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import { Inject, Injectable, NotFoundException } from '@nestjs/common'
import { JsonRpcClient } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-jsonrpc'
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'
import { PoolPairInfo } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-core/dist/category/poolpair'
import { SemaphoreCache } from '@defichain-apps/libs/caches'
import {
} from '@defichain/whale-api-client/dist/api/poolpairs'
import { getBlockSubsidy } from './subsidy'
import { PoolSwapAggregated, PoolSwapAggregatedMapper } from '../module.model/pool.swap.aggregated'
import { PoolSwapAggregatedInterval } from '../module.indexer/model/dftx/pool.swap.aggregated'
import { TransactionVoutMapper } from '../module.model/transaction.vout'
import { SmartBuffer } from 'smart-buffer'
import {
  PoolSwap as PoolSwapDfTx,
} from '@defichain/jellyfish-transaction'
import { fromScript } from '@defichain/jellyfish-address'
import { NetworkName } from '@defichain/jellyfish-network'
import { AccountHistory } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-core/dist/category/account'
import { DeFiDCache } from './cache/defid.cache'
import { parseDisplaySymbol } from './token.controller'
import { RpcApiError } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-core'
import { PoolSwapPathFindingService } from './poolswap.pathfinding.service'

export class PoolPairService {
  constructor (
    @Inject('NETWORK') protected readonly network: NetworkName,
    private readonly poolSwapPathfindingService: PoolSwapPathFindingService,
    protected readonly rpcClient: JsonRpcClient,
    protected readonly deFiDCache: DeFiDCache,
    protected readonly cache: SemaphoreCache,
    protected readonly poolSwapAggregatedMapper: PoolSwapAggregatedMapper,
    protected readonly voutMapper: TransactionVoutMapper
  ) {

   * Get PoolPair where the order of token doesn't matter
  private async getPoolPair (a: string, b: string): Promise<PoolPairInfo | undefined> {
    try {
      const result = await this.rpcClient.poolpair.getPoolPair(`${a}-${b}`, true)
      if (Object.values(result).length > 0) {
        return Object.values(result)[0]
    } catch (err) {
      if ((err as RpcApiError)?.payload?.message !== 'Pool not found') {
        throw err

    try {
      const result = await this.rpcClient.poolpair.getPoolPair(`${b}-${a}`, true)
      if (Object.values(result).length > 0) {
        return Object.values(result)[0]
    } catch (err) {
      if ((err as RpcApiError)?.payload?.message !== 'Pool not found') {
        throw err

   * TODO(fuxingloh): graph based matrix resolution
   * Currently implemented with fix pair derivation
   * Ideally should use vertex directed graph where we can always find total liquidity if it can be resolved.
  async getTotalLiquidityUsd (info: PoolPairInfo): Promise<BigNumber | undefined> {
    const [a, b] = info.symbol.split('-')
    if (['DUSD', 'USDT', 'USDC'].includes(a)) {
      return info.reserveA.multipliedBy(2)

    if (['DUSD', 'USDT', 'USDC'].includes(b)) {
      return info.reserveB.multipliedBy(2)

    const USDT_PER_DFI = await this.getUSD_PER_DFI()
    if (USDT_PER_DFI === undefined) {

    if (a === 'DFI') {
      return info.reserveA.multipliedBy(2).multipliedBy(USDT_PER_DFI)

    if (b === 'DFI') {
      return info.reserveB.multipliedBy(2).multipliedBy(USDT_PER_DFI)

    return await this.getTotalLiquidityUsdByBestPath(info)

   * Graph based matrix resolution
   * Returns the total liquidity of the poolpair by finding its best path to USDT
  async getTotalLiquidityUsdByBestPath (info: PoolPairInfo): Promise<BigNumber | undefined> {
    const usdtToken = await this.deFiDCache.getTokenInfoBySymbol('USDT')

    if (usdtToken === undefined) {
      return undefined

    const usdtTokenId = Object.keys(usdtToken)[0]
    let tokenARate = new BigNumber(1)
    let tokenBRate = new BigNumber(1)

    if (info.idTokenA !== usdtTokenId) {
      const { estimatedReturn: estimatedReturnTokenA } = await this.poolSwapPathfindingService.getBestPath(info.idTokenA, usdtTokenId)
      tokenARate = new BigNumber(estimatedReturnTokenA)

