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@licstart  The following is the entire license notice for the
JavaScript code in this page.

Copyright (C) 2018  Access42

The JavaScript code in this page is free software: you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.  The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU GPL for more details.

As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you
may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of
that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by
section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL
through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.

@licend  The above is the entire license notice
for the JavaScript code in this page.
/*** AccessConfig **/

var AccessConfig = (function() {

  'use strict '
  let userPrefix=''
  let i =''
  let j =''
  let len =''
  let lenx =''

  /*** Configuration **/
  var config = {
      //id to catch in the html

     General Setting
     useExtendContrast : true for three choices (default, inverted, enforced), false for two choices (default, inverted)

    Setting: {
      useExtendContrast: true
    BodyActive: {
      classSetting: 'active'
    Overlay: {
      classSetting: 'overlay'

     Modal button and window container

    ModalButton: {
      id: 'button'
    ModalContainer: {
      classSetting: 'modal',
      titleLang: {
        en: 'Accessibility setting',
        fr: 'Paramètres d’accessibilité',
      titleId: 'title',
      titleClass: 'title',
    CloseButton: {
      id: 'close',
      classSetting: 'close',
      lang: {
        en: 'close',
        fr: 'fermer'
      hiddenTextClass: 'sr-only'

     Inline content container

    InlineContentContainer: {
      id: 'inline-c'

     Parameters checkboxes
     lang is based on html lang declaration, first entry is the default when html lang is unknow

    FormFieldsetContent: {
      classSetting: 'content'
    FormFieldset: {
      classSetting: 'fieldset'
    LegendFieldset: {
      classSetting: 'legend'
      classSetting: 'radio'

    /** Contrast
     value : className of the dedicated className style
     Important ! : value and id must be identical

    ContrastFieldset: {
      //caution : don't change
      id: 'contrast'
    ContrastLegend: {
      lang: {
        en: 'Contrast',
        fr: 'Contrastes'
    DefaultContrastCheckbox: {
      id: 'default-contrast',
      value: 'default-contrast',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'contrast',
      lang: {
        en: 'Default',
        fr: 'Défaut'
      id: 'high-contrast',
      value: 'high-contrast',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'contrast',
      lang: {
        en: 'Reinforce',
        fr: 'Renforcer'
      id: 'inv-contrast',
      value: 'inv-contrast',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'contrast',
      lang: {
        en: 'Reverse',
        fr: 'Inverser'

     Dyslexia font

    DyslexiaFieldset: {
      //caution : don't change
      id: 'font'
    DyslexiaLegend: {
      lang: {
        en: 'Font (dyslexia)',
        fr: 'Police (dyslexie)'
      id: 'default-font',
      value: 'default-font',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'font',
      lang: {
        en: 'Default',
        fr: 'Défaut'
      id: 'dys-font',
      value: 'dys-font',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'font',
      lang: {
        en: 'Adapt',
        fr: 'Adapter'

     Line spacing

    LineSpacingFieldset: {
      //caution : don't change
      id: 'line-spacing'
    LineSpacingLegend: {
      lang: {
        en: 'Line spacing',
        fr: 'Interlignage'
      id: 'default-spacing',
      value: 'default-spacing',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'line-spacing',
      lang: {
        en: 'Default',
        fr: 'Défaut'
      id: 'dys-spacing',
      value: 'dys-spacing',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'line-spacing',
      lang: {
        en: 'Increase',
        fr: 'Augmenter'


    JustificationFieldset: {
      //caution : don't change
      id: 'justification'
    JustificationLegend: {
      lang: {
        en: 'Justification',
        fr: 'Justification'
      id: 'default-justification',
      value: 'default-justification',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'justification',
      lang: {
        en: 'Default',
        fr: 'Défaut'
      id: 'cancel-justification',
      value: 'cancel-justification',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'justification',
      lang: {
        en: 'Remove',
        fr: 'Supprimer'

