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Test Coverage
# examples/options.yml

# Optional menu configuration
  # Show header text
  header: Hello

  # Marker to show as the suffix of items that have submenus
  # Use false to disable
  submenu_marker: " ..."

  # Menu selection marker
  select_marker: ">"

  # Menu title marker
  title_marker: "-"

  # When a menu has more items than page_size, add pagiation
  # Default 10
  page_size: 2

  # When to show search filter
  # yes      = always show
  # no       = never show
  # auto     = show only when there are more items than page_size (default)
  # <number> = show only when there are more items than <number>
  filter: yes

  # When arg lists generate one item only it is auto-selected by default.
  # Set this to false to disable this behavior
  auto_select: false

  # Show the command after execution
  echo: true

  # Marker to use when echoing the command and it was successful
  echo_marker_success: "==>"

  # Marker to use when echoing the command and it failed
  echo_marker_error: "ERROR ==>"

    hello: echo hello
    error: simulate-error
    hey: echo hey
    hi: echo hi

  whoami: whoami