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Test Coverage
  "title": "Register",
  "urlSignUp": "/user/signup",
  "urlSignUpResult": "/user/signup/{id}",
  "urlSignUpEvent": "/user/signup/event/{id}",
  "urlRedirectAfterSignUp": "/user/signup/validation/{email}",
  "urlRedirectAfterSignUpResult": "/user/login/{id}",
  "urlRedirectAfterSignUpEvent": "/user/login/event/{id}",
  "urlRedirectAfterSignUpCommunity": "/user/login/community/{id}",
  "urlRedirectAfterSignUpPublish": "/user/login/redirect/post",
  "gender": {
    "label": "Gender",
    "placeholder": "Gender",
    "values": [
        "label": "Mrs/Ms",
        "value": "1"
        "label": "Mr",
        "value": "2"
        "label": "Other",
        "value": "3"
    "errors": {
      "required": "Gender is required"
  "givenName": {
    "placeholder": "First name",
    "errors": {
      "required": "First name is required"
  "familyName": {
    "placeholder": "Name",
    "errors": {
      "required": "Name is required"
  "birthDate": {
    "placeholder": "Date of birth"
  "birthDay": {
    "errors": {
      "required": "Date of birth is required",
      "notadult": "You must be {age} years old to register on the platform"
  "homeTown": {
    "placeholder": "Home address",
    "hint": "Your home address will make your ad publications and researchs easier."
  "email": {
    "placeholder": "Email",
    "errors": {
      "required": "Email address is required",
      "valid": "The email address must be valid"
  "phone": {
    "placeholder": "Mobile phone",
    "errors": {
      "required": "Phone number is required",
      "valid": "The phone number must be valid"
  "password": {
    "placeholder": "Password",
    "errors": {
      "required": "Password is required",
      "min": "The password must be at least 8 characters in length.",
      "upper": "The password must contain 1 uppercase letter.",
      "lower": "The password must contain 1 lower case letter.",
      "number": "The password must contain 1 digit."
  "checkEmail": {
    "url": "/user/check/email",
    "error": "This email is already in use"
  "checkPhoneValidity": {
    "url": "/user/check/telephone",
    "error": "Ce numéro de téléphone n'est pas valide"
  "chart": {
    "text": "I agree with <a class='primary--text' target='_blank' href='/cgu' aria-label='the platform charter and its data protection policy')> the platform charter and its data protection policy</a>",
    "required": "Validation of the charter is required"
  "newsSubscription": {
    "text": "I agree to receive news about the service (useful information for carpooling, and new services or new features)"
  "legalAge": {
    "text": "I confirm that I am at least 18 years old",
    "required": "Required"
  "communities": {
    "route": "/user/register/community-list",
    "label": "Join a community"
  "step": "Step",
  "steps": {
    "1": "Identifiers",
    "2": "Identity",
    "3": "Gender",
    "4": "Date of Birth",
    "5": "City of residence"
  "login": "Already have an account? Login!",
  "urlLogin": "/user/login/",
  "button": {
    "previous": "Previous",
    "next": "Next",
    "register": "I am registering"
  "rgpd": {
    "infos": "The information collected from this form is necessary for using the services offered by the Mobicoop application.",
    "link": {
      "label": "Learn more about the management of your data and your rights.",
      "route": "/data-protection"
    "consent": "To be able to login in you must have agreed to \"Keep your connection active\" using the \"Cookie management\" tool accessible from a link at the bottom of the page then refresh the page.",
    "socialServicesUnavailableWithoutConsent": "To be used, the login functionality via social networks must be accepted using the \"Cookie management\" tool accessible from a link at the bottom of the page."
  "snackbar": {
    "joinCommunity": {
      "textError": "An error has occurred, please try again.",
      "textOkAutoValidation": "Your membership request is validated.",
      "textOkManualValidation": "Your membership request has been sent to the referrer. You will be informed by email."
  "insteadRZP": {
    "href": "",
    "label": "Instead Rezo Pouce ?"