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import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'
import { BadRequestException, ConflictException, Controller, ForbiddenException, Get, Inject, NotFoundException, Param, ParseIntPipe, Query } from '@nestjs/common'
import { JsonRpcClient } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-jsonrpc'
import { ApiPagedResponse } from './_core/api.paged.response'
import { DeFiDCache } from './cache/defid.cache'
import { TokenInfo } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-core/dist/category/token'
import { AddressToken, AddressHistory } from '@defichain/whale-api-client/dist/api/address'
import { PaginationQuery } from './_core/api.query'
import { ScriptActivity, ScriptActivityMapper } from '../module.model/script.activity'
import { ScriptAggregation, ScriptAggregationMapper } from '../module.model/script.aggregation'
import { ScriptUnspent, ScriptUnspentMapper } from '../module.model/script.unspent'
import { DeFiAddress } from '@defichain/jellyfish-address'
import { NetworkName } from '@defichain/jellyfish-network'
import { HexEncoder } from '../module.model/_hex.encoder'
import { toBuffer } from '@defichain/jellyfish-transaction/dist/script/_buffer'
import { LoanVaultActive, LoanVaultLiquidated } from '@defichain/whale-api-client/dist/api/loan'
import { LoanVaultService } from './loan.vault.service'
import { parseDisplaySymbol } from './token.controller'
import { AccountHistory } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-core/dist/category/account'

export class AddressController {
  constructor (
    protected readonly rpcClient: JsonRpcClient,
    protected readonly deFiDCache: DeFiDCache,
    protected readonly aggregationMapper: ScriptAggregationMapper,
    protected readonly activityMapper: ScriptActivityMapper,
    protected readonly unspentMapper: ScriptUnspentMapper,
    protected readonly vaultService: LoanVaultService,
    @Inject('NETWORK') protected readonly network: NetworkName
  ) {

  async getAccountHistory (
    @Param('address') address: string,
      @Param('height', ParseIntPipe) height: number,
      @Param('txno', ParseIntPipe) txno: number
  ): Promise<AddressHistory> {
    try {
      const accountHistory = await this.rpcClient.account.getAccountHistory(address, height, txno)
      if (Object.keys(accountHistory).length === 0) {
        throw new NotFoundException('Record not found')
      return mapAddressHistory(accountHistory)
    } catch (err) {
      if (err instanceof NotFoundException) {
        throw err
      throw new BadRequestException(err)

   * @param {string} address to list participate account history
   * @param {PaginationQuery} query
  async listAccountHistory (
    @Param('address') address: string,
      @Query() query: PaginationQuery): Promise<ApiPagedResponse<AddressHistory>> {
    if (address === 'mine') {
      throw new ForbiddenException('mine is not allowed')

    const limit = query.size > 200 ? 200 : query.size
    const next = ?? undefined
    let list: AccountHistory[]

    if (next !== undefined) {
      const [txid, txType, maxBlockHeight] = next.split('-')
       *  Demostrate workaround the `loop`
       *  full: [A50, B50, C50, D50, E50, F50, G50, H50, I15, J10, K05, L01]
       *  | action | limit | max | output                         | sliced          |
       *  |--------|-------|-----|--------------------------------|-----------------|
       *  |        | 3     |     | [A50, B50, C50]                |                 |
       *  | next1  | 3     | 50  | [A50, B50, C50]                | [ ]             |
       *  | loop1  | 6     | 50  | [A50, B50, C50, D50, E50, F50] | [D50, E50, F50] |
       *  | next2  | 3     | 50  | [A50, B50, C50]                | [ ]             |
       *  | loop2  | 6     | 50  | [A50, B50, C50, D50, E50, F50] | [ ]             |
       *  | loop3  | 12    | 50  | [A50, B50, C50, D50, E50, F50, | [G50, H50, I15] |
       *  |        |       |     |  G50, H50, I15, J10, K05, L01] |                 |
       *  | next3  | 3     | 15  | [I15, J10, K05]                | [J10, K05]      |
       *  | loop4  | 6     | 15  | [I15, J10, K05, L01]           | [J10, K05, L01] |
       *  Found **last batch** on loop4 as its `list.length !== limit`.
      const loop = async (maxBlockHeight: number, limit: number): Promise<AccountHistory[]> => {
        const list = await this.rpcClient.account.listAccountHistory(address, {
          limit: limit,
          maxBlockHeight: maxBlockHeight,
          no_rewards: true
        if (list.length === 0) {
          return []
        const isLastBatch = list.length !== limit
        const foundIndex = list.findIndex(each => each.txid === txid && each.type === txType)
        if (foundIndex === -1) {
          // if not found, extend the size till grab the 'next'
          return await loop(Number(maxBlockHeight), limit * 2)
        const start = foundIndex + 1 // plus 1 to exclude the prev txid
        const size = start + query.size
        const sliced = list.slice(start, size)
        if (sliced.length !== query.size && !isLastBatch) {
          // need a bigger volume to achieve the size
          return await loop(Number(maxBlockHeight), limit * 2)
        return sliced
      list = await loop(Number(maxBlockHeight), limit)
    } else {
      list = await this.rpcClient.account.listAccountHistory(address, {
        limit: limit,
        no_rewards: true

