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# NMR-Datastream Converter
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Datastreams are provided by milk recording companies (in the UK) including NMR and CIS, and are updated following each milk recording session.

The original specification was created in 1989, working upon this specification which [can be found in the wiki](files/datastream_specification.pdf) the following library was built. 

The library will take any valid datastream file and convert it to a javascript object as described - this could then be inserted into a database or converted to a csv for example.

This library can be used to open the self-extracting .exe format or the .DAT file

If you need further help using this library please feel free to [get in touch](#get-in-touch)!

A datastream file will contain the following information: 
| Section   |      Contains               |
| Herd Information|  Basic herd information including farm address, herd prefix and number. Mainly information relevant to the milk recording company.|
| Herd Recordings |    Overview of each sampling date including total animals and animals in milk. Also contains any bulk sample results.   |
| Cows | All cow information including line number, official identifier (ear tag or herdbook number), breed, date of birth, date of entry / departure, name, parental information and PTAs |
| Statement Information | Events relevant to each cow, including milk recording results, services, latest calving, lactation overview and other relevant health events. |
| Lactations | A lactation overview relevant to each cow, including 305 day qualifying lactations, natural lactations and other relevant information including calvings, total services and relevant health information. There is a separate lactation overview per lactation for each cow. |
| Bulls | Contains PTA overview for each of the bulls used within the file including services or sires. |
| Dead Dams | A dead dam is a dam who only has daughters in the herd or has been dead for a long time. It contains the dams name and identity information, and PTAs. These are used to save space over a full cow overview. |

## Contents:
- [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
  - [Installation & set up](#installation)
  - [Convert everything to JSON](#convert-to-json)
- [API](#api)
  - [Basic Functions](#api)
    - [openDatastream](#openDatastream)
    - [herdInformation](#herdInformation)
    - [herdRecordings](#herdRecordings)
    - [cowList](#cowList)
    - [statementInformation](#statementInformation)
    - [services](#services)
    - [samples](#samples)
    - [healthEvents](#healthEvents)
    - [otherEvents](#otherEvents)
    - [calvings](#calvings)
    - [currentLactationInformation](#currentLactationInformation)
    - [lactationList](#lactationList)
    - [bullList](#bullList)
    - [deadDamList](#deadDamList)
    - [cowListComplete](#cowListComplete)
    - [toJSON](#toJSON)
    - [findCowInformation](#findCowInformation)
  - [Utils](#utils)
    - [toDate](#todate)
    - [breedCodeToText](#breedCodeToText)
- [Issues / Feature Requests](#issues-and-feature-requests)
- [Get in Touch](#get-in-touch)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Licence](#licence)

# Basic Usage
## Installation
Via NPM:
npm install nmr-datastream
Via Yarn:
yarn add nmr-datastream

To include it in your file you can use common js or es6 modules.

Common JS:
const nmrDatastream = require('nmr-datastream');
ES6 Modules:
import nmrDatastream from 'nmr-datastream';
// or
import { openDatastream } from 'nmr-datastream';
## Basic Usage
Open a datastream file.
## Convert to JSON
This will open a datastream file from path and export it as a JSON file.
import { openDatastream, toJSON } from 'nmr-datastream';
import { write } from "fs/promises";

(async () => {
  try {
    const datastream = await openDatastream('./path/to/your/DSMEMBER.DAT');
    const data = await toJSON(datastream);

    write('./output.json', data);
    console.log('file converted and saved');
  } catch (error) {
## openDatastream
`openDatastream(string (filepath) or buffer)`

Will open a datastream file either from a .DAT file or .EXE, and can either be provided with a string detailing the filepath, or a buffer containing the file.

This function doesn't have to be used prior to other functions but is useful for extracting provided .EXE files.

**Returns:** *string* (contents of datastream file)

## herdInformation
`herdInformation(datastream (string))`

Will find the herd information within the datastream file and return it all as a useful object.

Basic herd information including farm address, herd prefix and number. Mainly information relevant to the milk recording company.