    if (info.idTokenB !== usdtTokenId) {
      const { estimatedReturn: estimatedReturnTokenB } = await this.poolSwapPathfindingService.getBestPath(info.idTokenB, usdtTokenId)
      tokenBRate = new BigNumber(estimatedReturnTokenB)

    return (tokenARate.multipliedBy(info.reserveA)).plus(tokenBRate.multipliedBy(info.reserveB))

  async getUSD_PER_DFI (): Promise<BigNumber | undefined> {
    return await this.cache.get<BigNumber>('USD_PER_DFI', async () => {
      const usdt = await this.getPoolPair('DFI', 'USDT')
      const usdc = await this.getPoolPair('DFI', 'USDC')
      // const dusd = await this.getPoolPair('DFI', 'DUSD')
      let totalUSD = new BigNumber(0)
      let totalDFI = new BigNumber(0)

      function add (pair: PoolPairInfo): void {
        if (pair.idTokenA === '0') {
          totalUSD =
          totalDFI =
        } else if (pair.idTokenB === '0') {
          totalUSD =
          totalDFI =

      if (usdt !== undefined) {

      if (usdc !== undefined) {

      // if (dusd !== undefined) {
      //   add(dusd)
      // }

      if (!totalUSD.isZero()) {
        return totalUSD.div(totalDFI)
    }, {
      ttl: 180

  private async getDailyDFIReward (): Promise<BigNumber | undefined> {
    return await this.cache.get<BigNumber>('LP_DAILY_DFI_REWARD', async () => {
      const rpcResult = await this.rpcClient.masternode.getGov('LP_DAILY_DFI_REWARD')
      return new BigNumber(rpcResult.LP_DAILY_DFI_REWARD)
    }, {
      ttl: 3600 // 60 minutes

  private async getTokenUSDValue (id: string): Promise<BigNumber | undefined> {
    return await this.cache.get<BigNumber>(`PRICE_FOR_TOKEN_${id}`, async () => {
      const tokenInfo = await this.deFiDCache.getTokenInfo(id)
      const token = tokenInfo?.symbol

      if (token === undefined) {
        throw new NotFoundException('Unable to find token symbol')

      if (['DUSD', 'USDT', 'USDC'].includes(token)) {
        return new BigNumber(1)

      const dusdPair = await this.getPoolPair(token, 'DUSD')
      if (dusdPair !== undefined) {
        // Intentionally only checking against first symbol, to avoid issues
        // with symbol name truncation
        if (dusdPair.symbol.split('-')[0] !== 'DUSD') {
          return dusdPair.reserveB.div(dusdPair.reserveA)
        return dusdPair.reserveA.div(dusdPair.reserveB)

      const dfiPair = await this.getPoolPair(token, 'DFI')
      if (dfiPair !== undefined) {
        const usdPerDFI = await this.getUSD_PER_DFI() ?? 0
        if (dfiPair.idTokenA === '0') {
          return dfiPair.reserveA.div(dfiPair.reserveB).times(usdPerDFI)
        return dfiPair.reserveB.div(dfiPair.reserveA).times(usdPerDFI)
    }, {
      ttl: 300 // 5 minutes

  public async getUSDVolume (id: string): Promise<PoolPairData['volume'] | undefined> {
    return await this.cache.get<PoolPairData['volume']>(`POOLPAIR_VOLUME_${id}`, async () => {
      const gatherAmount = async (interval: PoolSwapAggregatedInterval, count: number): Promise<number> => {
        const aggregated: Record<string, number> = {}
        const swaps = await this.poolSwapAggregatedMapper.query(`${id}-${interval as number}`, count)
        for (const swap of swaps) {
          for (const tokenId in swap.aggregated.amounts) {
            const fromAmount = new BigNumber(swap.aggregated.amounts[tokenId])
            aggregated[tokenId] = aggregated[tokenId] === undefined
              ? fromAmount.toNumber()
              : aggregated[tokenId] + fromAmount.toNumber()

        let volume = 0
        for (const tokenId in aggregated) {
          const tokenPrice = await this.getTokenUSDValue(tokenId) ?? new BigNumber(0)
          volume += tokenPrice.toNumber() * aggregated[tokenId]

        return volume

      return {
        h24: await gatherAmount(PoolSwapAggregatedInterval.ONE_HOUR, 24),
        d30: await gatherAmount(PoolSwapAggregatedInterval.ONE_DAY, 30)
    }, {
      ttl: 900 // 15 minutes

