check if this particular step has alteady been validated
            $badgesBoard = $this->badgesBoardManager->getBadgesBoard($validationStep->getUser());
            foreach ($badgesBoard->getBadges() as $badgeProgression) {
                $badgeSummary = $badgeProgression->getBadgeSummary();

                $currentSequenceValidation = []; // We will store the status of every SequenceItem
                $newValidation = false;
                foreach ($badgeSummary->getSequences() as $sequenceStatus) {

                    // We found the right sequence
                    if ($sequenceStatus->getSequenceItemId() == $validationStep->getSequenceItem()->getId()) {
                        // If it's a new validation, We store it be inserting a line in RewardStep for the User
                        if (!$sequenceStatus->isValidated()) {
                            $newValidation = true;
                            $rewardStep = new RewardStep();


                            // We also update the current SequenceStatus to evaluate further it this is enough to earn badge

                            // Dispatch the event
                            $rewardStepEarnedEvent = new RewardStepEarnedEvent($rewardStep);
                            $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(RewardStepEarnedEvent::NAME, $rewardStepEarnedEvent);
                    // We store the status of the current SequenceItem. If all validated, maybe the user earned a Badge
                    $currentSequenceValidation[] = $sequenceStatus->isValidated();
                if (!in_array(false, $currentSequenceValidation)) {
                    // All steps are valid !
                    if ($newValidation) {
                        // There was a new validation, a new Badge is earned !
                        // We get the badge involved and add a User owning this Badge (add a line in Reward table)
                        $badge = $this->badgeRepository->find($badgeSummary->getBadgeId());
                        $reward = new Reward();

                        // Dispatch the event
                        $badgeEarnedEvent = new BadgeEarnedEvent($reward);
                        $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(BadgeEarnedEvent::NAME, $badgeEarnedEvent);

     * Add a Gamification notification to the current pool that will be return at the end of the request
     * @param GamificationNotificationInterface $gamificationNotification
     * @return void
    public function handleGamificationNotification(GamificationNotificationInterface $gamificationNotification)

     * Tag a RewardStep as notified
     * @param int $id    Id of the RewardStep to tag
     * @return RewardStep
    public function tagRewardStepAsNotified(int $id): RewardStep
        if ($rewardStep = $this->rewardStepRepository->find($id)) {
            $rewardStep->setNotifiedDate(new \DateTime('now'));
            return $rewardStep;
        throw new \LogicException("No RewardStep found");

     * Tag a Reward as notified
     * @param int $id    Id of the RewardStep to tag
     * @return Reward
    public function tagRewardAsNotified(int $id): Reward
        if ($reward = $this->rewardRepository->find($id)) {
            $reward->setNotifiedDate(new \DateTime('now'));
            return $reward;
        throw new \LogicException("No Reward found");

    public function retroactivelyGenerateRewards()
        return $this->retroactivelyRewardService->retroactivelyRewardUsers();