File `AnimationFrame.ts` has 390 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring."use strict";/** * Import interfaces */import IWindow from "../interfaces/IWindow";/** * Declare window interface */declare let window: IWindow;declare let global: any;declare let module: any;declare let require: any; import _package from "../package"; const VERSION = _package.version; /** * Import interface */import IAnimationFrame from "../interfaces/IAnimationFrame"; import root from "../polyfills/index"; /** * Request animation frame call stack class */class AnimationFrame implements IAnimationFrame { public version: string; public parallelStack: any; public serialStack: any; public stack: any; public errorHandler: any; public serialID: number; /** * Create request animation frame */ constructor() { this.version = VERSION; this.serialID = 0; /** * Subscribed methods */ this.parallelStack = {}; this.serialStack = {}; /** * Backward compatibility */ this.stack = this.parallelStack; /** * No error handler */ this.errorHandler = null; /** * Start requestAnimationFrame watcher */; } /** * Subscribe method to watch * @param context * @param callback * @param params * @param ID * @return {boolean|string} */ public subscribe(context: any = root, callback: any = () => { return null; }, params: any[] = [], ID?: string): boolean|string { try { return this.parallelSubscribe({ context, callback, params, ID, }); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); try { return root._AnimationFrame.parallelSubscribe({ context, callback, params, ID, }); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); return false; } } } /** * Parallel callback subscribe * @param params * @return {boolean|string} */ public parallelSubscribe(params: any): boolean|string { try { const _params: any = this.prepareParams(params); if (_params) { /** * Add method to the stack */ this.parallelStack[_params.ID] = { callback: _params.callback, context: _params.context, params: _params.params, }; /** * Return subscription ID */ return _params.ID; } else { return false; } } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); try { return root._AnimationFrame.parallelSubscribe(params); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); return false; } } } /** * Serial callback subscribe * @param params * @return {boolean|string} */ public serialSubscribe(params): boolean|string { try { const _params: any = this.prepareParams(params); if (_params) { /** * Add method to the stack */ this.serialStack[_params.ID] = { callback: _params.callback, context: _params.context, params: _params.params, }; /** * Return subscription ID */ return _params.ID; } else { return false; } } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); try { return root._AnimationFrame.serialSubscribe(params); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); return false; } } } /** * Unsubscribe method by ID * @param ID */ public unsubscribe(ID: string): boolean { try { return this.parallelUnsubscribe(ID); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); try { return root._AnimationFrame.parallelUnsubscribe(ID); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); return false; } } } /** * Parallel callback unsubscribe * @param ID */Function `parallelUnsubscribe` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. public parallelUnsubscribe(ID: string): boolean { try { if (typeof ID === "string") { /** * If required method exist in the stack */ if (this.parallelStack[ID]) { /** * Nullify method in the stack and destroy it */ this.parallelStack[ID] = false; delete this.parallelStack[ID]; return true; } } return false; } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); try { return root._AnimationFrame.parallelUnsubscribe(ID); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); return false; } } } /** * Serial callback unsubscribe method by ID * @param ID */Function `serialUnsubscribe` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. public serialUnsubscribe(ID: string): boolean { try { if (typeof ID === "string") { /** * If required method exist in the stack */ if (this.serialStack[ID]) { /** * Nullify method in the stack and destroy it */ this.serialStack[ID] = false; delete this.serialStack[ID]; return true; } } return false; } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); try { return root._AnimationFrame.serialUnsubscribe(ID); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); return false; } } } /** * Generate ID */ public getID(): string { return "x-" + (new Date()).getTime() + "-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e6); } /** * Prepare subscription params * @param _params * @return {boolean} */Function `prepareParams` has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. public prepareParams(_params): boolean|string { if ( typeof _params === "object" ) { /** * Prepare params */ _params.context = _params.context || root; _params.callback = _params.callback || (() => { return null; }); _params.params = _params.params || []; _params.ID = _params.ID || this.getID(); /** * Check params */ if ( typeof _params.context === "object" && typeof _params.callback === "function" && typeof _params.params === "object" && Array.isArray(_params.params) && typeof _params.ID === "string" ) { return _params; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Watch and call methods */ public watch(): void { try { try { this.parallelWatch(); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); } try { this.serialWatch(); } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); } /** * Recall watcher */ root.requestAnimationFrame(; } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); } } /** * Watch and call methods */Function `parallelWatch` has a Cognitive Complexity of 20 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `parallelWatch` has 36 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. public parallelWatch(): void { try { /** * If stack exist, it is an object and it is contains methods */ if ( this.parallelStack && typeof this.parallelStack === "object" && Object.keys(this.parallelStack).length > 0 ) { /** * Loop all methods in stack */ for (const parallelID in this.parallelStack) { /** * Process only methods without extended properties */ if (this.parallelStack.hasOwnProperty(parallelID)) { try { /** * If ID exist and it is a string */ if ( parallelID && typeof parallelID === "string" ) { /** * Get subscribed method params by ID */ const objCall = this.parallelStack[parallelID]; /** * If params exist, it is an object, and it is contains call context, * callback, and parameters which is array */Consider simplifying this complex logical expression.
Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if ( objCall && typeof objCall === "object" && objCall.context && objCall.callback && objCall.params && typeof objCall.context === "object" && typeof objCall.callback === "function" && Array.isArray(objCall.params) ) { /** * Call subscribed method */ objCall.callback.apply(objCall.context, objCall.params); } } } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); } } } } } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); } } /** * Watch and call methods */Function `serialWatch` has a Cognitive Complexity of 19 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `serialWatch` has 40 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. public serialWatch(): void { try { /** * If stack exist, it is an object and it is contains methods */ if ( this.serialStack && typeof this.serialStack === "object" ) { const keys = Object.keys(this.serialStack); if ( keys && keys.length > 0 ) { if (this.serialID >= keys.length) { this.serialID = 0; } const _serialID = keys[this.serialID]; this.serialID++; /** * Process only methods without extended properties */ if (this.serialStack.hasOwnProperty(_serialID)) { /** * If ID exist and it is a string */ if ( _serialID && typeof _serialID === "string" ) { /** * Get subscribed method params by ID */ const objCall = this.serialStack[_serialID]; /** * If params exist, it is an object, and it is contains call context, * callback, and parameters which is array */Consider simplifying this complex logical expression.
Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if ( objCall && typeof objCall === "object" && objCall.context && objCall.callback && objCall.params && typeof objCall.context === "object" && typeof objCall.callback === "function" && Array.isArray(objCall.params) ) { /** * Call subscribed method */ objCall.callback.apply(objCall.context, objCall.params); } } } } } } catch (e) { this._errorHandler(e); } } /** * Error Handler */ public _errorHandler(e) { if (this.errorHandler) { this.errorHandler(e); } }}/** * Check version */Function `version_lt` has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.function version_lt(v1, v2) { if ( typeof v1 === "string" && typeof v2 === "string" ) { v1 = v1.trim().split("."); v2 = v2.trim().split("."); for (let i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) { v1[i] = v1[i] || 0; v2[i] = v2[i] || 0; if (v1[i] > v2[i]) { return false; } else if (v1[i] < v2[i]) { return true; } } } return false;}/** * Create single request animation frame object * @type {AnimationFrame} */if ( !root.AnimationFrame || !root.AnimationFrame.version || version_lt(root.AnimationFrame.version, VERSION)) { Object.defineProperty(root, "AnimationFrame", { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: () => { root._AnimationFrame = root._AnimationFrame || new AnimationFrame(); return root._AnimationFrame; },Function `set` has a Cognitive Complexity of 46 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `set` has 68 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. set: (v) => { if (!root._AnimationFrame) { /** * root._AnimationFrame was empty and can be set */ root._AnimationFrame = v; } else if ( !root._AnimationFrame.version || version_lt(root._AnimationFrame.version, v.version) ) { /** * Saved old animation frame */ root._oldAnimationFrame = root._AnimationFrame; /** * Stop old watchers */ root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelWatch = () => { }; root._oldAnimationFrame.serialWatch = () => { }; = () => { }; /** * Overridable subscription methods */ root._oldAnimationFrame.subscribe = v.subscribe; root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelSubscribe = v.parallelSubscribe; root._oldAnimationFrame.serialSubscribe = v.serialSubscribe; /** * Freeze old stacks */ if (root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelStack) { Object.preventExtensions(root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelStack); } if (root._oldAnimationFrame.stack) { Object.preventExtensions(root._oldAnimationFrame.stack); } if (root._oldAnimationFrame.serialStack) { Object.preventExtensions(root._oldAnimationFrame.serialStack); } /** * In root._AnimationFrame was previous version and it should migrate */ root._AnimationFrame = v; /** * Migrate subscriptions */ if (typeof root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelStack === "object") { /** * Migrate parallel subscriptions */ for (const ID in root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelStack) {Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if (root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelStack.hasOwnProperty(ID)) { root._AnimationFrame.parallelSubscribe({ callback: root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelStack[ID].callback, context: root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelStack[ID].context, params: root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelStack[ID].params, ID, }); root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelUnsubscribe(ID); delete root._oldAnimationFrame.parallelStack[ID]; } } } else if (typeof root._oldAnimationFrame.stack === "object") { /** * Migrate serial subscriptions */Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. for (const ID in root._oldAnimationFrame.stack) { if (root._oldAnimationFrame.stack.hasOwnProperty(ID)) { root._AnimationFrame.subscribe( root._oldAnimationFrame.stack[ID].context, root._oldAnimationFrame.stack[ID].callback, root._oldAnimationFrame.stack[ID].params, root._oldAnimationFrame.stack[ID].ID, ); root._oldAnimationFrame.unsubscribe(ID); delete root._oldAnimationFrame.stack[ID]; } } } if (typeof root._oldAnimationFrame.serialStack === "object") { /** * Migrate serial subscriptions */ for (const ID in root._oldAnimationFrame.serialStack) {Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if (root._oldAnimationFrame.serialStack.hasOwnProperty(ID)) { root._AnimationFrame.serialSubscribe({ callback: root._oldAnimationFrame.serialStack[ID].callback, context: root._oldAnimationFrame.serialStack[ID].context, params: root._oldAnimationFrame.serialStack[ID].params, ID, }); root._oldAnimationFrame.serialUnsubscribe(ID); delete root._oldAnimationFrame.serialStack[ID]; } } } } }, });}/** * Export single AnimationFrame instance */root.AnimationFrame = new AnimationFrame(); const _AnimationFrame: IAnimationFrame = root.AnimationFrame;export default _AnimationFrame;module.exports = _AnimationFrame;