  public async getAggregatedInUSD ({ aggregated: { amounts } }: PoolSwapAggregated): Promise<number> {
    let value = 0

    for (const tokenId in amounts) {
      const tokenPrice = await this.getTokenUSDValue(tokenId) ?? new BigNumber(0)
      value += tokenPrice.toNumber() * Number.parseFloat(amounts[tokenId])
    return value

  public async checkSwapType (swap: PoolSwapData): Promise<SwapType | undefined> {
    const dftx = await this.findCompositeSwapDfTx(swap.txid)
    // if dftx is undefined, no composite swap is returned so check for swap
    if (dftx === undefined || dftx.pools.length <= 1) {
      const poolPairInfo = await this.deFiDCache.getPoolPairInfo(swap.poolPairId)
      if (poolPairInfo === undefined) {
        return undefined
      const idTokenA = parseInt(poolPairInfo.idTokenA)
      return idTokenA === swap.fromTokenId ? SwapType.SELL : SwapType.BUY

    const pools = dftx.pools
    let prev = swap.fromTokenId.toString()
    for (const pool of pools) {
      const id =
      const poolPair = await this.deFiDCache.getPoolPairInfo(id)
      if (poolPair === undefined) {
      const idTokenA = poolPair.idTokenA
      const idTokenB = poolPair.idTokenB

      // if this is current pool pair, if previous token is primary token, indicator = sell
      if (id === swap.poolPairId) {
        return idTokenA === prev ? SwapType.SELL : SwapType.BUY
      // set previous token as pair swapped out token
      prev = prev === idTokenA ? idTokenB : idTokenA

  public async findSwapFromTo (height: number, txid: string, txno: number): Promise<{ from?: PoolSwapFromToData, to?: PoolSwapFromToData } | undefined> {
    const dftx = await this.findPoolSwapDfTx(txid)
    if (dftx === undefined) {
      return undefined

    const fromAddress = fromScript(dftx.fromScript,
    const fromToken = await this.deFiDCache.getTokenInfo(dftx.fromTokenId.toString())

    const toAddress = fromScript(dftx.toScript,
    const toToken = await this.deFiDCache.getTokenInfo(dftx.toTokenId.toString())

    if (fromAddress === undefined || toAddress === undefined || fromToken === undefined || toToken === undefined) {
      return undefined

    const history = await this.getAccountHistory(toAddress, height, txno)

    return {
      from: {
        address: fromAddress,
        symbol: fromToken.symbol,
        amount: dftx.fromAmount.toFixed(8),
        displaySymbol: parseDisplaySymbol(fromToken)
      to: findPoolSwapFromTo(history, false, parseDisplaySymbol(toToken))

  private async findCompositeSwapDfTx (txid: string): Promise<CompositeSwap | undefined> {
    const dftx = await this.callDftx(txid)
    if (dftx === undefined || !== CCompositeSwap.OP_NAME) {
      return undefined
    return as CompositeSwap

  private async findPoolSwapDfTx (txid: string): Promise<PoolSwapDfTx | undefined> {
    const dftx = await this.callDftx(txid)
    if (dftx === undefined) {
      return undefined
    switch ( {
      case CPoolSwap.OP_NAME:
        return ( as PoolSwapDfTx)

      case CCompositeSwap.OP_NAME:
        return ( as CompositeSwap).poolSwap

        return undefined

  private async callDftx (txid: string): Promise<DfTx<any> | undefined> {
    const vouts = await this.voutMapper.query(txid, 1)
    const hex = vouts[0].script.hex
    const buffer = SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'))
    const stack = toOPCodes(buffer)
    if (stack.length !== 2 || stack[1].type !== 'OP_DEFI_TX') {
      return undefined
    return (stack[1] as OP_DEFI_TX).tx

  private async getAccountHistory (address: string, height: number, txno: number): Promise<AccountHistory> {
    return await this.rpcClient.account.getAccountHistory(address, height, txno)

  private async getLoanTokenSplits (): Promise<Record<string, number> | undefined> {
    return await this.cache.get<Record<string, number>>('LP_LOAN_TOKEN_SPLITS', async () => {
      const result = await this.rpcClient.masternode.getGov('LP_LOAN_TOKEN_SPLITS')
      return result.LP_LOAN_TOKEN_SPLITS
    }, {
      ttl: 600 // 10 minutes

