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import re
from textblob import TextBlob
from dependency import Dependency
from semantic_parsers import NLTK
import nltk

PhraseExtractor extracts different kinds of phrases from a text

Class information:
- name: PhraseExtractor
- version: 1.4.4
- author: Vale Tolpegin

- Implement multi parser phrase extraction (do not rely on a single parser to get the phrases extracted)

class PhraseExtractor:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Blank constructor method.


    def extract_phrases(self, **kwargs):
        Returns the phrases found in a sentence,
        in the form of a dictionary.

        # Getting the different kinds of phrases
        noun_phrases = self.extract_noun_phrases(kwargs.get("text"))
        verb_phrases = self.extract_verb_phrases(kwargs.get("text"))
        prepositional_phrases = self.extract_prepositional_phrases(kwargs.get("text"))

        # Returing the dictionary/JSON-encoded response
        return {"noun_phrases" : noun_phrases, "verb_phrases" : verb_phrases, "prepositional_phrases" : prepositional_phrases}

    def extract_noun_phrases(self, **kwargs):
        Returns the noun phrases found within
        a text.

        # Instantiating variables
        noun_phrases = []

        # Creating a TextBlob object to get the noun phrases from the text
        phrase_chunker_blob = TextBlob(kwargs.get("text"))
        for phrase in phrase_chunker_blob.noun_phrases:

        # Returning the found noun_phrases
        return noun_phrases

    def extract_verb_phrases(self, **kwargs):
        Returns the verb phrases found within
        a text.

        # Instantiating variables
        verb_phrases = []
        verb_phrase_extractor = Dependency()

        if kwargs.get("parser").lower() != "nltk":
            # Getting verb phrases using the passed parser (Pattern or NLPNET)
            dependencies = verb_phrase_extractor.find_dependencies(text=kwargs.get("text"), parser=kwargs.get("parser")).split()

            for dependency_index in range(0, len(dependencies)):
                # Check to see if the word is a verb or part of a verb phrase
                if "VP-" in dependencies[dependency_index]:
                    # Check to see if the last word was part of a verb phrase
                    if dependency_index != 0 and "VP-" in dependencies[dependency_index - 1]:
                        # Since it was, append this verb onto the last verb phrase
                        verb_phrases[len(verb_phrases)] += " " + re.sub('/.*', '', dependencies[dependency_index])

                        # Continue on to the next word in the sentence

                    # Remove the ending information, leaving the word
                    cleaned_word = re.sub('/.*', '', dependencies[dependency_index])

                    # Add the word to the verb phrase
            # Getting verb phrases using the NLTK parser
            dependencies = verb_phrase_extractor.find_dependencies(text=kwargs.get("text"), parser=kwargs.get("parser"))

            # Adding the verbs to the verb_phrases

        # Returning the found verb_phrases
        return verb_phrases

    def extract_prepositional_phrases(self, **kwargs):
        Returns the prepositional phrases found
        within a text.

        # Instantiating variables
        prepositional_phrases = []
        prepositional_phrase_extractor = NLTK()

        # Getting prepositional phrases
        prepositional_phrases = prepositional_phrase_extractor.find_prepositional_phrases(kwargs.get("text"), kwargs.get("text"), nltk.pos_tag( nltk.word_tokenize(str(kwargs.get("text"))))).split('...')
        prepositional_phrases = prepositional_phrases[0 : len(prepositional_phrases) - 1]

        # Normalizing the phrases
        prepositional_phrases = self.normalize_text(prepositional_phrases)

        # Returning the found prepositional_phrases
        return prepositional_phrases

    def normalize_text(self, text):
        Returns the normalized version
        of the passed text variable.

        # Instantiating variables
        normalized_text = text

        # Removing spaces at the start of each entry
        for phrase_index in range(0, len(normalized_text)):
            if normalized_text[phrase_index] != '':
                if normalized_text[phrase_index][0] == " ":
                    normalized_text[phrase_index] = normalized_text[phrase_index][1 :]

        # Returning normalized text
        return normalized_text