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const ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId
const debug = require('debug')
const utils = require('lib/utils')
const Topic = require('lib/models').Topic

const log = debug('democracyos:db-api:topic')
const pluck = utils.pluck

 * Get all topics
 * @param {Function} fn callback function
 *   - 'err' error found on query or `null`
 *   - 'topics' list items found or `undefined`
 * @return {Module} `topic` module
 * @api public

exports.all = function all (params, fn) {
  log('Looking for all topics.')

  var query = { deletedAt: null }

  if ( =

    .select('id topicId mediaTitle tag tags participants votes createdAt updatedAt closingAt publishedAt deletedAt status open closed links author authorUrl forum coverUrl extra action')
    .populate('tag', 'id hash name color image')
    .exec(function (err, topics) {
      if (err) {
        log('Found error %j', err)
        return fn(err)

      log('Delivering topics %j', pluck(topics, 'id'))
      fn(null, topics)

  return this

 * Search topics from query
 * @param {Object} query filter
 * @param {Function} fn callback function
 *   - 'err' error found while process or `null`
 *   - 'topics' list of topics objects found or `undefined`
 * @return {Module} `topic` module
 * @api public
 */ = function search (query, fn) {
  log('Searching for topics matching %j', query)

    .find(query, function (err, topics) {
      if (err) {
        log('Found error: %j', err)
        return fn(err)

      log('Found topics %j for %j', pluck(topics, 'id'), query)
      fn(null, topics)

  return this

 * Search single topic from _id
 * @param {ObjectId} topic Id to search by `_id`
 * @param {Function} fn callback function
 *   - 'err' error found while process or `null`
 *   - 'topic' single topic object found or `undefined`
 * @return {Module} `topic` module
 * @api public

exports.searchOne = function searchOne (id, fn) {
  var query = { _id: id, deletedAt: null }

  log('Searching for single topic matching %j', query)
    .populate('tag participants')
    .exec(function (err, topic) {
      if (err) {
        log('Found error %s', err)
        return fn(err)

      if (!topic) {
        log('Topic with id %s not found.', id)
        return fn(new Error('Topic not found'))

      log('Delivering topic %s',

      fn(null, topic)

  return this

 * Get Topic form `id` string or `ObjectId`
 * @param {String|ObjectId} id Topic's `id`
 * @param {Function} fn callback function
 *   - 'err' error found while process or `null`
 *   - 'topic' found item or `undefined`
 * @api public

function onget (fn) {
  return function (err, topic) {
    if (err) {
      log('Found error %s', err)
      return fn(err)

    if (!topic) {
      log('Topic not found')
      return fn(null)

    topic.clauses = topic.clauses.sort(byPosition)
    log('Delivering topic %s',
    fn(null, topic)

exports.get = function get (id, fn) {
  if (!ObjectId.isValid(id)) {
    log('ObjectId %s is not valid', id)
    return fn(null)

  var query = { _id: id, deletedAt: null }

  log('Looking for topic %s', id)

exports.getWithForum = function getWithForum (id, fn) {
  if (!ObjectId.isValid(id)) {
    log('ObjectId %s is not valid', id)
    return fn(null)

  var query = { _id: id, deletedAt: null }

  log('Looking for topic %s', id)
    .populate('tag forum')

 * Vote topic
 * @param {String} id Topic `id`
 * @param {String} user author of the vote
 * @param {String} value `positive` or `negative` or `neutral`
 * @param {Function} fn callback function
 *   - 'err' error found while process or `null`
 *   - 'proposal' single object created or `undefined`
 * @api public
 */ = function vote (id, user, value, fn) {
  var query = { _id: id, deletedAt: null }

  log('Proceding to vote %s at topic %s by user %s', value, id, || user)

    .populate('tag', 'id hash name color image')
    .exec(function (err, topic) {
      if (err) {
        log('Found error %s', err)
        return fn(err)

      doVote(topic, user, value, fn)

function doVote (topic, user, value, cb) {, value, function (err) {
    if (err) {
      log('Found error %s', err)
      return cb(err)

    log('Voted %s at topic %s by user %s', value,, || user)
    cb(null, topic)

 * Search total votes
 * @param {Function} fn callback function
 *   - 'err' error found while process or `null`
 *   - 'votes', total casted or `undefined`
 * @return {Module} `topic` module
 * @api public

exports.votes = function votes (fn) {
  log('Counting total casted votes')

      { $unwind: '$votes' },
      { $group: { _id: '#votes', total: { $sum: 1 } } },
      function (err, res) {
        if (err) {
          log('Found error: %j', err)
          return fn(err)

        if (!res[0]) return fn(null, 0)

        var total = res[0].total

        log('Found %d casted votes', total)
        fn(null, total)

  return this

 * Sorting function for topic clauses

function byPosition (a, b) {
  return a.position - b.position