"use strict";
* Import additional classes
import UtilsMain from "./UtilsMain";
* Import subclasses
import UtilsDOMVisibility from "./UtilsDOMVisibility";
* Class for working with DOM
export default class DOM {
* Visibility
* @type {Visibility}
public static Visibility = UtilsDOMVisibility;
* Check if variable is dom document
* @param domDocument
* @return {boolean}
public static isDOMDocument(domDocument: Document): boolean {
return !(
!domDocument ||
typeof domDocument === "boolean" ||
typeof domDocument === "number" ||
typeof domDocument === "string" ||
domDocument.nodeType !== 9
* Find and validate Node in DOM Document
* @param domNode
* @param domDocument
* @return {Element | boolean}
public static getDOMNode(domNode: any, domDocument: Document = document): Element | boolean {
* Check if domDocument is a valid variable
if (!DOM.isDOMDocument(domDocument)) {
return false;
* Check if domNode is a valid variable
if (
!domNode ||
typeof domNode === "boolean" ||
typeof domNode === "number" ||
typeof domNode === "undefined"
) {
return false;
* If domNode is a string it might be an ID
if (typeof domNode === "string") {
domNode = domDocument.getElementById(domNode);
* Check if domNode is a valid variable
if (
!domNode ||
domNode.nodeType !== 1 || !domNode.parentNode ||
domNode.parentNode.nodeName === "HTML" ||
domDocument.contains && !domDocument.contains(domNode)
) ||
domDocument.body && domDocument.body.contains && !domDocument.body.contains(domNode)
) {
return false;
return domNode;
* Get element sizes and position
* @param domNode
* @param domDocument
* @param showForce
* @return {{bottom: number, height: number, left: number, right: number, top: number, width: number}}
public static getBoundingClientRect(domNode: any, domDocument: Document = document, showForce: boolean = false): {
bottom: number,
height: number,
left: number,
right: number,
top: number,
width: number,
} {
* Create result size and position object
let objRet = {
bottom: 0,
height: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
width: 0,
domNode = DOM.getDOMNode(domNode, domDocument);
if (!domNode) {
UtilsMain.warn("Utils.DOM.getBoundingClientRect: DOM element doesn't exist in that DOM Document");
return objRet;
showForce = !!showForce;
let styles;
if (showForce) {
styles = getComputedStyle(domNode);
if (styles && styles.display === "none") { = "block";
* If default method is supported than use it
if (domNode.getBoundingClientRect) {
objRet = domNode.getBoundingClientRect();
* IE hack
objRet = {
bottom: objRet.bottom,
height: objRet.height || domNode.clientHeight,
left: objRet.left,
right: objRet.right,
width: objRet.width || domNode.clientWidth,
} else {
* Write the element in a temporary variable
let domElement = domNode;
* Calculated basic parameters of the element
* @type {Object}
const objCoordinates = {
height: domElement.offsetHeight,
width: domElement.offsetWidth,
x: 0,
y: 0,
* Are passed on to all parents and take into account their offsets
while (domElement) {
objCoordinates.x += domElement.offsetLeft;
objCoordinates.y += domElement.offsetTop;
domElement = domElement.offsetParent;
* @type {Object}
objRet = {
bottom: objCoordinates.y + objCoordinates.height,
height: objCoordinates.height,
left: objCoordinates.x,
right: objCoordinates.x + objCoordinates.width,
top: objCoordinates.y,
width: objCoordinates.width,
if (showForce && domNode) { = "";
* Return size and position of the element
return objRet;
* Find element position
* @param domNode
* @param domDocument
* @param showForce
* @return {{top: number, left: number}}
public static findElementPosition(domNode: any, domDocument: Document = document, showForce: boolean = false) {
const objRet = {
left: 0,
top: 0,
domNode = DOM.getDOMNode(domNode, domDocument);
if (!domNode) {
UtilsMain.warn("Utils.DOM.findElementPosition: DOM element doesn't exist in that DOM Document");
return objRet;
showForce = !!showForce;
while (domNode) {
let styles;
if (showForce) {
styles = window.getComputedStyle(domNode);
if (styles && styles.display === "none") { = "block";
objRet.left += domNode.offsetLeft; += domNode.offsetTop;
domNode = domNode.offsetParent;
if (showForce && domNode) { = "";
return objRet;
