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# middleman-kss

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`middleman-kss` provides [KSS][kss] helpers for
[Middleman](http://middlemanapp.com/). With these helpers, you can easily
insert KSS styleguide blocks. Great for creating styleguides or design

P.S. This gem was mainly created to be used with my
[middleman-styleguide-template][template], which I use for creating styleguides
and other documentation.

## Requirements

`middleman-kss` has currently only been tested with Middleman 3.2.0.

## Installation

Add this line to your Middleman project Gemfile:

    gem 'middleman-kss'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Open your `config.rb` and add the required settings:

set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
activate :kss, :kss_dir => 'stylesheets/external'

Note: The :kss_dir should be set so all the `url('...')`s in your CSS map correctly.

Create a `styleblocks`-directory under `source/`

    $ mkdir source/styleblocks

And read the next chapter for usage instructions.

## Usage

Okay, here's the deal:

1. Write your CSS\* in [KSS][kss]
2. Insert your CSS into the directory you specified as your `kss_dir` in `config.rb`
3. Create individual style blocks into `source/styleblocks`
    - Name them like this: `_buttons.html.erb`, you know
4. Include the CSS files in the styleguide HTML
5. Use the helper (documentation below) to print the style blocks

See my [middleman-styleguide-template][template] for examples!

\* You can use Sass, SCSS or LESS, too :)

## Configuration

Here is a full extension activation string with all the configuration variables and default options:

activate :kss, :kss_dir => 'stylesheets',
  :styleblock_path => 'styleblocks',
  :custom_styleguide_block => false,
  :styleguide_block_file => '_styleguide_block.html.erb'

If you want to create a custom styleguide block file, refer to the [default styleguide block file](https://github.com/Darep/middleman-kss/blob/master/lib/middleman-kss/_styleguide_block.html.erb) for help.

### Helpers

**styleblock** <%= styleblock 'filename', [section: '1.1'] %>

Renders the styleblock named `filename`.

*Optional:* `section` parameter maps the
rendered styleblock to a KSS section, which will expand the section into a fully
documented KSS styleblock with all the available classes and such.


<%= styleblock 'buttons' %>
<%= styleblock 'buttons', section: '1.1' %>

## Contributing

Contributions are most welcome! And well-tested and documented contributions are
more welcome than others ;)

1. [Fork the repository][fork]
2. [Create a branch][branch] (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. [Create a pull request][pr]

[kss]: https://github.com/kneath/kss
[template]: https://github.com/Darep/middleman-styleguide-template
[fork]: http://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/
[branch]: http://learn.github.com/p/branching.html
[pr]: http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/