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package ch.epfl.culturequest.backend.map_collection;

import java.util.List;

import retrofit2.Call;
import retrofit2.http.GET;
import retrofit2.http.Query;

 * Interface for the Open Trip Map API
 * @link <a href="">the doc of OTM is available here</a>
public interface OTMFetchInterface {

     * Returns an array of locations in the bounding box
     * @param lo_min the longitude of the upper left corner of the bounding box
     * @param lo_max the longitude of the lower right corner of the bounding box
     * @param la_min the latitude of the upper left corner of the bounding box
     * @param la_max the latitude of the lower right corner of the bounding box
     * @return an array of locations in the bounding box
    Call<List<OTMLocation>> fetchOTMPlaces(@Query("apikey") String key, @Query("lon_min") double lo_min, @Query("lon_max") double lo_max, @Query("lat_min") double la_min, @Query("lat_max") double la_max);

     * Returns an array of locations in a city (defined by lat and lon)
     * @param lon longitude
     * @param lat latitude
     * @param key API key
     * @return a
    Call<List<OTMLocation>> fetchPlacesInCity(@Query("lon") double lon, @Query("lat") double lat, @Query("apikey") String key);