     Image replacement

    ImageReplacementFieldset: {
      //caution : don't change
      id: 'image'
    ImageReplacementCSS: {
      //Css class to use on each image to replace
      replacementCss: 'replace-img',
      //Css class to style the replacement text
      replacementStyle: 'replace-style'
    ImageReplacementLegend: {
      lang: {
        en: 'Images',
        fr: 'Images'
      id: 'default-img',
      value: 'default-img',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'image',
      lang: {
        en: 'Default',
        fr: 'Défaut'
      id: 'text-img',
      value: 'text-img',
      //caution : don't change
      groupName: 'image',
      lang: {
        en: 'Replace with text',
        fr: 'Remplacer par du texte'
  var global = {
    mode: null,
    cookieName: null,
    openObj: null,
    imgTab : null,
    imgSpan: null

  /** Onload */
  window.onload = function(){

    if(!document.querySelector( '[data-accessconfig-params]' )){
      console.log('AccessConfig warning : HTML missing')
      /** Get parameters define in HTML code by user via data-accessconfig-params attribut (JSON format) **/
      var openButton = document.querySelector( '[data-accessconfig-params]' );
      global.userParams = JSON.parse(openButton.getAttribute( 'data-accessconfig-params' ));
      global.userParams.Prefix ? (userPrefix = global.userParams.Prefix) : (userPrefix = 'a42-ac');

      /** Set the setting form **/

      /** Modal option**/
      if( global.userParams.Modal == true || global.userParams.Modal === undefined) {
        /** If user set data-accessconfig-param.Modal to true, then create a button to launch the modal **/
        var modalButton = document.createElement( 'button' );
        modalButton.setAttribute( 'id', userPrefix+'-' );
        modalButton.setAttribute( 'data-accessconfig-button','true' );

        var modalButtonText = document.querySelector( '[data-accessconfig-buttonname]' );
        modalButtonText = document.createTextNode(modalButtonText.getAttribute( 'data-accessconfig-buttonname' ));

        var setup = document.getElementById(;

        /** Detect other button that can launch the modal by search to data-accessconfig-button="true" **/
        var otherOpenButton = document.querySelectorAll( '[data-accessconfig-button="true"]' );
        for (i = 0, len = otherOpenButton.length; i < len; i++ ){
          otherOpenButton[i].addEventListener( 'click', function(){
            dialog( this );
          }, false);

      // Contrast features
      if(global.userParams.Contrast != false){
        global.mode = userPrefix+'-';
        global.cookieName = 'contrast';
      // Font feature
      if(global.userParams.Font != false){
        global.mode = userPrefix+'-';
        global.cookieName = 'font';
      // Line spacing feature
      if(global.userParams.LineSpacing != false){
        global.mode = userPrefix+'-';
        global.cookieName = 'line-spacing';
      // Justification feature
      if(global.userParams.Justification != false){
        global.mode = userPrefix+'-';
        global.cookieName = 'justification';
      // Image replacement feature
      if(global.userParams.ImageReplacement != false){
        global.mode = userPrefix+'-';
        global.cookieName = 'image';


  /** Dependencies **/
  /* Create modal or inline setting form : data-accessconfig-params = "Modal" */
  function settingForm(){

    function $create (o) {
      var tn = o.tagName;
      var x = document.createElement(tn);
      for (var i in o) if (i!='tagName'&&typeof(o[i])!='function') x.setAttribute(i, o[i]);
      return x;

    var langRef = setdefaultLang();
    var div = $create({tagName:'div', id:userPrefix, class:userPrefix});

    var fieldsetContent = $create( {tagName:'div', class:userPrefix+'-'+config.FormFieldsetContent.classSetting});

    // set modale
    if( global.userParams.Modal == true || global.userParams.Modal === undefined) {
      div.setAttribute( 'role', 'dialog' );
      div.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', userPrefix+'-'+config.ModalContainer.titleId );
      div.setAttribute( 'tabindex', '-1' );
      global.userParams.ContainerClass ? div.classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+global.userParams.ContainerClass ) :
        div.classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+config.ModalContainer.classSetting );
      var titleWindow = $create({tagName:'h1', id:userPrefix+'-'+config.ModalContainer.titleId});
      global.userParams.ModalTitle ? titleWindow.classList.add( userPrefix+global.userParams.ModalTitle ) :
        titleWindow.classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+config.ModalContainer.titleClass );
      var titleTxt = document.createTextNode( config.ModalContainer.titleLang[ langRef ]);
      titleWindow.appendChild( titleTxt );
      div.appendChild( titleWindow );
      //Close button
      var CClose = $create({tagName:'button', type:'button',id:userPrefix+'-'});
      global.userParams.ModalCloseButton ? CClose.classList.add( userPrefix+global.userParams.ModalCloseButton ) :
        CClose.classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+config.CloseButton.classSetting );
      var SpanHidden = $create({tagName:'span', class:config.CloseButton.hiddenTextClass});
      var CloseTxt = document.createTextNode( config.CloseButton.lang[ langRef ]);
      SpanHidden.appendChild( CloseTxt );
      CClose.appendChild( SpanHidden );
      div.appendChild( CClose );
    else {
      //Inline form
      var setupdiv = document.getElementById( );
      div.classList.add( userPrefix+'accessconfig-inline');

