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1 wk
Test Coverage
 * ResponsiveGauge
 * version : 0.1.0
 * license : MIT
 * authors : Mikaël Restoux, Matt Magoffin (
var ResponsiveGaugeFactory = (function(_d3, _numbro) {
    'use strict';

    // handle dependencies injection using requireJS
    if (typeof d3 === 'undefined') {
        this.d3 = _d3;
    if (typeof numbro === 'undefined') {
        this.numbro = _numbro;

    // sets some locale dependent format for numbro
    var culture = numbro.cultureData();
    var separators = {
        thousands : 1000,
        decimal : 1.1
    for ( var key in separators) {
        // uses the browser's formatter and guess which separator it used
        var result = separators[key].toLocaleString().replace(/\d/g, '');
        if (result.length !== 0) {
            culture.delimiters[key] = result;

    var STYLE = '#!#CSS#!#';
    // padding around the gauge
    var PADDING = 6;
    var NEEDLE_RADIUS = 2;
    // diameter of the gauge (including ticks and labels), used only as
    // reference for drawing; the actual size on screen depends on the size of
    // the gauge container
    var GAUGE_DIAMETER = 100;
    // Number of parts of gauge to simulate a color gradient

    var FORMATTER = numbro();
    // formatter will use SI prefixes (G, M, k, µ, ...), and round values
    var DEFAULT_FORMATTER = function(value, isForLabel) {
        function buildFormat(formatOptions, formatName) {
            if (formatOptions.decimalsMax === 0) {
                this[formatName] = formatOptions.mantissaMax + ',.a';
            } else {
                this[formatName] = formatOptions.mantissaMax + ',.[' + new Array(formatOptions.decimalsMax + 1).join('0') + ']a';

        // build FORMAT only once
        var formatName, formatOptions;
        if (isForLabel) {
            formatName = 'LABEL_FORMAT';
            formatOptions = this.labels;
            if (this.LABEL_FORMAT === undefined) {
      , formatOptions, formatName);
        } else {
            formatName = 'VALUE_FORMAT';
            formatOptions = this.value;
            if (this.VALUE_FORMAT === undefined) {
      , formatOptions, formatName);

        return FORMATTER.set(value).format(this[formatName]);

    var defaultConfig = {
        ring : {
            // Shift of the ring from the container side (%)
            shift : 3,
            // Width of the ring (%)
            width : 7,
            // Angle at which the ring starts. -90 is the minimum value, and 0
            // is at
            // the top of the vertical axis
            minAngle : -90,
            // Angle at which the ring ends.
            maxAngle : 90,

            /* SECTORS */
            // Number of sectors of the ring.
            sectorsNumber : 5,
            // Enables the border around the ring
            border : false,

            // Color(s) of the gauge; values are :<br>
            // 'gradient' for a gradient color gradient<br>
            // 'sectors' for coloring on each sector (gradient)<br>
            // [#111, #222, ...] for specifying the color of each sector<br>
            // false : no color (CSS color can be used)<br>
            colors : false,
            // If colors = 'gradient' or 'sectors', used as first gradient color
            startColor : '#ffebee',
            // If colors = 'gradient' or 'sectors', used as last gradient color
            endColor : '#810301'

        pointer : {
            // Type of pointer; values are :<br>
            // 'needle',<br>
            // 'filament', <br>
            // 'filler'
            type : 'needle',
            // Time (in millis) for the pointer to stabilize at the correct
            // position
            slowness : 200,
            // Length of 'needle' pointers (%)
            needleLength : 90,
            // Overflow of 'filament' pointers over the ring (%)
            filamentLength : 2,
            // Width of 'filled' pointers (%)
            fillerWidth : null, /* by default, as wide as the ring */
            // Shift of the 'filled' pointers from the container side (%)
            fillerShift : null, /* by default, as shifted as the ring */
            // Color(s) of the filler pointer; values are :<br>
            // 'gradient' for a gradual color change of the pointer <br>
            // [#111, #222, ...] for specifying the color change of the
            // pointer<br>
            // false : no color (CSS color can be used)<br>
            colors : false,
            // If colors = 'gradient' used as first gradient color
            startColor : '#ffebee',
            // If colors = 'gradient' used as last gradient color
            endColor : '#810301'

        data : {
            // Minimum value displayed on the gauge
            min : 0,
            // Maximum value displayed on the gauge
            max : 100,
            // Value displayed on the gauge
            value : 0

        labels : {
            // Number of labels around the gauges (ticks)
            number : null, /* by default, as many as sectors */