[See Wiki for more detail](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Herd-Information)

## herdRecordings
`herdRecordings(datastream (string))`

Will find an overview of each sampling date including total animals and animals in milk. Also contains any bulk sample results.

[See Wiki for more](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Herd-Recordings)

## cowList
`cowList(datastream (string), params)`

Will find the cow information within the datastream file and return it all as a useful array of objects.

If interested in filtering the result - [please see the wiki for available params.](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Cow-List)

All cow information including line number, official identifier (ear tag or herdbook number), breed, date of birth, date of entry / departure, name, parental information and PTAs

[See Wiki for more](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Cow-List)

## statementInformation
`statementInformation(datastream (string), afterDate (date - optional))`

Will find the statement information within the datastream file and return it all as a useful array of objects.

`afterDate` is optional, but allows you to filter by events to only those after the date specified.

Events relevant to each cow, including milk recording results, services, latest calving, lactation overview and other relevant health events.

[See Wiki for more](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Statement-Information)

## lactationList
`lactationList(datastream (string))`

Will find the lactation information within the datastream file and return it all as a useful array of objects.

A lactation overview relevant to each cow, including 305 day qualifying lactations, natural lactations and other relevant information including calvings, total services and relevant health information. 

**There is a separate lactation overview per lactation for each cow.**

[See Wiki for more](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Lactation-List)

## bullList
`bullList(datastream (string))`

Will find the bull information within the datastream file and return it all as a useful array of objects.

Contains PTA overview for each of the bulls used within the file including services or sires.

[See Wiki for more](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Bull-List)

## deadDamList
`deadDamList(datastream (string))`

A dead dam is a dam who only has daughters in the herd or has been dead for a long time. It contains the dams name and identity information, and PTAs. These are used to save space over a full cow overview.

This function finds *dead dams* from the datastream and returns them as a useful array full of objects.

[See Wiki for more](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Dead-Dam-List)

## Services
`services(datastream (string))`

A complete array of all services from the datastream file, containing only the cows line number and service information.

**Returns:** *array of objects*
  DSIdentifier: string,  // See Wiki for further info
  liveFlag: string, // See Wiki (DSIdentifier Page) for further info
  lineNumber: number,
  date: Date,
  authenticService: boolean,
  sireBreed: string,
  sireIdentity: string, // See Wiki -> ID Types for further info
  sireIDType: string,
  authenticSire: boolean,
  pdStatus: string, // Not Diagnosed, Not Pregnant or Pregnant
## Samples
`samples(datastream (string))`

A complete array of all samples from the datastream file, containing only the cows line number and service information.

**Returns:** *array of objects*
  DSIdentifier: string, // See wiki for further info
  liveFlag: string, // See Wiki (DSIdentifier Page) for further info
  lineNumber: number,
  date: Date,
  timesMilked: number,
  milkYield: number, // 000.0
  butterfatPercentage: number, //00.00
  proteinPercentage: number, // As above
  lactosePercentage: number, // As above
  scc: number, // (x10^3)
  estimatedRemark: string | boolean, // false, 'Fat / Protein / Lactose Estimated', 'Full Estimate (Absent)', 'Full Estimate (Sick)'
  noSample: string | boolean, // false, 'No Sample', 'Spilt', 'Sour', 'Dirty', 'Abnormal'

## healthEvents
`healthEvents(datastream (string))`

A complete array of all health events from the datastream file, containing the cows line number, event type and date.

Health events only include mastitis, lameness and sickness events.

**Returns** *array of objects*
  DSIdentifier: string, // See wiki for more info
  liveFlag: string, // See wiki (same page as above)
  lineNumber: number,
  date: Date,
  eventType: string,

## otherEvents
`otherEvents(datastream (string))`

A complete array of all other events from the datastream file, containing the cows line number, event type and date.

Other events including deaths, sales, abortions, barren, dry, sucking and 1x milking, but none covered by healthEvents.

**Returns** *array of objects*
  DSIdentifier: string, // See wiki for more info
  liveFlag: string, // See wiki (same page as above)
  lineNumber: number,
  date: Date,
  eventType: string,

## Calvings
`calvings(datastream (string))`

A complete array of all calvings from the datastream file, containing only the cows line number and calving information.

