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title: About ViewComponent

  [ViewComponent](https://viewcomponent.org/) is a framework
  for Ruby on Rails that lets us build and share reusable components.

  Compared to building the equivalent functionality using Rails' partials and
  helpers, view components are:

  * easy to test as both the logic and rendered HTML can be examined individually
  * easier to understand than partials as they are backed by a Ruby object
  * incredibly efficient, [up to 10 times faster than partials](https://viewcomponent.org/#performance)

  They can be extended [to provide custom JavaScript and
  CSS](https://viewcomponent.org/guide/javascript_and_css.html) too, but this
  library doesn't do this.

  ## Slots

  Some components contain elements that are repeated one or many times. For
  example, the [header component can display multiple navigation
  items](/components/header/#header-with-navigation-items). These are
  implemented using
  [ViewComponent's Slot API](https://viewcomponent.org/guide/slots.html).

  Slots are view components that belong to other view components. For example,
  the [table component](/components/table) has many rows and each row can have
  many cells.

  Slots are called by opening a block when rendering the component and calling
  the slot by name against the object. In this example we have a shopping list
  with several items:

        / with arguments:
        = render(ShoppingList.new(items: ["Apple juice", "Bread", "Carrots"])

        / with slots:
        = render(ShoppingList.new) do |shopping_list|
          - shopping_list.with_item("Apple juice")
          - shopping_list.with_item("Bread")
          - shopping_list.with_item("Carrots")

  Slots give us more flexibilty. In this scenario they'd make it easier to
  add logic to the list, or to add other arguments to each list item.

        = render(ShoppingList.new) do |shopping_list|
          - shopping_list.with_item(count: 3)
            | Apple juice

          - shopping_list.with_item("Bread", sliced: true)

          - if cupboard.carrots.count == 0
            - shopping_list.with_item("Carrots")