            // Function used to format the labels (can be d3.format). The
            // formatter context is the config object.
            // @param v the value to format
            formatter : function(v) {
                return, v, true);
            // If no custom labelFormatter is specified, number of mantissa
            // digits
            // before using SI units (Mega, Kilo...)
            mantissaMax : 4,
            // If no custom labelFormatter is specified, limits the number of
            // decimal digits of labels
            decimalsMax : 0,
            // Shift of the label from the container side (%)
            shift : 0

        value : {
            // enable value display
            show : true,
            // Shift of the label from the center of the gauge (%)
            shift : 22,
            // format function to apply to the value (can use d3.format). The
            // formatter context is the config object
            // @param v the value to format
            formatter : function(v) {
                return, v, false);
            // If no custom valueFormatter is specified, number of mantissa
            // digits
            // before using SI units (Mega, Kilo...)
            mantissaMax : 4,
            // If no custom valueFormatter is specified, limits the number of
            // decimal digits of labels
            decimalsMax : 0,
            // unit of the displayed value
            unit : ''

    var ResponsiveGauge = function(container, configuration) {
        var config = {};

        /* MISC VALUES */
        var radius = GAUGE_DIAMETER / 2;
        var range, scale;

        /* ELEMENTS */
        var valueLabel, svgContainer, svg, pointer;

        /* DATA */
        var arcPath, fullArcPath, labelData;

        /* COLORS */
        var arcColorData, arcColorFn;

         * Indicates the gauge size is wide (more than an half circle)
        var isWide = false;

         * Size of the layout
        var width = 0;
        var height = 0;
         * Translation of the gauge so that is stays inside the layout
        var centerTranslation;

         * Transfom degree angles to radian
        function deg2rad(deg) {
            return deg * Math.PI / 180;

         * Due to the way d3 computes ticks (only modulo 10), we need to rewrite
         * this...
        function computeTicks() {
            if (config.labels.number === null) {
                config.labels.number = config.ring.sectorsNumber;
            if (config.labels.number === 0) {
                return [];

            var step = ( - / (config.labels.number - 1);
            var ticks = d3.range(,, step);
            return ticks;

         * Merges the source object into the target object. The reference is
         * used to check whether source do contain unknown properties
        function merge(target, source, reference) {
            for ( var prop in source) {
                if (source.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                    var data = source[prop];
                    if (typeof data === 'object' && data.constructor !== Array) {
                        if (target[prop] === undefined) {
                            target[prop] = {};
                        merge(target[prop], data, reference[prop]);
                    } else {
                        // scalar data
                        target[prop] = data;
                        if (reference[prop] === undefined) {
                            console.warn('Config property ' + prop + ' is unknwon');

         * Creates the actual gauge configuration using default values and user
         * values
        function createConfig(configuration) {
            // inits with default config
            config = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultConfig));
            config.labels.formatter = defaultConfig.labels.formatter;
            config.value.formatter = defaultConfig.value.formatter;
            // adds the users config
            merge(config, configuration, defaultConfig);
            // reset format
            config.FORMAT = undefined;
            // binds the formatter so that it can access config
            config.labels.formatter = config.labels.formatter.bind(config);
            config.value.formatter = config.value.formatter.bind(config);

         * Do config related computations
        function configure(configuration) {

            range = config.ring.maxAngle - config.ring.minAngle;

            // a linear scale that maps domain values to a percent from 0..1
            scale = d3.scale.linear().range([ 0, 1 ]).domain([, ]);

            // label ticks
            labelData = computeTicks();

            // coloring / gradient of the ring

            // sectors of the arc
            arcPath = createArcPath(function(d, i) {
                var ratio = d * i;
                // - 0.5 allow shapes borders collapse, except on first arc
                var collapsing = (i === 0 ? 0 : 0.5);
                return deg2rad(config.ring.minAngle + (ratio * range) - collapsing);
            }, function(d, i) {
                var ratio = d * (i + 1);
                return deg2rad(config.ring.minAngle + (ratio * range));
            }, config.ring.width, config.ring.shift);

