# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Module with tag list command helpers."""from ..core.exceptions import DoesNotExistExceptionfrom ..core.models.terminal import Tag, TagHost class TagListArgs(object): """Helper for updating host tag list.""" def __init__(self, command): """Create new tag list helper.""" self.command = command self.storage = command.storage def update_taghosts(self, host, tag_instances): """Update binding for taghost.""" current_taghost = self.storage.filter( TagHost, **{'host.id': host.id} ) current_taghost_per_id = {i.tag.id: i for i in current_taghost} new_tag_per_id = {i.id: i for i in tag_instances} current_taghost_ids = set(current_taghost_per_id.keys()) new_tag_ids = set(new_tag_per_id.keys()) delete_taghosts = current_taghost_ids - new_tag_ids self.delete_outdated_taghost( [current_taghost_per_id[i] for i in delete_taghosts] ) new_taghosts_ids = new_tag_ids - current_taghost_ids self.create_taghosts( host, [new_tag_per_id[i] for i in new_taghosts_ids] ) def delete_outdated_taghost(self, delete_taghosts): """Delete tag host instance.""" for i in delete_taghosts: self.storage.delete(i) def create_taghosts(self, host, tag_list): """Create new binding to host and to tag list.""" taghost_list = [TagHost(host=host, tag=i) for i in tag_list] for i in taghost_list: self.storage.save(i) def get_or_create_tag_instances(self, tag_label_list): """Get tag list from list of tag label.""" tags = [ self.get_or_create_tag(i) for i in tag_label_list ] return tags def get_or_create_tag(self, tag_label): """Get or create new tag instance by tag_label.""" try: return self.storage.get(Tag, **{'label': tag_label}) except DoesNotExistException: return self.storage.create(Tag(label=tag_label)) def get_tag_instances(self, tag_label_list): """Get tag list from list of tag label.""" return self.storage.filter(Tag, **{'label.rcontains': tag_label_list})