* Copyright (c) 2020, MOBICOOP. All rights reserved.
* This project is dual licensed under AGPL and proprietary licence.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
* Licence MOBICOOP described in the file
namespace App\Journey\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Annotation\ApiResource;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Annotation\ApiFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\NumericFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\DateFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\SearchFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\OrderFilter;
* Carpooling : an effective journey.
* @author Sylvain Briat <sylvain.briat@mobicoop.org>
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(indexes={
* @ORM\Index(name="IDX_ORIGIN", columns={"origin"}),
* @ORM\Index(name="IDX_DESTINATION", columns={"destination"}),
* @ORM\Index(name="IDX_ORIGIN_DESTINATION", columns={"origin","destination"})
* })
* @ApiResource(
* attributes={
* "force_eager"=false,
* "normalization_context"={"groups"={"readJourney"}, "enable_max_depth"="true"},
* "denormalization_context"={"groups"={"writeJourney"}}
* },
* collectionOperations={
* "get"={
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* "cities"={
* "method"="GET",
* "path"="/journeys/cities",
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* "popularHome"={
* "method"="GET",
* "path"="/journeys/popular/home",
* "normalization_context"={"groups"={"readPopularJourney"}},
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* "popular"={
* "method"="GET",
* "path"="/journeys/popular",
* "normalization_context"={"groups"={"readPopularJourney"}},
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* "origin"={
* "method"="GET",
* "path"="/journeys/origin/{origin}",
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* "destinations"={
* "method"="GET",
* "path"="/journeys/destinations/{origin}",
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* "destination"={
* "method"="GET",
* "path"="/journeys/destination/{destination}",
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* "origins"={
* "method"="GET",
* "path"="/journeys/origins/{destination}",
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* "originDestination"={
* "method"="GET",
* "path"="/journeys/origin/{origin}/destination/{destination}",
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* "carpools"={
* "method"="POST",
* "path"="/journeys/carpools",
* "normalization_context"={"groups"={"journeyCarpools"}},
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* },
* itemOperations={
* "get"={
* "swagger_context" = {
* "tags"={"Carpool Summary"}
* }
* },
* }
* )
* @ApiFilter(SearchFilter::class, properties={"origin":"partial", "destination":"partial"})
* @ApiFilter(NumericFilter::class, properties={"frequency"})
* @ApiFilter(DateFilter::class, properties={"fromDate": DateFilter::EXCLUDE_NULL,"toDate": DateFilter::EXCLUDE_NULL})
* @ApiFilter(OrderFilter::class, properties={"fromDate", "origin", "destination"}, arguments={"orderParameterName"="order"})
class Journey
const DEFAULT_ID = 999999999999;
const ROLE_DRIVER = 1;
const POPULAR_RANDOMIZATION_FACTOR = 5; // Used to shuffle the results for popular Journeys
* @var int The id of this journey.
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $id;
* @var int The proposal id for this journey
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @Groups({"readJourney","writeJourney","journeyCarpools"})
private $proposalId;
* @var int The user id for this journey
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $userId;
* @var string|null The name of the user.
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $userName;
* @var int|null The age of the user
* @ORM\Column(type="integer", nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $age;
* @var string The origin of the journey
* @ORM\Column(type="string")
* @Groups({"readJourney", "readPopularJourney"})
private $origin;
* @var float|null The latitude of the origin.
* @ORM\Column(type="decimal", precision=10, scale=6, nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney", "readPopularJourney"})
private $latitudeOrigin;
* @var float|null The longitude of the origin.
* @ORM\Column(type="decimal", precision=10, scale=6, nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney", "readPopularJourney"})
private $longitudeOrigin;
* @var string The destination of the journey
* @ORM\Column(type="string")
* @Groups({"readJourney", "readPopularJourney"})
private $destination;
* @var float|null The latitude of the destination.
* @ORM\Column(type="decimal", precision=10, scale=6, nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney", "readPopularJourney"})
private $latitudeDestination;
* @var float|null The longitude of the destination.
* @ORM\Column(type="decimal", precision=10, scale=6, nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney", "readPopularJourney"})
private $longitudeDestination;
* @var int The proposal frequency (1 = punctual; 2 = regular).
* @ORM\Column(type="smallint")
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $frequency;
* @var int The proposal type (1 = oneway; 2 = return trip).
* @ORM\Column(type="smallint")
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $type;
* @var int The role for this journey (1 = driver; 2 = passenger; 3 = driver or passenger).
* @ORM\Column(type="smallint")
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $role;
* @var \DateTimeInterface The starting date.