            // complete arc for the border drawing
            if (config.ring.border) {
                fullArcPath = createArcPath(config.ring.minAngle, config.ring.maxAngle, config.ring.width, config.ring.shift);

            // Pointer
            if (config.pointer.type === 'filler') {
                if (config.pointer.fillerWidth === null) {
                    config.pointer.fillerWidth = config.ring.width;
                if (config.pointer.fillerShift === null) {
                    config.pointer.fillerShift = config.ring.shift;

         * Returns an array containing n values of 1/n
        function createSectorData(n) {
            return Array.apply(null, Array(n)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 1 / n);

         * Creates an arc path starting and ending at the specified angles
        function createArcPath(startAngle, endAngle, width, shift) {
            startAngle = (typeof startAngle === 'number' ? deg2rad(startAngle) : startAngle);
            endAngle = (typeof endAngle === 'number' ? deg2rad(endAngle) : endAngle);

            return d3.svg.arc()//
            .innerRadius(radius - width - shift)//
            .outerRadius(radius - shift)//

         * Creates the data and the colors for each sector of an arc
        function createRingColorData() {
            var ringConf = config.ring;
            if (ringConf.colors.constructor === Array) {
                arcColorData = createSectorData(ringConf.colors.length);
                arcColorFn = function(i) {
                    /* fix me : ugly */
                    var index = Math.floor(i * ringConf.colors.length);
                    return ringConf.colors[index];
            } else if (ringConf.colors) {
                if (ringConf.colors === 'gradient') {
                    arcColorData = createSectorData(GRADIENT_ELT_NUMBER);
                } else {
                    arcColorData = createSectorData(ringConf.sectorsNumber);
                arcColorFn = d3.interpolateHsl(d3.rgb(ringConf.startColor), d3.rgb(ringConf.endColor));
            } else {
                arcColorData = createSectorData(1);

         * Returns a readonly access to the actual config (use update() to
         * modify the config)
        function getReadOnlyConfig() {
            var configClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config));
            return configClone;

         * Calculates ideal size of the gauge depending its min&max angles along
         * with the required translations to draw it. Note : assumes
         * minAngle>=-90 and maxAngle<=450, and range <=360
        function computeLayout() {
            // manage space for long labels
            var minAngle = config.ring.minAngle;
            var maxAngle = config.ring.maxAngle;
            // radius depends if all elements have are shifted inside the gauge
            var maxRadius = radius - Math.min(config.ring.shift, config.pointer.fillerShift, config.labels.shift);

            function spaces(angleShift) {
                // space is the space needed to display the part of
                // the gauge, ie for the right space, the part between 0° and
                // minAngle, or the part
                // between 180° and maxAngle
                return [ size(minAngle + angleShift), size(maxAngle + angleShift) ];
            function size(angle) {
                return maxRadius * Math.sin(deg2rad(angle));

            var leftSpace = 0;
            var rightSpace = 0;
            var topSpace = 0;
            var bottomSpace = 0;
            // computes axis totally covered by the gauges :
            // if min and max angles are on both sides of an axis,
            // then the summit of the arc require all available space.
            // top of the vertical axis is at index 0
            var firstCrossedAxisIndex = Math.floor(minAngle / 90);
            var lastCrossedAxisIndex = Math.floor(maxAngle / 90);
            for (var crossedAxisIndex = firstCrossedAxisIndex; crossedAxisIndex <= lastCrossedAxisIndex; crossedAxisIndex++) {
                switch (crossedAxisIndex % 4) { // % 4 to handle angles >= 360
                case 0:
                    topSpace = maxRadius;
                case 1:
                    rightSpace = maxRadius;
                case 2:
                    bottomSpace = maxRadius;
                case 3:
                    leftSpace = maxRadius;

