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Test Coverage
  "title": "Login",
  "errorCredentials": "Bad username or password.",
  "errorCredentialsFacebook": "Error in login via Facebook",
  "urlLogin": "/user/login",
  "urlLoginResult": "/user/login/{id}",
  "urlLoginEvent": "/user/login/event/{id}",
  "urlLoginCommunity": "/user/login/community/{id}",
  "urlLoginPublish": "/user/login/redirect/post",
  "userFBNotFound": "This Facebook user is not registered on the platform",
  "urlRecovery": "/user/password/recovery",
  "textRecovery": "Forgot your password?",
  "signUp": "Not registered?",
  "urlSignUp": "/user/signup",
  "urlGetSsoServices": "/user/getSsoServices",
  "connection": "Log in",
  "password": "Password",
  "email": "Email",
  "emailRequired": "An email address is required",
  "emailInvalid": "The email address must be valid",
  "passwordRequired": "The password is required",
  "consent": "To be able to login in you must have agreed to \"Keep your connection active\" using the \"Cookie management\" tool accessible by a link at the bottom of the page then refresh the page.",
  "socialServicesUnavailableWithoutConsent": "To be used, the login functionality via social networks must be accepted using the \"Cookie management\" tool accessible by a link at the bottom of the page.",
  "Unable to get an API token.": "Error while logging in.",
  "Bad credentials.": "Incorrect user name or password.",
  "errorSso": "Connexion impossible, car aucun compte utilisateur existant sur {appName} n'est lié à '{service}'",
  "fillEmailAndPass": "Sinon, saisir Email et Mot de passe"