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title: Develop

DemocracyOS development guide

We'll be using version `^1.0.0` of DemocracyOS.

There are several ways for developing DemocracyOS. The most straightforward way is by leveraging [`Docker`](, since this will save you the need for configuring your environment for running and building natively. For more on running our dockerised development environment jump to the [Running the app]( section.

Alternatively, configure your local environment as follows:

# Stack

#### Node.js and npm
You need [Node.js v4.0.0]( or greater to run DemocracyOS, but we always try to keep up with their latest release, so feel free to try newer `node` versions.

There are many options out there to get it installed:

* [Official site]( both Node.js and npm come bundled with this installation.

* [nvm]( Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions

* [tj/n]( another -yet simpler- node version manager

#### MongoDB

We support the [latest supported version]( of [`MongoDB`](

So [download]( the version for your system and follow the installation instructions to get it running.

Alternatively, you may want to run `MongoDB` in a `Docker` container. If so, just do:

`docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb mongo`

After your container is up and running, [update your configuration]( so your can access the container properly.

Note: this manual usage of a MongoDB container if using docker-compose.

#### Browserify

We use [Browserify]( to bundle all our client side code, but we use it as a dependency so you don't need to install anything.

#### Operating System

DemocracyOS runs properly on `OS/X` and plenty of `Linux` distros, especially `Debian`-based ones.
We currently don't support `Windows` for running natively, so if you're running `Windows` please rely on `Docker` as described in the [Running the app section](, or use another form of virtualisation (e.g.: `Vagrant`, `VirtualBox`, etc.).

# Configuration

All the configuration variables are on the `/config/defaults.json` file. If you want to override any of them, you should create a new file called `development.json` on the same directory and re-write the name and the value you want.

Also, to pass configuration variables to the client we use the `client` key, which accepts an array of other configuration variable names.

So if you want to add a new variable called `example` and pass it to the client, the steps are:
1. Add the key-value pair to the `defaults.json` file, the key should be `example` and the value whatever you want. It must have a default value, even if it is an empty string.
2. If you want to pass that variable to the client, then add `'example'` to the client array in that same file.
3. If you want to test with a different value for the `example` variable, create a `development.json` file in the same directory and override the default value.

Configuration variable names must be `camelCased` as in production we match Environment Variables with Configuration Variables in this way:

In defaults.json:
  myVariable: 'default',
  myOtherVariable: {
    someProperty: 10

In production, those environment variables must be:
MY_VARIABLE="not default"
As you can see, we match camelCase and nested objects with underscores, and we infer the type using the `defaults.json` file (`myVariable` is a `string` and `someProperty` is a number in this case).

# Running the app

DemocracyOS can be run in many ways, but we prefer either of these two approaches:

#### Native

Just use `make` on the project root folder; that will run the app.

For more intensive development, you might want to use `gulp bws` for development, that will wait for changes on the project files to rebuild every time. For that, we must have `gulp` installed:

npm install -g gulp

#### Docker containers

You can run your development environment inside a [`Docker`]( container pretty easily, and it will save you from installing anything on your development machine besides `Docker` itself.

First, you must have the latest version of [`Docker Engine`]( and [Docker Compose]( available in your machine.
If you're either a `Windows` or `OS/X` user, using the [`Docker Toolbox`]( is recommended as you may have to rely on [`Docker Machine`]( unless you get the [native `docker` apps currently on open beta](

Regardless of how you got `Docker`, running the app is completely straightforward:

`$ make docker`

And that's it. If you don't have `make` available, this also works:

`$ docker-compose up app`

Every change to the files you make on your local files will get mirrored inside your development container. If you're wondering how it is that this works, see this ✨[thorough explanation](✨.

# Folders structure

We group the code that belongs to specific parts of the app in three folders (site, admin and settings) that will generate specific front end bundle for each part, the respective folders are `/lib/site`, `/lib/admin` and `/lib/settings`
The rest of the code that are generic or are not specific of a bundle are located directly in `/lib`

# Models

All our data is stored in MongoDB and to connect with it we use [mongoose](, an elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js.

Models are store on `lib/models` directory. If you want to add a new model, then do it in a new file under that directory following a similar structure as the models we have.

After that `require` it in `lib/models/index.js`.

# Database-API

For creating, reading, updating and destroying models we have a data layer which interacts with the models. It's called `db-api` and it's located under `lib/db-api`.