     Contrast features

    if(global.userParams.Contrast != false){

      var fieldset = $create({tagName:'fieldset', id:userPrefix+'-'});
      var legend = document.createElement( 'legend' );
      var legendText = document.createTextNode( config.ContrastLegend.lang[ langRef ] );
      legend.appendChild( legendText );
      fieldset.appendChild( legend );

      /**Default option**/
      var CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio', checked:'checked', id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultContrastCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultContrastCheckbox.groupName});
      var CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      var defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.DefaultContrastCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );

      /**Alterntative option 1 : higher contrast**/
      if( config.Setting.useExtendContrast ) {
        CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio', id:userPrefix+'-' , value:userPrefix+'-'+config.HighContrastCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.HighContrastCheckbox.groupName});
        CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
        defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.HighContrastCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
        CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
        fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
        fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );

      /**Alterntative option 2 : inverted contrast**/
      CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio', id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.InvertContrastCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.InvertContrastCheckbox.groupName});
      CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.InvertContrastCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );
      fieldsetContent.appendChild( fieldset );

     Font feature

    if(global.userParams.Font != false){
      fieldset = $create({tagName:'fieldset', id:userPrefix+'-'});
      legend = document.createElement( 'legend' );
      legendText = document.createTextNode( config.DyslexiaLegend.lang[ langRef ] );
      legend.appendChild( legendText );
      fieldset.appendChild( legend );

      /**Default option**/
      CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio', checked:'checked', id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultFontCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultFontCheckbox.groupName});
      CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.DefaultFontCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );

      /**Alternative option : alternative font OpenDyslexic**/
      CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio', id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.DyslexiaFontCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.DyslexiaFontCheckbox.groupName});
      CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.DyslexiaFontCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );
      fieldsetContent.appendChild( fieldset );

     Line spacing feature

    if(global.userParams.LineSpacing != false){
      fieldset = $create({tagName:'fieldset', id:userPrefix+'-'});
      legend = document.createElement( 'legend' );
      legendText = document.createTextNode( config.LineSpacingLegend.lang[ langRef ] );
      legend.appendChild( legendText );
      fieldset.appendChild( legend );

      /**Default option**/
      CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio',checked:'checked', id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultLineSpacingCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultLineSpacingCheckbox.groupName});
      CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.DefaultLineSpacingCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );

      /**Alternative option : line spacing increase**/
      CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio',id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.DyslexiaLineSpacingCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.DyslexiaLineSpacingCheckbox.groupName});
      CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.DyslexiaLineSpacingCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );
      fieldsetContent.appendChild( fieldset );

     Justification feature

    if(global.userParams.Justification != false){
      fieldset = $create({tagName:'fieldset', id:userPrefix+'-'});
      legend = document.createElement( 'legend' );
      legendText = document.createTextNode( config.JustificationLegend.lang[ langRef ] );
      legend.appendChild( legendText );
      fieldset.appendChild( legend );

      /**Default option**/
      CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio',checked:'checked', id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultJustificationCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultJustificationCheckbox.groupName});
      CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.DefaultJustificationCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );

      /**Alternative option : kill justification**/
      CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio',id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.DyslexiaJustificationCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.DyslexiaJustificationCheckbox.groupName});
      CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.DyslexiaJustificationCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );
      fieldsetContent.appendChild( fieldset );

     Image replacement feature

    if(global.userParams.ImageReplacement != false){
      fieldset = $create({tagName:'fieldset', id:userPrefix+'-'});
      legend = document.createElement( 'legend' );
      legendText = document.createTextNode( config.ImageReplacementLegend.lang[ langRef ] );
      legend.appendChild( legendText );
      fieldset.appendChild( legend );