* @ORM\Column(type="date")
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $fromDate;
* @var \DateTimeInterface The end date.
* @ORM\Column(type="date", nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $toDate;
* @var \DateTimeInterface|null The starting time for a punctual journey.
* @ORM\Column(type="time", nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $time;
* @var string|null The json representation of the possible days for a regular journey.
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $days;
* @var string|null The json representation of the outward times for a regular journey.
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $outwardTimes;
* @var string|null The json representation of the return times for a regular journey.
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $returnTimes;
* @var int|null The number of occurences of this journey (for Popular Journey only)
* @Groups({"readPopularJourney"})
private $occurences;
* @var \DateTimeInterface Creation date of the journey.
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
* @Groups({"readJourney"})
private $createdDate;
* @var \DateTimeInterface Updated date of the journey.
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime", nullable=true)
private $updatedDate;
public function __construct($id = null)
if (is_null($id)) {
$this->id = self::DEFAULT_ID;
public function getId(): ?int
return $this->id;
public function getProposalId(): int
return $this->proposalId;
public function setProposalId(int $proposalId): self
$this->proposalId = $proposalId;
return $this;
public function getUserId(): ?int
return $this->userId;
public function setUserId(int $userId): self
$this->userId = $userId;
return $this;
public function getUserName(): ?string
return $this->userName;
public function setUserName(?string $userName): self
$this->userName = $userName;
return $this;
public function getAge(): ?int
return $this->age;
public function setAge(int $age): self
$this->age = $age;
return $this;
public function getOrigin(): ?string
return $this->origin;
public function setOrigin(string $origin): self
$this->origin = $origin;
return $this;
public function getLatitudeOrigin()
return $this->latitudeOrigin;
public function setLatitudeOrigin($latitudeOrigin)
$this->latitudeOrigin = $latitudeOrigin;
public function getLongitudeOrigin()
return $this->longitudeOrigin;
public function setLongitudeOrigin($longitudeOrigin)
$this->longitudeOrigin = $longitudeOrigin;
public function getDestination(): ?string
return $this->destination;
public function setDestination(string $destination): self
$this->destination = $destination;
return $this;
public function getLatitudeDestination()
return $this->latitudeDestination;
public function setLatitudeDestination($latitudeDestination)
$this->latitudeDestination = $latitudeDestination;
public function getLongitudeDestination()
return $this->longitudeDestination;
public function setLongitudeDestination($longitudeDestination)
$this->longitudeDestination = $longitudeDestination;
public function getFrequency(): ?int
return $this->frequency;
public function setFrequency(int $frequency): self
$this->frequency = $frequency;
return $this;
public function getType(): ?int
return $this->type;
public function setType(int $type): self
$this->type = $type;
return $this;
public function getRole(): ?int
return $this->role;
public function setRole(int $role): self
$this->role = $role;
return $this;
public function getFromDate(): ?\DateTimeInterface
return $this->fromDate;
public function setFromDate(\DateTimeInterface $fromDate): self
$this->fromDate = $fromDate;
return $this;
public function getToDate(): ?\DateTimeInterface
return $this->toDate;
public function setToDate(?\DateTimeInterface $toDate): self
$this->toDate = $toDate;
return $this;
public function getTime(): ?\DateTimeInterface
if ($this->time) {
return \DateTime::createFromFormat('His', $this->time->format('His'));
return null;
public function setTime(?\DateTimeInterface $time): self
$this->time = $time;
return $this;
public function getDays(): ?string
return $this->days;
public function setDays(?string $days): self
$this->days = $days;
return $this;
public function getOutwardTimes(): ?string
return $this->outwardTimes;
public function setOutwardTimes(?string $outwardTimes): self
$this->outwardTimes = $outwardTimes;
return $this;
public function getReturnTimes(): ?string
return $this->returnTimes;
public function setReturnTimes(?string $returnTimes): self
$this->returnTimes = $returnTimes;
return $this;
public function getOccurences(): ?int
return $this->occurences;
public function setOccurences(int $occurences): self
$this->occurences = $occurences;
return $this;
public function getCreatedDate(): ?\DateTimeInterface
return $this->createdDate;
public function setCreatedDate(\DateTimeInterface $createdDate): self
$this->createdDate = $createdDate;
return $this;
public function getUpdatedDate(): ?\DateTimeInterface
return $this->updatedDate;
public function setUpdatedDate(\DateTimeInterface $updatedDate): self
$this->updatedDate = $updatedDate;
return $this;