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# Pretty Trace - Pretty Errors and Backtrace

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Make your Ruby backtrace pretty again. Just require `pretty_trace/enable` 
in your ruby script, and errors will become clearer and more readable.


## Install

$ gem install pretty_trace

Or with bundler:

# Just install, do not activate
gem 'pretty_trace'

# Or, install and enable
gem 'pretty_trace', require: 'pretty_trace/enable'

# Or, install, enable and enable trimming
gem 'pretty_trace', require: 'pretty_trace/enable-trim'

## Example

### Create this ruby file:

# test.rb
require "pretty_trace/enable-trim"
require "fileutils"
FileUtils.rm 'no_such_file'

### Run it:


## Usage

The easiest way to use Pretty Trace is to require its activation script in
your script:

require 'pretty_trace/enable'

From this point on, any exception will be formatted.

If you wish to show a trimmed version of the backtrace (where errors from the
same file are collapsed into one line), require this script instead:

require 'pretty_trace/enable-trim'

If you prefer to have more control, you can configure these settings 

require 'pretty_trace'

# Exceptions here will not be formatted

# Exceptions here will be formatted

# Exceptions here will not be formatted

# Exceptions here will be formatted and trimmed

# Exceptions here will not be trimmed

## Configuration

### Filtering specific paths

To filter out lines in the backtrace, use `PrettyTrace.filter`. This method
accepts a single regular expression, or an array of regular expressions.

Note that you can call this method several times, and it will aggregate all
your filters together.

require 'pretty_trace/enable'
PrettyTrace.filter /rails/
PrettyTrace.filter [/gem/, /lib/]

If you wish to temporarily disable Pretty Trace (for example, when you need 
to see the full trace paths), you can set the environment variable 
`PRETTY_TRACE=off` before running your script:

$ PRETTY_TRACE=off ruby myscript.rb

If you wish to temporarily disable trimming and filtering, you can set the
environment variable `PRETTY_TRACE=full` before running your script:

$ PRETTY_TRACE=full ruby myscript.rb

### Showing a debug tip

If you wish to see a debug tip, reminding you to set `PRETTY_TRACE` to `full` or `off` when an error occurs, use `PrettyTrace.debug_tip`:

require 'pretty_trace/enable'
PrettyTrace.debug_tip     # enable debug tip
PrettyTrace.no_debug_tip  # disable debug tip

## Contributing / Support

If you experience any issue, have a question or a suggestion, or if you wish
to contribute, feel free to [open an issue][issues].


[issues]: https://github.com/DannyBen/pretty_trace/issues