* Add event listener
* @param obj
* @param name
* @param func
public static addEvent(obj: any, name: string, func: any): boolean {
if (
obj &&
typeof obj === "object" &&
typeof name === "string" &&
typeof func === "function"
) {
if (obj.addEventListener) {
obj.addEventListener(name, func, false);
} else if (obj.attachEvent) {
obj.attachEvent("on" + name, func);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Remove event listener
* @param obj
* @param name
* @param func
public static removeEvent(obj: any, name: string, func: any): boolean {
if (
obj &&
typeof obj === "object" &&
typeof name === "string" &&
typeof func === "function"
) {
if (obj.removeEventListener) {
obj.removeEventListener(name, func, false);
} else if (obj.detachEvent) {
obj.detachEvent("on" + name, func);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Check if element has class name
* @param element
* @param className
* @return {boolean}
public static hasClassName(element: HTMLElement, className: string): boolean {
if (
element &&
typeof element === "object" &&
typeof className === "string" &&
element.nodeType === 1
) {
className = className.trim();
return (" " + element.className + " ").indexOf(" " + className + " ") !== -1;
} else {
return false;
* Add class name
* @param element
* @param className
* @return {HTMLElement}
public static addClassName(element: HTMLElement, className: string): HTMLElement {
if (
element &&
typeof element === "object" &&
typeof className === "string" &&
element.nodeType === 1
) {
className = className.trim();
if (!DOM.hasClassName(element, className)) {
const cl = element.className;
element.className = cl ? cl + " " + className : className;
return element;
} else {
return null;
* Remove class name
* @param element
* @param className
* @return {HTMLElement}
public static removeClassName(element: HTMLElement, className: string): HTMLElement {
if (
element &&
typeof element === "object" &&
typeof className === "string" &&
element.nodeType === 1 &&
typeof element.className === "string"
) {
className = className.trim();
const classes = element.className.trim().split(" ");
for (let i = classes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
classes[i] = classes[i].trim();
if (
!classes[i] ||
classes[i] === className
) {
classes.splice(i, 1);
element.className = classes.join(" ");
return element;
} else {
return null;
* Toggle class name
* @param element
* @param className
* @param toggle
* @return {HTMLElement}
public static toggleClassName(element: HTMLElement, className: string, toggle: boolean): HTMLElement {
if (
element &&
typeof element === "object" &&
typeof className === "string" &&
typeof toggle === "boolean" &&
element.nodeType === 1
) {
className = className.trim();
if (toggle) {
DOM.addClassName(element, className);
} else {
DOM.removeClassName(element, className);
return element;
} else {
return null;
* Replace class name
* @param element
* @param oldClassName
* @param newClassName
* @return {HTMLElement}
public static replaceClass(element: HTMLElement, oldClassName: string, newClassName: string): HTMLElement {
if (
element &&
typeof element === "object" &&
typeof oldClassName === "string" &&
typeof newClassName === "string" &&
element.nodeType === 1
) {
oldClassName = oldClassName.trim();
newClassName = newClassName.trim();
DOM.removeClassName(element, oldClassName);
DOM.addClassName(element, newClassName);
return element;
} else {
return null;
* Get element by tag name and index
* @param tn
* @param domDocument
* @param index
* @return {Node}
public static getElementByTagName(tn: string, domDocument: Document = document, index: number): Node {
if (
typeof tn === "string" &&
DOM.isDOMDocument(domDocument) &&
typeof index === "number"
) {
const els: NodeList = domDocument.getElementsByTagName(tn);
return els[index] || null;
} else {
return null;
* Get line height
* @return {number}
public static getLineHeight(): number {
const styles = getComputedStyle(document.body);
const lineHeight = styles.lineHeight;
const lineHeightDig = parseInt(lineHeight, 10);
const fontSize = styles.fontSize;
const fontSizeDig = parseInt(fontSize, 10);
if (isFinite(lineHeightDig)) {
return lineHeightDig;
} else {
return fontSizeDig;