  private async getLoanEmission (): Promise<BigNumber | undefined> {
    return await this.cache.get<BigNumber>('LP_LOAN_TOKEN_EMISSION', async () => {
      const info = await this.rpcClient.blockchain.getBlockchainInfo()
      const eunosHeight = info.softforks.eunos.height ?? 0
      return getBlockSubsidy(eunosHeight, info.blocks).multipliedBy('0.2468')
    }, {
      ttl: 3600 // 60 minutes

  private async getYearlyCustomRewardUSD (info: PoolPairInfo): Promise<BigNumber | undefined> {
    if (info.customRewards === undefined) {
      return new BigNumber(0)

    const dfiPriceUsdt = await this.getUSD_PER_DFI()
    if (dfiPriceUsdt === undefined) {
      return undefined

    return info.customRewards.reduce<BigNumber>((accum, customReward) => {
      const [reward, token] = customReward.split('@')
      if (token !== '0' && token !== 'DFI') {
        // Unhandled if not DFI
        return accum

      const yearly = new BigNumber(reward)
        .times(60 * 60 * 24 / 30) // 30 seconds = 1 block
        .times(365) // 1 year

    }, new BigNumber(0))

  private async getYearlyRewardPCTUSD (info: PoolPairInfo): Promise<BigNumber | undefined> {
    if (info.rewardPct === undefined) {
      return new BigNumber(0)

    const dfiPriceUSD = await this.getUSD_PER_DFI()
    const dailyDfiReward = await this.getDailyDFIReward()

    if (dfiPriceUSD === undefined || dailyDfiReward === undefined) {
      return undefined

    return info.rewardPct

  private async getYearlyRewardLoanUSD (id: string): Promise<BigNumber | undefined> {
    const splits = await this.getLoanTokenSplits()
    if (splits === undefined) {
      return new BigNumber(0)

    const split = splits[id]
    if (split === undefined) {
      return new BigNumber(0)

    const dfiPriceUSD = await this.getUSD_PER_DFI()
    if (dfiPriceUSD === undefined) {
      return undefined

    const loanEmission = await this.getLoanEmission()
    if (loanEmission === undefined) {
      return new BigNumber(0)

    return loanEmission.multipliedBy(split)
      .times(60 * 60 * 24 / 30) // 30 seconds = 1 block
      .times(365) // 1 year

   * Estimate yearly commission rate by taking 24 hour commission x 365 days
  private async getYearlyCommissionEstimate (id: string, info: PoolPairInfo): Promise<BigNumber> {
    const volume = await this.getUSDVolume(id)
    return info.commission.times(volume?.h24 ?? 0).times(365)

  async getAPR (id: string, info: PoolPairInfo): Promise<PoolPairData['apr'] | undefined> {
    const customUSD = await this.getYearlyCustomRewardUSD(info)
    const pctUSD = await this.getYearlyRewardPCTUSD(info)
    const loanUSD = await this.getYearlyRewardLoanUSD(id)
    const totalLiquidityUSD = await this.getTotalLiquidityUsd(info)

    if (customUSD === undefined || pctUSD === undefined || loanUSD === undefined || totalLiquidityUSD === undefined) {
      return undefined

    const yearlyUSD =
    // 1 == 100%, 0.1 = 10%
    const reward = yearlyUSD.div(totalLiquidityUSD)

    const yearlyCommission = await this.getYearlyCommissionEstimate(id, info)
    const commission = yearlyCommission.div(totalLiquidityUSD)

    return {
      reward: reward.toNumber(),
      commission: commission.toNumber(),

function findPoolSwapFromTo (history: AccountHistory | undefined, from: boolean, displaySymbol: string): PoolSwapFromToData | undefined {
  if (history?.amounts === undefined) {
    return undefined

  for (const amount of history.amounts) {
    const [value, symbol] = amount.split('@')
    const isNegative = value.startsWith('-')

    if (isNegative && from) {
      return {
        address: history.owner,
        amount: new BigNumber(value).absoluteValue().toFixed(8),
        symbol: symbol,
        displaySymbol: displaySymbol

    if (!isNegative && !from) {
      return {
        address: history.owner,
        amount: new BigNumber(value).absoluteValue().toFixed(8),
        symbol: symbol,
        displaySymbol: displaySymbol

  return undefined