      /**Default option**/
      CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio',checked:'checked', id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultImageReplacementCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultImageReplacementCheckbox.groupName});
      CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.DefaultImageReplacementCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );

      /**Alternative option : Image replacement**/
      CInput = $create({tagName:'input', type:'radio', id:userPrefix+'-', value:userPrefix+'-'+config.ImageReplacementCheckbox.value, name:userPrefix+'-'+config.ImageReplacementCheckbox.groupName});
      CLabel = $create({tagName:'label', for:userPrefix+'-'});
      defaultCText = document.createTextNode ( config.ImageReplacementCheckbox.lang[ langRef ] );
      CLabel.appendChild( defaultCText );
      fieldset.appendChild( CInput );
      fieldset.appendChild( CLabel );
      fieldsetContent.appendChild( fieldset );

    /**Set generic class attributes on fieldset, legend and radio**/
    let allFieldset=''
    allFieldset = div.querySelectorAll( 'fieldset' );
    for (i = 0, len = allFieldset.length; i < len; i++ ){
      global.userParams.FormFieldset ? allFieldset[i].classList.add( userPrefix+global.userParams.FormFieldset ) :
        allFieldset[i].classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+config.FormFieldset.classSetting );

    let allLegend=''
    allLegend = div.querySelectorAll( 'legend' );
    for (i = 0, len = allLegend.length; i < len; i++ ){
      global.userParams.FormFieldsetLegend ?     allLegend[i].classList.add( userPrefix+global.userParams.FormFieldsetLegend ) :
        allLegend[i].classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+config.LegendFieldset.classSetting );

    let allRadio=''
    allRadio = div.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="radio"]' );
    for (i = 0, len = allRadio.length; i < len; i++ ){
      global.userParams.FormRadio ?     allRadio[i].classList.add( userPrefix+global.userParams.FormRadio ) :
        allRadio[i].classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+config.FormRadio.classSetting );

    /** Set the modal **/
    var modalAttach = document.querySelector( 'body');
    var modalAttachFirstChild = modalAttach.firstChild;
    /** attach modal as the first child of body **/
    if( global.userParams.Modal == true || global.userParams.Modal === undefined) modalAttach.insertBefore( div, modalAttachFirstChild);

  /** Get default language (based on lang attribute) **/
  function setdefaultLang(){
    var lang = document.querySelector( 'html' ).getAttribute( 'lang' );
    if( lang ){
      var ndx;
      ( lang.indexOf( '-' ) > 0 ) ? ndx = lang.indexOf( '-' ) : ndx = 3;
      return lang.substring( 0, ndx );
    else {
      return 'en';

  /** Setting managers **/
  function setEvent(){
    var body = document.querySelector( 'body' );
    var fieldset = document.getElementById( global.mode );
    var checkBoxList = fieldset.querySelectorAll( 'input' );
    for (i = 0, len = checkBoxList.length; i < len; i++ ){
      checkBoxList[i].addEventListener( 'click', function(){
        setAdaptive( this );
      }, false);
    var target = readCookie( global.cookieName );
    if( target ){

      body.classList.add( target );
      for (i = 0, len = checkBoxList.length; i < len; i++ ){
        checkBoxList[i].removeAttribute( 'checked' );
      document.getElementById( target ).setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked');
    //Setting image replacement
    if( body.classList.contains( userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultImageReplacementCheckbox.value ) ){
    if( body.classList.contains( userPrefix+'-'+config.ImageReplacementCheckbox.value ) ){
  /**Set adaptive mode**/
  function setAdaptive( obj ){
    global.mode = obj.getAttribute( 'name' );
    global.cookieName = obj.getAttribute( 'name' );
    var fieldset = document.getElementById( global.mode );

    var checkBoxList = fieldset.querySelectorAll( 'input' );
    var body = document.querySelector( 'body' );
    for (i = 0, lenx = checkBoxList.length; i < lenx; i++ ){
      var value = checkBoxList[i].getAttribute( 'value' );
      if( value === userPrefix+'-'+config.DefaultImageReplacementCheckbox.value){
      body.classList.remove( value );

    var newClass = obj.getAttribute( 'value' );
    obj.setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked' );
    value = obj.getAttribute( 'value' );
    if( value === userPrefix+'-'+config.ImageReplacementCheckbox.value){
    body.classList.add( newClass );
    createCookie(global.cookieName, newClass,'180');