After creating a new model, you should include a new file under the `lib/db-api` directory with its name and `export`ing methods for:

* create
* search
* all
* findOne
* destroy
* update
* custom operation

You can take a look at the current `db-api`s we have under that directory to see some examples.

# Web API

We expose those calls from the database api via a restful api. Each `model` have a different file that follows the convention `lib/api/${modelName}/index.js`, for example: `lib/api/topic/index.js`.

These modules are added to the app on `lib/api/boot/index.js` and you should add them like:

app.use('/api', require('lib/api/${modelName}'));

So it can be accessed on the client on the URL: `/api/modelName`.

# Routing

### Server Side

If you want to add a new route to DemocracyOS, first thing to do is to create a new module under the corresponding bundle folder (for example: `lib/site`) for it and expose an `app` (an `express` instance) that requires `lib/site/layout`. For example:

In `lib/site/mypage/index.js`
 * Module dependencies.

var express = require('express');
var app = module.exports = express();

app.get('/mypage', require('lib/site/layout'));

And at the bottom of `lib/site/boot/index.js`

### Client Side

This applies to `/lib/site` only because we are currently migrating the other bundles to React, if you are working on `lib/admin` or `lib/settings` check for the [DEPRECATED](#DEPRECATED) section below.

For client side routing, we use [react-router 2.6.1](, a client-side router that integrates with react's composability.

You should create a new route on `lib/site/boot/router.js` and include the following lines:

<Route path='my-route' component={MyComponent} />

If you are creating a page for displaying content (and not topics) you should create a react component like so:

import React, { Component } from 'react'

export default class YourPage extends Component {
  render () {
    return <div>Your page here</div>

# Stores

Stores are the responsible for communicating with the server side API to get the needed data. A store must have a `name` function defined returning the name of the model that's related to, because it is used to build up the API URL.

For making requests to the server we recoment [fetch](

If you create a new store you should extend `lib/stores/store/store.js`.

import Store from lib/stores/store/store';

class MyModelStore extends Store {
  name() {
    return 'myModel'; // calls will be made to '/api/myModel'

That store comes already bundled with methods like:

* findOne
* findAll
* destroy

Store uses [Promises]( to make async calls, caching the promises on a private variable called `_fetches`.

To see a full example of a customized store, you can see `lib/stores/topic-store/topic-store.js`.


### Client Side routing

For client side routing, we use [page.js](, a micro client-side router inspired by the Express router.

You should create a new file on the corresponding bundle folder (eg.: `lib/admin/mypage/mypage.js`) and include the following lines:

import page from 'page';

page('/mypage', (ctx, next) => {
  // your page logic goes here

If you are creating a page for displaying content (and not topics) you should first empty and then render everything inside the `#content` element. You can do that simply with [component-dom](

import o from 'component-dom';
import page from 'page';
import MyPageView from './view';

page('/mypage', (ctx, next) => {
  let myPage = new MyPageView();

  let el = o('#content');

Which leads us to... views.

### Views

To create new views (the HTML that you will show to the end user) start by creating a new file inside `lib/admin/mypage` called `view.js`.

We have our own `View` library under `lib/view/view.js` which provides you with methods for:

* `constructor`: pass a template and locals for that template
* `switchOn`: function called when the template is rendered in the DOM
* `switchOff`: function called when the template is removed from the DOM
* `appendTo`: appends the created element inside the passed element
* `bind`: used to bind event handlers
* others that you can see on `lib/view/view.js`

You shouldn't be touching this file but instead you should extend your own views from it:

import View from '../view/view.js';
import template from './template.jade';

export default class MyView extends View {

  constructor (topic) {
    super(template, { topic });

### Templates

On the previous example, we used a template. This file is written in [jade]( format and it should have one and only one container element. If you write something like:

    // ...
    // ...

You have two root containers (`topic-container` and `.comments`) and you will run into problems with that. Templates can be passed in data on the `locals` objects: on the view when you call `super(template, locals)`.

### Middlewares

You will probably need the data on your pages, for that you can create a custom [middleware]( function.

To keep things organized we have created some modules like `lib/middlewares/topic-middlewares/topic-middlewares.js`.

Under the routes that need data, you should include these middlewares and probably you will be using a store for making those calls.

When the data is ready, then you should call `next` on that middleware, for example:

export function findMyModel(ctx, next) {
    .then(model => {
      ctx.model = model;
    .catch(err => {
      if (404 !== err.status) throw err;
      log(`Unable to load model for ${}`);