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import nltk
from nltk import FreqDist
from textblob import TextBlob

TopicFinder identifies the possible topics of a string.

Class information:
- name: TopicFinder
- version: 1.4.3
- author: Vale Tolpegin

class TopicFinder:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Blank constructor method.


    def identify_topics(self, strings):
        Topic identifier function.

        -- string: A string that contains the set of sentences that topics would like to be identified in

        -- list: A list containing the topics of a string

        # Creating final string from the addition of each string
        string = ""
        for individual_string in strings:
            string += " " + individual_string

        topics = []
        named_entities = nltk.ne_chunk(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(string)), binary=True)
        named_entities = nltk.chunk.tree2conlltags(named_entities)

        # Getting named entities in a text
        for entity in named_entities:
            if "NE" in entity[2]:
                if entity not in topics:

        # Getting other nounds in a text. These could be topics as well as named entities
        lowered_string = string.lower()
        for tag in nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(lowered_string)):
            if "NN" in tag[1]:
                add_to_topics = True

                for topic in topics:
                    if topic.lower() == tag[0]:
                        add_to_topics = False

                if add_to_topics:

        topics_freqdist = FreqDist(topics)

        #print "Unshortened           : " + str( topics )
        #print ""
        #print "Shortened             : " + str( list( set( topics ) ) )
        #print ""
        #print "Frequency Distribution: " + str( topics_freqdist.most_common( len( topics ) + 1 ) )

        for topic_index in range(0, len(topics)):
            for word in string.split(' '):
                if topics[topic_index] == word.lower():
                    topics[topic_index] = word

        # Getting the frequency distribution
        topics_frequencies_list = topics_freqdist.most_common(len(topics) + 1)

        # Testing to see whether any topics are mentioned more than once
        multiple_topic_references = False
        for topic in topics_frequencies_list:
            if topic[1] > 1:
                multiple_topic_references = True


        # If there is at least 1 topic that is reference more than once, then remove all of the single-referenced topics
        final_topics = []
        if multiple_topic_references:
            for topic_index in range(0, len(topics_frequencies_list)):
                if topics_frequencies_list[topic_index][1] == 1:
                    final_topics.append([topics_frequencies_list[topic_index][0], topics_frequencies_list[topic_index][1]])
            for topic_index in range(0, len(topics_frequencies_list)):
                final_topics.append([topics_frequencies_list[topic_index][0], topics_frequencies_list[topic_index][1]])

        # Returning final topics list
        return final_topics

    def gather_important_information(self, text):
        Returns the most important information within a text
        based on its topics.

        # Creating TextBlob to extract sentences from text
        input_textblob = TextBlob(' '.join(text))

        # Getting the topics of a text ( ranked most important to least important )
        topics = self.identify_topics(text)

        # Getting the sentences with the topics in them
        important_sentences = []
        for sentence in input_textblob.sentences:
            sentence_text = str(sentence)
            add_to_important_sentences = False
            topic_counter = 0

            for topic in topics:
                if topic[0] in sentence_text:
                    add_to_important_sentences = True
                    topic_counter += 1

            if add_to_important_sentences:
                important_sentences.append([sentence_text, topic_counter])

        # Ranking the sentences
        ranked_sentences = []
        for sentence, topic_counter in important_sentences:
            if ranked_sentences == []:
                ranked_sentences.append([sentence, topic_counter])
                ranked_sentences = self.update_ranks(ranked_sentences, [sentence, topic_counter], 0)

        # Removing unnecessary information from the sentences
        clean_sentences = []
        for sentence in ranked_sentences:

        # Returning the final important information
        return clean_sentences

    def update_ranks(self, ranked_sentences, sentence_info, add_index):
        Updates the ranks of the variable ranked_sentences

        # Gathering information
        sentence = sentence_info[0]
        topic_counter = sentence_info[1]

        if add_index >= len(ranked_sentences):
            ranked_sentences.insert(len(ranked_sentences), [sentence, topic_counter])
            # Updating information
            if ranked_sentences[add_index][1] > int(topic_counter):
                ranked_sentences = self.update_ranks(ranked_sentences, [sentence, topic_counter], add_index + 1)
                ranked_sentences.insert(add_index, [sentence, topic_counter])

        # Returning updated ranked sentences
        return ranked_sentences

if __name__ == '__main__':

    string_to_test_topics = ["""Test string goes here."""]

    topic_tester = TopicFinder()

    for item in topic_tester.gather_important_information(string_to_test_topics):
        print(item + "\n")