            // in case an axis is not totally covered by the gauge,
            // computes space needed (depending the min and max angles)
            var horizontalSpaces = spaces(0);
            // same operation, shifted by -90 to be like horizontal computation
            var verticalSpaces = spaces(-90);
            leftSpace = Math.abs(Math.min(-leftSpace, horizontalSpaces[0], horizontalSpaces[1]));
            rightSpace = Math.max(rightSpace, horizontalSpaces[0], horizontalSpaces[1]);
            topSpace = Math.abs(Math.min(-topSpace, verticalSpaces[0], verticalSpaces[1]));
            bottomSpace = Math.max(bottomSpace, verticalSpaces[0], verticalSpaces[1]);

            width = leftSpace + rightSpace + PADDING * 2;
            height = topSpace + bottomSpace + PADDING * 2;

            var ty = topSpace + PADDING;
            var tx = leftSpace + PADDING;
            // if more than 2 axis are fully shown
            // the gauge is considered as 'wide'
            var fullSize = maxRadius * 3 + PADDING * 4;
            if (fullSize < height + width) {
                isWide = true;
                width += PADDING * 2;
                height += PADDING * 2;
                ty += PADDING;
                tx += PADDING;

            centerTranslation = 'translate(' + tx + ',' + ty + ')';

         * Render the gauge
        function render(configuration) {


            // gauge arc
            var arcs = svg.append('g')//
            .attr('class', 'gauge-arc')//
            .attr('transform', centerTranslation);

            // gauge sectors
            var sectors = arcs.selectAll('path')//
            .attr('d', arcPath);
            if (config.ring.colors) {
                sectors.attr('fill', function(d, i) {
                    return arcColorFn(d * i);

            // gauge border
            if (config.ring.border) {
                .attr('fill', 'none')//
                .attr('class', 'gauge-arc-border')//
                .attr('d', fullArcPath);

            // pointer
            var pointerLine = d3.svg.line().interpolate('monotone');
            var pointerContainer = svg.append('g')//
            .attr('class', 'gauge-pointer gauge-' + config.pointer.type)//
            .attr('transform', centerTranslation);
            if (config.pointer.type === 'filler') {
                pointer = pointerContainer.append('path');

            } else {
                if (config.pointer.type === 'needle') {
                    pointer =[ [ [ 0, -NEEDLE_RADIUS ], [ 0, -config.pointer.needleLength / 2 ] ] ])//
                    .attr('d', pointerLine);
                    .attr('r', NEEDLE_RADIUS);

                } else if (config.pointer.type === 'filament') {
                    var top = radius - config.ring.shift - config.ring.width - config.pointer.filamentLength;
                    var bottom = radius - config.ring.shift + config.pointer.filamentLength;
                    pointer =[ [ [ 0, -top ], [ 0, -bottom ] ] ])//
                    .attr('d', pointerLine);

            // labels
            var lg = svg.append('g')//
            .attr('class', 'gauge-label')//
            .attr('transform', centerTranslation)//
            .attr('transform', function(d) {
                var ratio = scale(d);
                var newAngle = config.ring.minAngle + (ratio * range);
                return 'rotate(' + newAngle + ') translate(0,' + (config.labels.shift - radius) + ')';

            // value display
            if ( {
                var valueTx = config.value.shift;
                // placed between the two bounds
                var angle = config.ring.minAngle + Math.abs(range) / 2;
                if (isWide) {
                    // keep centered
                    valueTx = 0;
                    angle = 0;
                var translationTf = 'translate(0, ' + -valueTx + ')';

                var valueZone = svg.append('g')//
                .attr('class', 'gauge-value')//
                .attr('transform', centerTranslation + ' rotate(' + angle + ')')//
                .attr('transform', translationTf + ' rotate(' + -angle + ')')//

                // value dy required by IE that do not support dominant-baseline
                var shift = (config.value.unit ? '0' : '0.4em');
                valueLabel = valueZone.append('tspan').attr('dy', shift);// 
                // value suffix
                .attr('class', 'unit')//
                .attr('x', 0)//
                .attr('dy', '1em');

         * Creates the gauge containers.<br>
         * Mainly required by IE inefficiency
         * (
        function renderContainer() {
            svgContainer =

            // only for ie
            if (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/(MSIE|Trident|Edge)/)) {
                .classed('gauge-container', true);

