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# Iterated Pipes

**Iterator based utilities for handling sync & async tasks** like async execution with a maximum for parallel tasks at the same time.

### Don't get fooled by this repository last update, this repository is maintained and we use it daily where I work. It is just that we aren't having any bugs.

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<img src="resources/pipe.png">

### Index

<!-- MarkdownTOC autolink=true autoanchor=true bracket=round depth=0 -->

- [Methods](#methods)
    - [sequential](#sequential)
    - [parallel](#parallel)

<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->

<a name="methods"></a>
# Methods

This library is based in iterators, that means, **it can work over everything that is iterable** (arrays, generators, strings, ...). Just use the static method `iterate` and select the method. There is two basic patters here: **sequential** and **parallel** (witch admits a maximum of concurrency).

<a name="sequential"></a>
## sequential

Execute the promises one after the other, always waiting to the previous one to finish before executing the next Promise.

    var piped = require('iterated-pipes');

    .sequential(url => request(url))
    .then(lastValue => {...});

<a name="parallel"></a>
## parallel

Iterate all the items and return an array with the results. Is like a Promise.all but accepts a maximum quantity of maximum executions in parallel.

    var piped = require('iterated-pipes');

    .parallel(10, url => request(url)) //Executes a maximum of 10 calls at a time. When one call ends, call the next one
    .then(results => {...}); //All the results in the same order

Is important to make a distinction between this method and the ones that use Promise.all internally. This one executes the next call just after one call is finish meanwhile other methods execute X callbacks with Promise.all, waiting until the last one to continue the execution, making these methods less time efficient.