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import os
from datetime import datetime

class Validate:
    def this_email(email_address: str) -> bool:
        if (1 <= len(email_address) <= 320) and " " not in email_address and "@" in email_address:
            local_part, domain_part = email_address.rsplit("@", 1)
            if local_part and domain_part and "." in domain_part:
                domain_labels = domain_part.split(".")
                if all(label.isalnum() for label in domain_labels) and 2 <= len(domain_labels[-1]) <= 63:
                    return True
        return False

    def _url_by_parsing(url: str) -> dict | bool:
        if not url:
            return False
        # Read TLDs from file
        record_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'registered.tld.record')
        with open(record_path, 'r') as file:
            tlds = {line.strip().lower() for line in file.readlines()[1:]}

        # Split the URL into components
        if '://' not in url:
            return False

        protocol, rest = url.split('://', 1)
        if '/' in rest:
            hostname, filename = rest.split('/', 1)
            filename = '/' + filename
            hostname = rest
            filename = ''

        # Extract TLD from hostname
        tld = hostname.split('.')[-1].lower()
        is_registered_tld = tld in tlds

        if not hostname.startswith('www.'):
            hostname = 'www.' + hostname

        return {
            'protocol': protocol,
            'hostname': hostname,
            'filename': filename,
            'TLD': is_registered_tld

    def this_url(cls, url: str, text_error: bool = False,
                 enforce_https: bool = False) -> bool:
        parsed_url = cls._url_by_parsing(url)
        if not parsed_url:
            return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - URL is empty or does not contain a protocol', text_error)

        if not cls.__validate_protocol(parsed_url['protocol'], enforce_https, text_error):
            return False

        if not cls.__validate_hostname(parsed_url['hostname'], text_error):
            return False

        if not cls.__validate_filename(parsed_url['filename'], text_error):
            return False

        if not parsed_url['TLD']:
            return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - TLD is not registered', text_error)

        return True

    def __return_error(message: str, text_error: bool) -> bool:
        return message if text_error else False

    def __validate_protocol(cls, protocol: str, enforce_https: bool, text_error: bool) -> bool:
        if protocol not in ['http', 'https']:
            return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - Protocol is not HTTP or HTTPS', text_error)
        if enforce_https and protocol != 'https':
            return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - HTTPS protocol is enforced', text_error)
        return True

    def __validate_hostname(cls, hostname: str, text_error: bool) -> bool:
        if len(hostname) > 253:
            return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - Hostname is too long', text_error)
        if hostname.count('.') < 1:
            return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - Hostname does not contain a domain', text_error)
        hostname_labels = hostname.split('.')
        for label in hostname_labels:
            if not all(c.isalnum() or c == '-' for c in label):
                return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - Invalid character in hostname', text_error)
            if label.startswith('-') or label.endswith('-'):
                return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - Label starts or ends with a hyphen', text_error)
            if label.isdigit():
                return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - Label is a number', text_error)
        return True

    def __validate_filename(cls, filename: str, text_error: bool) -> bool:
        if len(filename) > 256:
            return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - Filename is too long', text_error)
        if ' ' in filename:
            return cls.__return_error('Invalid URL: Reason - Filename contains spaces', text_error)
        return True

    def this_phone_number(phone_number: int | str) -> bool:
        Validates a phone number against a set of predefined formats.
        Allow only digits, parentheses, hyphens, periods, and spaces.

        Allowed formats:
        Where # is a digit and - is a separator of any type allowed.

            phone_number (int | str): The phone number to be validated.

            bool: True if the phone number is valid, False otherwise.
        phone_number = str(phone_number)
        allowed_chars = set("0123456789()+-. ")
        if not all(char in allowed_chars for char in phone_number):
            return False

        phone_number_list = list(phone_number)
        for i, char in enumerate(phone_number_list):
            if char.isdigit():
                phone_number_list[i] = '#'
            elif char == '+' or char == '.' or char == ' ':
                phone_number_list[i] = '-'

        formatted_phone_number = ''.join(phone_number_list)
        valid_formats = [

        return formatted_phone_number in valid_formats

    def this_date(date: str, datetime_format: str = "%Y-%m-%d") -> bool:
        Validates a date string.

        The allowed date formats in the selected code are:

        - `DD-MM-YYYY`
        - `YYYY-MM-DD`

        These formats are normalized to either `YYYY-MM-DD` or `DD-MM-YYYY` before validation.
        Where `-` is a separator, and can be from the following set [-, /, \, ].

            date (str): The date string to be validated.
            datetime_format (str): The format of the date string. Defaults to `"%Y-%m-%d"`. Always falls-back to `"%d-%m-%Y"`.

            bool: True if the date string is valid, False otherwise.
        if not date:
            return False
        date = date.replace("/", "-")
        date = date.replace("\\", "-")
        date = date.replace(" ", "-")
            datetime.strptime(date, datetime_format)
            return True
        except ValueError:
                datetime.strptime(date, "%d-%m-%Y")
                return True
            except ValueError:
                return False

    class CreditCard:
        def __init__(self):
            Validates a card number using the Luhn algorithm.
            Specify in specifics inside the class.

            Returns a boolean value if the card number is valid or not.

        def __luhn_algorithm(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates a card number using the Luhn algorithm.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            if len(card_number) < 13 or len(card_number) > 19:
                return False

            num_list = [int(digit) for digit in card_number]

            total = sum(cls.__luhn_double(num) if i % 2 == 1 else num for i, num in enumerate(num_list))
            return total % 10 == 0

        def __luhn_double(num: int) -> int:
            Doubles the number and subtracts 9 if the result is greater than 9.

                num (int): The number to be doubled.

                int: The processed number.
            doubled = num * 2
            return doubled - 9 if doubled > 9 else doubled

        def american_express(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates American Express card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return cls.__luhn_algorithm(card_number) and (
                    str(card_number).startswith(("34", "37"))
                    and 15 <= len(str(card_number)) <= 16

        def china_unionpay(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates China UnionPay card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return cls.__luhn_algorithm(card_number) and (
                    and 16 <= len(str(card_number))

        def dankort(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates Dankort card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return (
                    and str(card_number).startswith("49")
                    and 16 <= len(str(card_number))

        def diners_club(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates Diners Club International card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return cls.__luhn_algorithm(card_number) and (
                    str(card_number).startswith(("36", "38"))
                    and 14 <= len(str(card_number)) <= 19

        def discover(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates Discover card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return cls.__luhn_algorithm(card_number) and (
                    and 16 <= len(str(card_number))

        def jcb(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates JCB card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return (
                    and str(card_number).startswith("35")
                    and 16 <= len(str(card_number))

        def maestro(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates Maestro card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return cls.__luhn_algorithm(card_number) and (
                    and 12 <= len(str(card_number)) <= 19

        def mastercard(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates Mastercard card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return (
                    and str(card_number).startswith(("51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59"))
                    and 16 <= len(str(card_number))

        def visa(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates Visa card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return (
                    and str(card_number).startswith("4")
                    and 13 <= len(str(card_number)) <= 16

        def visa_electron(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates Visa Electron card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return (
                    and str(card_number).startswith(("40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49"))
                    and 16 <= len(str(card_number))

        def v_pay(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates V Pay card numbers.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return (
                    and str(str(card_number)).startswith("28")
                    and 16 <= len(str(str(card_number)))

        def any(cls, card_number: str) -> bool:
            Validates any card number just by passing it to the Luhn algorithm.

                card_number (str): The card number to be validated.

                bool: True if the card number is valid, False otherwise.
            return cls.__luhn_algorithm(card_number)