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A CLI for generating Vagrant files and running cross platform clustered unit tests from the command line.

You need to use something like Puppet as a provisioning service in order to make sure when you boot your other virtual machines that they are configured properly.

You can of course edit the `Vagrantfile` any way you see fit in order to make provisioning happen correctly. I've included a basic sample. 

## Requirements
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Python 2.7+

## How it works
So the way this app works is you can open `settings.yaml` in order to create a list of all of the vagrant images you want to build for.

Then you specify what shell command you want to run on the VM.

You should have a list that looks something like this.

      - "hashicorp/precise32"
      - "ubuntu/trusty64"
      - "puphpet/centos65-x64"

command: "./unittest.sh"

Then when you run `python vcluster.py`, you should be able to watch the tests run on the different VMs, if anything is logged to standard error the output will appear in red.

## Built at PennApps XII



## Plugins vcluster uses

[vagrant linode](https://github.com/displague/vagrant-linode)