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Test Coverage
"Postal Code","Code Postal"
"Zipcode","Code Postal"
"Store View","Vue Magasin"
"Are you sure?","Êtes-vous sûr ?"
"Change status","Changer le statut"
"Save Store","Sauvegarder le Magasin"
"Delete Store","Supprimer le Magasin"
"Save and Continue Edit","Sauvegarder et continuer à éditer"
"Edit Store","Modifier le Magasin"
"New Store","Nouveau Magsin"
"Store Information","Information du Magasin"
"The store has been saved.","Le Magasin a bien été sauvegardé"
"An error occurred while saving this store.","Une erreur est survenue durant la sauvegarde."
"Store was successfully deleted","Magasin correctement supprimé"
"Total of %d record(s) were successfully deleted","%d enregistrement(s) supprimé(s)"
"Total of %d record(s) were successfully updated","%d enregistrement(s) mis à jour"
"Add New","Ajouter un nouveau magasin"
"All Countries","Tous les pays"
"Reset Filter","Réinitialiser le filtre"
"API Key","Clé d'API"
"API Url","Url de l'API"
"Api Sensor","Autoriser la géolocalisation"
"You can the sensor to use the geolocation","Vous pouvez autoriser l'API à vous géolocaliser"
"Enter here the Google API Url. Use the default value :","Entrez ici l'Url de l'API Google. Par défaut :"
"Enter here the Google API key","Entrez ici la clé d'API Google"
"General options","Options Générales"