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Test Coverage
import { Body, Controller, HttpCode, Post, Get, Query, Param, ValidationPipe, NotFoundException, ParseBoolPipe } from '@nestjs/common'
import { JsonRpcClient } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-jsonrpc'
import { BadRequestApiException } from './_core/api.error'
import { IsHexadecimal, IsNotEmpty, IsNumber, IsOptional, Min } from 'class-validator'
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'
import { SmartBuffer } from 'smart-buffer'
import {
} from '@defichain/jellyfish-transaction'
import { DeFiDCache } from './cache/defid.cache'
import { RpcApiError } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-core'
import { RawTransaction } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-core/dist/category/rawtx'

class RawTxDto {
  hex!: string

  maxFeeRate?: number

export class RawtxController {
   * MaxFeeRate = vkb * Fees
   * This will max out at around 0.02 DFI per average transaction (200vb). 0.1/1000*200 = 0.02 DIF
   * @example A typical P2WPKH 1 to 1 transaction is 110.5vb
   * @example A typical P2WPKH 1 to 2 transaction is 142.5vb
   * @example A typical P2WPKH 1 to 1 + dftx transaction is around ~200vb.
  private readonly defaultMaxFeeRate: BigNumber = new BigNumber('0.1')

  constructor (
    private readonly client: JsonRpcClient,
    private readonly deFiDCache: DeFiDCache
  ) {

   * @param {RawTxDto} tx to submit to the network.
   * @return {Promise<string>} hash of the transaction
   * @throws {BadRequestApiException} if tx fail mempool acceptance
  async send (@Body() tx: RawTxDto): Promise<string> {
    await this.validate(tx.hex)

    const maxFeeRate = this.getMaxFeeRate(tx)
    try {
      return await this.client.rawtx.sendRawTransaction(tx.hex, maxFeeRate)
    } catch (err) {
      // TODO(fuxingloh): more meaningful error
      if ((err as RpcApiError)?.payload?.message === 'TX decode failed') {
        throw new BadRequestApiException('Transaction decode failed')
      if ((err as RpcApiError)?.payload?.message.includes('absurdly-high-fee')) {
        // message: 'absurdly-high-fee, 100000000 > 11100000 (code 256)'
        throw new BadRequestApiException('Absurdly high fee')

      throw new BadRequestApiException((err as RpcApiError)?.payload?.message)

   * @param {RawTxDto} tx to test whether allow acceptance into mempool.
   * @return {Promise<void>}
   * @throws {BadRequestApiException} if tx fail mempool acceptance
  async test (@Body(ValidationPipe) tx: RawTxDto): Promise<void> {
    const maxFeeRate = this.getMaxFeeRate(tx)
    try {
      const result = await this.client.rawtx.testMempoolAccept(tx.hex, maxFeeRate)
      if (!result.allowed) {
        throw new Error('Transaction is not allowed to be inserted')
    } catch (err) {
      if ((err as RpcApiError).message === 'Transaction is not allowed to be inserted') {
        throw new BadRequestApiException('Transaction is not allowed to be inserted')
      if ((err as RpcApiError)?.payload?.message === 'TX decode failed') {
        throw new BadRequestApiException('Transaction decode failed')
      /* istanbul ignore next */
      throw new BadRequestApiException((err as RpcApiError)?.payload?.message)

  async get (@Param('txid') txid: string, @Query('verbose', ParseBoolPipe) verbose: boolean = false): Promise<string | RawTransaction> {
    try {
      const rawTx = await this.client.rawtx.getRawTransaction(txid, verbose)
      return rawTx
    } catch (err) {
      if ((err as RpcApiError)?.payload?.message === 'No such mempool or blockchain transaction. Use gettransaction for wallet transactions.') {
        throw new NotFoundException('Transaction could not be found')

      throw new BadRequestApiException((err as RpcApiError)?.payload?.message)

  private getMaxFeeRate (tx: RawTxDto): BigNumber {
    if (tx.maxFeeRate !== undefined) {
      return new BigNumber(tx.maxFeeRate)
    return this.defaultMaxFeeRate

  async validate (hex: string): Promise<void> {
    if (!hex.startsWith('040000000001')) {

    const buffer = SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'))
    const transaction = new CTransactionSegWit(buffer)

    if (transaction.vout.length !== 2) {

    if (transaction.vout[0].script.stack.length !== 2) {

    if (transaction.vout[0].script.stack[0].type !== OP_CODES.OP_RETURN.type) {

    if ((transaction.vout[0].script.stack[1] as OP_DEFI_TX).tx.type !== CCompositeSwap.OP_CODE) {

    const dftx = (transaction.vout[0].script.stack[1] as OP_DEFI_TX) as CompositeSwap
    if (dftx.pools.length === 0) {

    const lastPoolId = dftx.pools[dftx.pools.length - 1].id
    const toTokenId = `${dftx.poolSwap.toTokenId}`

    const info = await this.deFiDCache.getPoolPairInfo(`${lastPoolId}`)
    if (info?.idTokenA === toTokenId || info?.idTokenB === toTokenId) {
    throw new BadRequestApiException('Invalid CompositeSwap')