    const history = => mapAddressHistory(each))

    return ApiPagedResponse.of(history, query.size, item => {
      return `${item.txid}-${item.type}-${item.block.height}`

  async getBalance (@Param('address') address: string): Promise<string> {
    const aggregation = await this.getAggregation(address)
    return aggregation?.amount.unspent ?? '0.00000000'

  async getAggregation (@Param('address') address: string): Promise<ScriptAggregation | undefined> {
    const hid = addressToHid(, address)
    return await this.aggregationMapper.getLatest(hid)

   * @param {string} address to list tokens belonging to address
   * @param {PaginationQuery} query
  async listTokens (
    @Param('address') address: string,
      @Query() query: PaginationQuery
  ): Promise<ApiPagedResponse<AddressToken>> {
    const accounts = await this.rpcClient.account.getAccount(address, {
      start: !== undefined ? Number( : undefined,
      including_start: === undefined, // TODO(fuxingloh): open issue at DeFiCh/ain, rpc_accounts.cpp#388
      limit: query.size
    }, { indexedAmounts: true })

    const ids = Object.keys(accounts)
    const tokenInfos = await this.deFiDCache.batchTokenInfo(ids)

    const tokens: AddressToken[] = Object.entries(accounts)
      .map(([id, value]): AddressToken => {
        const tokenInfo = tokenInfos[id]
        if (tokenInfo === undefined) {
          throw new ConflictException('unable to find token')

        return mapAddressToken(id, tokenInfo, value)
      }).sort(a => Number.parseInt(

    return ApiPagedResponse.of(tokens, query.size, item => {

  async listVaults (
    @Param('address') address: string,
      @Query() query: PaginationQuery
  ): Promise<ApiPagedResponse<LoanVaultActive | LoanVaultLiquidated>> {
    return await this.vaultService.list(query, address)

  async listTransactions (
    @Param('address') address: string,
      @Query() query: PaginationQuery
  ): Promise<ApiPagedResponse<ScriptActivity>> {
    const hid = addressToHid(, address)
    const items = await this.activityMapper.query(hid, query.size,

    return ApiPagedResponse.of(items, query.size, item => {

  async listTransactionsUnspent (
    @Param('address') address: string,
      @Query() query: PaginationQuery
  ): Promise<ApiPagedResponse<ScriptUnspent>> {
    const hid = addressToHid(, address)
    const items = await this.unspentMapper.query(hid, query.size,

    return ApiPagedResponse.of(items, query.size, item => {
      return item.sort

 * @param {NetworkName} name of the network
 * @param {string} address to convert to HID
 * @return {string} HID is hashed script.hex, SHA256(decodeAddress(address).hex)
export function addressToHid (name: NetworkName, address: string): string {
  // TODO(fuxingloh): refactor jellyfish-address, then refactor this
  const decoded = DeFiAddress.from(name, address)
  const stack = decoded.getScript().stack
  const hex = toBuffer(stack).toString('hex')
  return HexEncoder.asSHA256(hex)

function mapAddressToken (id: string, tokenInfo: TokenInfo, value: BigNumber): AddressToken {
  return {
    id: id,
    amount: value.toFixed(8),
    symbol: tokenInfo.symbol,
    symbolKey: tokenInfo.symbolKey,
    isDAT: tokenInfo.isDAT,
    isLPS: tokenInfo.isLPS,
    isLoanToken: tokenInfo.isLoanToken,
    displaySymbol: parseDisplaySymbol(tokenInfo)

function mapAddressHistory (history: AccountHistory): AddressHistory {
  return {
    owner: history.owner,
    txid: history.txid,
    txn: history.txn,
    type: history.type,
    amounts: history.amounts,
    block: {
      height: history.blockHeight,
      hash: history.blockHash,
      time: history.blockTime