
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
    "leaveCommunity": {
        "button": "Leave community",
        "route": "/community/{id}/leave",
        "popup": {
            "content": {
                "isNotProposalsHidden": "If you still have valid proposals associated with that community, those proposals will no longer be marked as being linked to the community once you leave.<br>Confirm?",
                "isProposalsHidden": "If you still have valid proposals associated with this private community, those proposals will be deleted.<br>Confirm?"
            "title": "Request for confirmation"
    "buttons": {
        "publish": {
            "label": "Post a proposal",
            "route": "/carpool/search/post"
        "search": {
            "label": "Search",
            "route": ""
        "join": {
            "label": "Join the community",
            "route": "/community/{id}/join"
        "contact": {
            "route": "/user/messages/new"
        "accessAdmin": {
            "label": "Manage my community"
        "login": {
            "route": "/user/login"
    "tooltips": {
        "connected": "You have to be logged in",
        "validation": "Pending validation",
        "domain": "Your email address must be in one of these domains:"
    "snackbar": {
        "joinCommunity": {
            "textOk": "Your application has been send to the community manager. You will be notified by email.",
            "textError": "An error has occurred, your membership has not been taken into account.",
            "textOkAutoValidation": "Your membership request is validated.",
            "textOkManualValidation": "Your membership request has been sent to the referrer. You will be informed by email."
        "leaveCommunity": {
            "textOk": "You are no longer part of this community",
            "textError": "An error has occurred please try again"
    "title": {
        "searchCarpool": "Search for a journey in the community"
    "map": {
        "findMatchings": "<strong>Search for matching proposals </strong>",
        "origin": "Start",
        "destination": "Destination",
        "regular": "Regular journey",
        "search": {
            "label": "Find corresponding carpools"
    "urlCommunityUser": "/community-user",
    "widget": {
        "label": "View the Widget",
        "route": "/community/widget/get/{id}",
        "externalRoute": "/community/widget/{id}",
        "textDetails": {
            "title": "Include the widget",
            "p1": "To include the widget, you must copy the text below and paste it on your website. <br /> You can change the elements in bold to personalize your widget.",
            "p2": "&lt;iframe src=\"{url}\" width=\"<span class=\"font-weight-bold\">100%</span>\" height=\"<span class=\"font-weight-bold\">640px</span>\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;",
            "p3": "<span class=\"font-weight-bold\">Attention</span>: Some publishing tools like Wordpress require the addition of specific plugins to be able to use an iFrame."
    "yes": "yes",
    "no": "no",
        "members":"{members} members"
    "joinCommunity": {
        "popup": {
            "content": {
                "printPhoneNumberWarning": "Your phone number will be visible to the referrer of the community. <br> Are you sure?"
            "title": "Request for confirmation"
    "freeCarpool": "Sur cette communautĂ©, vos trajets seront gratuits lors de la publication. Vous ĂȘtes libre de modifier le prix."