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# Quiver

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A resource pack creator and manager for Minecraft.

## Downloading

You can find pre-built versions of Quiver [here]( The most recent
build will be labeled as such. Any of the older builds *will* ***not*** be supported, especially `v0.*.*`, so please
stay up-to-date.

## Running

You will first need to download a version *(hopefully the latest)* of Quiver *(it should be a zip)*, you will then need
to unzip it and then run either `Quiver.bat` or `Quiver` *(depending on if you're on Windows or Linux/MacOS)*

This program requires a Java 8 JRE. It is not compatible with anything higher, as I'm old and lazy.

If everything works, great! If not, please submit an
issue [here](

## Building

In order to build this program, you will need a Java 8 JDK

- [Windows](
- [Linux](

You will then want to clone this repository into a directory, `cd` into it and run `gradlew distZip`

## Extending

This program uses the [haruhi]( framework, allowing it to have plugins and

Though there isn't an official way to develop external plugins, there are two routes I can think of;

1. Clone this repository and develop your plugin as a submodule
    - **Pro:** Easier to debug
    - **Con:** Harder to distribute
2. Develop your plugin in its own repository, then build it and place the build in your install of Quiver's `/plugins`
directory when you want to test it
    - **Pro:** Doesn't require the Quiver source
    - **Con:** Harder to test

## Credits

### Libraries

- core
    - [log4j](
    - [commons-lang](
    - [underscore](
    - [kappdirs](
    - [zip4j](
    - [reflections](
    - [classgraph](
    - [discord-rpc](
    - [fuzzywuzzy](
    - [jankson](
    - [jOOr](
    - [kunion](
    - [marvin](
    - [undulation](
    - [haruhi](
    - [easy-events](
    - [jsplitbutton](
    - [swingx](
    - [jide-oss](
    - [balloontip](
    - [rsyntaxtextarea](
        - [languagesupport](
        - [spellchecker](
        - [autocomplete](
        - [rstaui](
        - [rsyntaxtextarea-antlr4-extension](
    - [dockingframes](
    - [oxbow](
    - [wraplayout](
    - [tosuto](
    - [nagato](
- launcher
    - [jansi](
- markdownviewer
    - [flexmark](
    - [flyingsaucer](
- treeviewer
    - [NBT](
- docxviewer
    - [flyingsaucer](
    - [mammoth](

### Tools

- [PackSquash](