**Returns:** *array of objects*
  DSIdentifier: string, // See wiki for more info
  lineNumber: number,
  date: Date,
  assumed: boolean,
  // Sire information MIGHT not be included if not on datastream.
  sireBreed: string,
  sireID: string,
  sireIDType: string, // See wiki for more info
  sireAuthenticID: boolean,
  calves: [
      id: string,
      idType: string, // See wiki for more info
      authenticID: boolean,
      sex: string

## currentLactationInformation
`currentLactationInformation(datastream (string))`

A complete array of data of the current lactation from the datastream file, containing only the cows line number and relevant information.

**Returns** *array of objects*
  DSIdentifier: string, // See wiki for more info
  liveFlag: string, // See wiki for more info
  lineNumber: number,
  lactationDays: number, // 000
  totalMilkKG: number, // 00000.0
  totalFatKG: number, // 000.00
  totalProteinKG: number, // as above
  totalLactoseKG: number,  // as above
  totalFatPercentage: number, // 00.00
  totalProteinPercentage: number, // as above
  totalLactosePercentage: number, // as above
  totalValue: number, // value of milk
  averagePPL: number,
  seasonalityApplied: boolean,
  averageSCC: number,
## cowListComplete
`cowListComplete(datastream (string), params)`

A list of all the cows from the datastream with all relevant information including milk samples, services, events, lactations and general cow information combined.

You can filter results in the same way as the [cowList](#cowList) function, [please see the wiki for available params.](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Cow-List)

This function combines the [cowList](#cowList), [lactationsList](#lactationList) and [statementInformation](#statementInformation).

[Refer to the Wiki](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/) for the previously mentioned functions to determine information returned.

**Returns** *Array*

## toJSON
`toJSON(datastream (string), cowListComplete(boolean))`

Converts your datastream file to a single output in a JSON like format.

datastream *(string)* - String of datastream contents <br />cowListComplete *(boolean - Default: false)* - True to use cowListComplete rather than separate the information.

**Returns** *Object*
  herdInformation: object // See herdInformation function
  herdRecordings: array // See herdRecordings function
  cows: array // See cowList function
  lactations: array // If not using cowCompleteList. Uses lactationList function
  statementInformation: array // If not using cowCompleteList. Uses statementInformation function
  bulls: array // If in datastream. See bullList function for more info
  deadDams: array // If in datastream. See deadDams function for more info

## findCowInformation
`findCowInformation(datastream (string), { id, lineNumber, DSIdentifier })`

id: string
lineNumber: integer 
DSIdentifier: string

This function will search and just return information on the cow you're after - it returns all the information within the [cowListComplete](#cowListComplete) function.

If it finds multiple cows it will return an array of all cows found - for example searching by line number would return any dead cows who shared the same line number.  View the section on [DSIdentifier on the wiki](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/DSIdentifier-&-Live-Flag) to help you find the cow your after.

**You must pass at least one param to the function to find a cow**

**Returns** *array*

# Utils
## toDate

Simple converter from string date format commonly used within the datastream of `YYMMDD` to a date object.

Any date after 1980 currently becomes post 2000.

**Returns:** *Date Object*

## breedCodeToText

Simple feature to return any breed codes referred to into a human understandable string.

[For a list of breed codes view the wiki.](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/wiki/Breed-Codes)

If not found will return undefined.

**Returns:** *string or undefined*

# Issues and Feature Requests
Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests.

These are handled through [Github Issues](https://github.com/DanielRowe/nmr-datastream/issues).

# Get in Touch
I'd love to hear from you if you're using this! Drop me an email [hello@danrowe.me](hello@danrowe.me)

# Contributing  [![contributions welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/danielrowe/nmr-datastream/issues)
Please refer to each project's style and contribution guidelines for submitting patches and additions. In general, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.

- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the project to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes

NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!

# Licence
*MIT Licence*

Copyright 2021 - Daniel Rowe

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.