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Test Coverage
import re
from subprocess import *
from textblob import TextBlob
import nlpnet
from nltk.stem.porter import *
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from normalizer import Normalizer

NLPNET is used to manage the nlpnet parser

Class information:
- Name: NLPNET
- Version: 1.4.4
- author: Vale Tolpegin

class NLPNET:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Constructor method, initializes variables.

        # Initializing variables
        self.nlpnet_normalizer = Normalizer()

    def tokenize(self, tokenize_string):
        Returns the tokenized version of tokenize_string, which is just
        a normal English sentence.

        # Setting up the nlpnet parser
        pos_parser = nlpnet.POSTagger()

        return pos_parser.tag(tokenize_string)

    def get_dependencies(self, dependency_string):
        Returns dependency_string with sentence dependencies included.

        dependency_parser = nlpnet.DependencyParser()

        return dependency_parser.parse(dependency_string)

    def get_data_dir_path(self):
        Returns the directory of the nlpnet corpora.

        # Getting nltk data path
        running = Popen(['python -c "import nltk;print nltk.data.path"'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
        stdin, stdout = running.communicate()

        # Setting the path that the nlpnet dependency was downloaded to
        path = re.sub(r"\'", "", re.sub(r"\[", '', str(stdin.split('\n')[0].split(',')[0])))
        path = path.split(r"/")
        path = '/'.join(path[: len(path) - 1]) + '/nlpnet_dependency/dependency'

        return path

    def use_nlpnet(self, base_string, test_string, pattern_arg):
        Main interface method from the NLPNET class to the rest of
        the program.

        # Setting up the nlpnet parser
        dependency_parser = nlpnet.DependencyParser()
        pos_parser = nlpnet.POSTagger()

        # Getting the passed patterns
        patterns = pattern_arg

        # Parsing the base_string
        base_parse = dependency_parser.parse(base_string)
        base_blob = TextBlob(base_string)
        base_sentences = base_blob.sentences
        base_sentence_info = []

        for index in range(0, len(base_parse)):
            # Grabbing sentence information
            raw_data = str(base_sentences[index])
            pos_sentence = pos_parser.tag(str(base_sentences[index]))
            subject, verb, object, prepositional_phrases = self.identify_sentence_parts_nlpnet(base_parse[index].tokens, base_parse[index].labels)

            # Displaying information for debugging purposes
            #print "***BASE***"
            #print "Raw Sentence     : " + raw_data
            #print "POS Sentence    : " + str( pos_sentence )
            #print "[ Tokens ]       : " + str( base_parse[ index ].tokens )
            #print "[ Labels ]       : " + str( base_parse[ index ].labels )
            #print "[ Subject ]     : " + subject
            #print "[ Verb ]        : " + verb
            #print "[ Object ]      : " + object
            #print "[ Prep Phrases ] : " + str( prepositional_phrases )

            # Deciding whether the sentence/pattern should be added
            add_sentence = True
            for sentence in base_sentence_info:
                if sentence != []:
                    if sentence[len(sentence) - 1] == raw_data:
                        add_sentence = False


            # If the sentence should be added to the possible patterns, add it
            if add_sentence:
                base_sentence_info.append([subject, verb, object, [], raw_data])

        # Parsing the test_string
        test_parse = dependency_parser.parse(test_string)
        test_blob = TextBlob(test_string)
        test_sentences = test_blob.sentences
        test_sentence_info = []

        for index in range(0, len(test_parse)):
            # Grabbing sentence information
            raw_data = str(test_sentences[index])
            pos_sentence = pos_parser.tag(str(test_sentences[index]))
            subject, verb, object, prepositional_phrases = self.identify_sentence_parts_nlpnet(test_parse[index].tokens, test_parse[index].labels)

            #print "***TEST***"
            #print "Raw Sentence     : " + raw_data
            #print "POS Sentence    : " + str( pos_sentence )
            #print "[ Tokens ]       : " + str( test_parse[ index ].tokens )
            #print "[ Labels ]       : " + str( test_parse[ index ].labels )
            #print "[ Subject ]     : " + subject
            #print "[ Verb ]        : " + verb
            #print "[ Object ]      : " + object
            #print "[ Prep Phrases ] : " + str( prepositional_phrases )

            # Deciding whether the sentence/pattern should be added
            add_sentence = True
            for sentence in test_sentence_info:
                if sentence != []:
                    if sentence[len(sentence) - 1] == raw_data:
                        add_sentence = False


