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Test Coverage
    "redirect": {
        "route": "/communities"
    "error": {
        "image": "The image has not been saved",
        "community": {
            "required": "All fields marked with an asterisk are required",
            "create": "The community creation failed",
            "name": "This community already exists please use another name"
    "form": {
        "domain": {
            "error": "Please enter a domain name in the correct format",
            "tooltips": "If you wish to restrict access to the community to specific email domains, enter these domain names (example: mon separated by a ;",
            "label": "Domain restriction"
        "address": {
            "required": "The address of the community is required",
            "label": "Address of the community*"
        "avatar": {
            "required": "The community avatar is required",
            "label": "Community avatar*",
            "minPxSize": "Minimum size {size}x{size}px",
            "maxMbSize": "maximum weight {size} Mb",
            "mbSize": "You have exceeded the maximum avatar size (Max {size} Mb)",
            "pxSize": "The image is too small : {width}x{height}px (Min {size}x{size}px)"
        "fullDescription": {
            "required": "The detailed description of the community is required",
            "label": "Detailed description of the community*"
        "description": {
            "required": "The short description of the community is required",
            "label": "Short description of the community*"
        "name": {
            "required": "The community name is required",
            "label": "Name of the community*"
    "buttons": {
        "create": {
            "route": "/community/create",
            "label": "Create the community"
    "title": "Create your community",
    "freeCarpool": {
      "label": "Proposer la gratuité d'annonce",
      "tooltip": "Si l'option est activée, les membres seront incité·e·s à partager des annonces gratuites"