                    'class' : 'gauge-ie-fix',
                    width : width,
                    height : height


            // sufficient for other browsers
            svg = svgContainer.classed('wide-gauge', isWide)//
            .attr('class', 'gauge')//
            .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height)//
            .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin meet');

         * IE does not always repaint gauges once resized, so we have to force
         * it...
        function ieHandleResizing() {
            function debounce(callback, delay) {
                var timer = null;
                return function() {
                    timer = setTimeout(function() {
                    }, delay);

            if (!ResponsiveGauge.ieListenerSet) {
                // force repaint by changing the height to the same height...
                window.addEventListener('resize', debounce(function() {
                    var canvas = document.querySelectorAll('canvas');
                    for (var i = 0; i < canvas.length; ++i) {
                        var c = canvas[i];
                        c.setAttribute('height', c.getAttribute('height'));
                }, 250));
                // sets only one listener for the whole page
                ResponsiveGauge.ieListenerSet = true;

         * Render the pointer part of the gauge
        function renderPointer() {
            var pointerConf = config.pointer;

            // forces the value into the gauge's bounds
            var value = Math.max(,;
            value = Math.min(value,;

            // value as an angle between the min and max angles.
            var scaledValue = scale(value);
            var pointerAngle = config.ring.minAngle + scaledValue * range;

            // pointer
            if (pointerConf.type === 'filler') {

                var pointerColor = null;
                if (pointerConf.colors.constructor === Array) {
                    /* fix me : ugly */
                    var index = Math.floor(scaledValue * pointerConf.colors.length);
                    pointerColor = pointerConf.colors[index];

                } else if (pointerConf.colors === 'gradient') {
                    pointerColor = d3.interpolateHsl(d3.rgb(pointerConf.startColor), d3.rgb(pointerConf.endColor))(scaledValue);

                var pointerArcData = createArcPath(config.ring.minAngle, pointerAngle,//
                pointerConf.fillerWidth, pointerConf.fillerShift);

                pointer.attr('d', pointerArcData).attr('fill', pointerColor);

            } else {
                .attr('transform', 'rotate(' + pointerAngle + ')');

         * Updates the displayed gauge
        function update(newValue, newConfiguration) {
   = (newValue === undefined ? 0 : newValue);

            // update pointer position

            // updates value label
            if ( {


        return {
            update : update,
            getConfig : getReadOnlyConfig,
            container : svgContainer,

             * Expose private functions for testing. Do not change the starting
             * and ending comments; they are used to strip private functions
             * from distribution file.
            /* start-test-code */
            deg2rad : deg2rad,
            computeTicks : computeTicks,
            merge : merge,
            createConfig : createConfig,
            computeLayout : computeLayout,
            width : width,
            height : height,
            centerTranslation : centerTranslation
        /* end-test-code */

     * Exposing ResponsiveGauge
    // Exposes the default config
    ResponsiveGauge.config = defaultConfig;

    // Exposes the CSS
    var style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';
    style.innerHTML = STYLE;

    // CommonJS module is defined
    if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
        module.exports = ResponsiveGauge;

        // RequireJS : returns the current instance
    } else if (typeof requirejs !== 'undefined') {
        return ResponsiveGauge;

        // vanilla JS : places the current instance in the root scope
    } else {
        // here, `this` means `window` in the browser, or `global` on the
        // server
        this.ResponsiveGauge = ResponsiveGauge;

 * Initializing ResponsiveGauge dependencies
var localThis = typeof window === 'undefined' ? this : window;

//CommonJS : sets the dependencies
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
    var _d3 = require('d3');
    var _numbro = require('numbro');, _d3, _numbro)

    // RequireJS : sets the dependencies url and define the module
} else if (typeof requirejs !== 'undefined') {

    // retrieve the protocol to allow use in a https page
    var protocol = document.location.protocol;
    protocol = (protocol === 'file:' ? 'http:' : protocol); // for local tests

        "paths" : {
            "d3" : protocol + "//",
            "numbro" : protocol + "//"

    define([ 'd3', 'numbro' ], function(d3, numbro) {
        return, d3, numbro);

    // Vanilla : dependencies must be set on <head> of the page
} else {;