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# Hash Cabinet - File based key-object store

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Hash Cabinet is a file-based, key-object store with hash-like access.

## Highlights

- Tiny library, based on Ruby's built in [SDBM].
- Stores simple values or complex objects through transparent YAML 
- Easy hash-like access: `cabinet['key'] = 'value'`.
- Mirrors most of the native SDBM methods.

## Installation

    $ gem install hash_cabinet

## Usage

require 'hash_cabinet'

cabinet = HashCabinet.new 'dbfile'

# Store values
cabinet['some-key'] = 'some-value'
cabinet['another-key'] = { color: 'yellow' }

# Retrieve values
p cabinet['another-key']
#=> {:color=>"yellow"}

# Show all values
p cabinet.to_h
#=> {"some-key"=>"some=value", "another-key"=>{:color=>"yellow"}}


## Documentation

- [Documentation on RubyDoc][docs]

## Related Projects

For an ActiveRecord-like interface for Hash Cabinet, see [ActiveCabinet][active_cabinet].

## Contributing / Support

If you experience any issue, have a question or a suggestion, or if you wish
to contribute, feel free to [open an issue][issues].

[SDBM]: https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.6.3/libdoc/sdbm/rdoc/SDBM.html
[docs]: https://rubydoc.info/gems/hash_cabinet/HashCabinet
[active_cabinet]: https://github.com/DannyBen/active_cabinet
[issues]: https://github.com/DannyBen/hash_cabinet/issues