            # If the sentence should be added to the possible patterns, add it
            if add_sentence:
                test_sentence_info.append([subject, verb, object, [], raw_data])

        # Returning the patterns found in the text
        return self.identify_common_patterns(base_sentence_info, test_sentence_info, patterns)

    def identify_sentence_parts_nlpnet(self, tokens, labels):
        subject = ""
        verb = ""
        object = ""
        prepositional_phrases = ""

        for index in range(0, len(labels)):
            if "SBJ" in labels[index] and verb == "":
                subject += tokens[index] + " "
            elif "ROOT" in labels[index]:
                verb += tokens[index]
            elif "PRD" in labels[index] or "OBJ" in labels[index]:
                object += tokens[index] + " "
            elif "LOC" in labels[index]:
                for prep_index in range(index, len(labels)):
                    if "PMOD" in labels[prep_index] and ' '.join(tokens[index : prep_index + 1]) not in prepositional_phrases:
                        prepositional_phrases += ' '.join(tokens[index : prep_index + 1]) + "..."


        return subject, verb, object, prepositional_phrases.split("...")

    def normalize_sentence_info(self, sentence_info):
        Normalizes all of the incoming text to a standard.

        # Normalizing text
        sentence_info = self.nlpnet_normalizer.normalize_sentence_info(sentence_info)

        # Return normalized information
        return sentence_info

    def identify_common_patterns(self, base_sentence_info, test_sentence_info, patterns):
        # Creating variables
        sentence_information = {}

        # Comparing the two sets of strings together & finding patterns
        for base_sentence in base_sentence_info:
            for test_sentence in test_sentence_info:
                # If there are two sentences/patterns to compare
                if base_sentence != [] and test_sentence != []:
                    # Normalize the pattern
                    normalized_base_sentence = self.normalize_sentence_info(base_sentence)
                    normalized_test_sentence = self.normalize_sentence_info(test_sentence)

                    # If the patterns' semantic "value" is the same
                    if normalized_base_sentence[0] == normalized_test_sentence[0] and normalized_base_sentence[1] == normalized_test_sentence[1] and normalized_base_sentence[2] == normalized_test_sentence[2]:
                        # If one sentence/pattern is longer than the other, use that pattern
                        if len(base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1].split()) > len(test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1].split()):
                            # If other patterns have been detected
                            if patterns != []:
                                sentence_information[base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]] = base_sentence[: len(base_sentence) - 1]
                                sentence_information[base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]].append(2)
                                sentence_information[base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]].append(fuzz.ratio(base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1], test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]))

                                # If the current test patterns are not in patterns
                                if test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1] not in patterns and base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1] not in patterns:
                                    patterns += [base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]]

                                elif base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1] in patterns:
                                    # Updating reliability score
                                        sentence_information[base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]][4] += 1
                                        sentence_information[base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]].append(2)
                            # If there are no patterns currently found, add this pattern
                            elif patterns == []:
                                patterns += [base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]]

                                sentence_information[ base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]] = base_sentence[0 : len(base_sentence) - 1]
                                # Updating reliability score
                                    sentence_information[base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]][4] += 1
                                    sentence_information[base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]].append(2)

                                # Adding applicability score
                                    sentence_information[base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]][5] = fuzz.ratio(base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1], test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1])
                                    sentence_information[base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1]].append(fuzz.ratio(base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1], test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]))
                            # If there are patterns already found
                            if patterns != []:
                                sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]] = test_sentence[0 : len(test_sentence) - 1]
                                sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]].append(2)
                                sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]].append(fuzz.ratio(base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1], test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]))

                                # If the test patterns are not in the already found patterns
                                if test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1] not in patterns and base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1] not in patterns:
                                    patterns += [test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]]

                                    #sentence_information[ test_sentence[ len( test_sentence ) - 1 ] ] = test_sentence[ 0 : len( test_sentence ) - 1 ]
                                elif test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1] in patterns:
                                    # Updating reliability score
                                        sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]][4] += 1
                                        sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]].append(2)
                            # If there are no patterns currently found
                            elif patterns == []:
                                patterns += [test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]]

                                sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]] = test_sentence[: len(test_sentence) - 1]
                                # Updating reliability score
                                    sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]][4] += 1
                                    sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]].append(2)

                                # Adding applicability score
                                    sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]][5] = fuzz.ratio(base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1], test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1])
                                    sentence_information[test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]].append(fuzz.ratio(base_sentence[len(base_sentence) - 1], test_sentence[len(test_sentence) - 1]))

        return patterns, sentence_information