   Image replacement helpers

  function setImgtab(){
    global.imgSpan = new Array;
    var selector = '.'+ userPrefix+'-'+config.ImageReplacementCSS.replacementCss;
    global.imgTab = document.querySelectorAll( selector );
    for (j = 0, len = global.imgTab.length; j < len; j++ ){
      var imgPReplacement = document.createElement( 'span' );
      var imgAlt = global.imgTab[j].getAttribute( 'alt' );
      var imgTxtReplacement = document.createTextNode( imgAlt );
      imgPReplacement.appendChild( imgTxtReplacement );
      imgPReplacement.classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+config.ImageReplacementCSS.replacementCss );
      imgPReplacement.classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+config.ImageReplacementCSS.replacementStyle );
      global.imgSpan[j] = imgPReplacement;
  function replaceImg(){
    for (j = 0, len = global.imgTab.length; j < len; j++ ){
      if( global.imgTab[j].parentNode ){
        var parent = global.imgTab[j].parentNode;
        global.imgTab[j] = parent.replaceChild( global.imgSpan[j], global.imgTab[j] );
  function replaceImgSpan(){
    for (j = 0, len = global.imgSpan.length; j < len; j++ ){
      if( global.imgSpan[j].parentNode ){
        var parent = global.imgSpan[j].parentNode;
        global.imgSpan[j] = parent.replaceChild( global.imgTab[j], global.imgSpan[j] );

   Modal manager

  function dialog( returnTo ) {
    //on ajoute une classe au body
    var overlay = document.createElement( 'div' );
    overlay.classList.add( userPrefix+'-'+config.Overlay.classSetting );

    global.openObj = document.getElementById( userPrefix ); = 'block';
    document.getElementById( userPrefix+'-' ).focus();
    //Init events
    //escape close
    document.addEventListener( 'keydown', escClose, false );
    //button close
    var closeButton = document.getElementById( userPrefix+'-' );
    closeButton.addEventListener( 'click', buttonClose, false );
    document.addEventListener( 'focus', trappingFocus, true );
    //close functions
    function escClose( event ){
      if( event.keyCode === 27 ){ = 'none';
        //reset listener and object trapping focus
        document.removeEventListener( 'keydown', escClose , false );
        //on retire la  classe du body
        var overlay = document.querySelector( '.'+userPrefix+'-'+config.Overlay.classSetting  );
        //global.openObj = null;
    function buttonClose(){ = 'none';
      //reset listener and object trapping focus
      closeButton.removeEventListener( 'click', buttonClose, false );
      //on retire la  classe du body
      var overlay = document.querySelector( '.'+userPrefix+'-'+config.Overlay.classSetting  );
      //reset object trapping focus
      //global.openObj = null
  /* Generic trapping focus function (based on global.openObj setting) */
  function trappingFocus( event ){
    if ( global.openObj && !global.openObj.contains( ) ) {

  function createCookie( name, value, days ) {
    if ( days ) {
      var datetime = new Date();
      datetime.setTime( datetime.getTime() + ( days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) );
      var expires = "; expires=" + datetime.toGMTString();
    else expires = "";
    document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
  function readCookie( name ) {
    var nameEQ = userPrefix+'-'+name + "=";
    var ca = document.cookie.split( ';' );
    for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++ ) {
      var c = ca[i];
      while ( c.charAt(0) == ' ' ) c = c.substring( 1, c.length );
      if ( c.indexOf( nameEQ ) == 0 ) return c.substring( nameEQ.length, c.length );
    return null;
  function eraseCookie( name ) {
    createCookie( name , "", -1 );
} )();

//Polyfill pour la méthode remove non disponible dans InternetExplorer
//Credit :

(function (arr) {
  arr.forEach(function (item) {
    if (item.hasOwnProperty('remove')) {
    Object.defineProperty(item, 'remove', {
      configurable: true,
      enumerable: true,
      writable: true,
      value: function remove() {
        if (this.parentNode !== null)
})([Element.prototype, CharacterData.prototype, DocumentType.prototype]);