const passportLocalMongoose = require('passport-local-mongoose')
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
* Wrap passport-local-mongoose plugin to allow the update of
* the passwords digestAlgorithm, from old `sha1` to a more secure `sha512`
module.exports = function authMongoose (schema, options) {
const digestAlgorithm = 'sha512'
schema.plugin(passportLocalMongoose, {
usernameField: 'email',
errorMessages: {
AttemptTooSoonError: 'signin.errors.attempt-too-soon',
TooManyAttemptsError: 'signin.errors.too-many-attempts',
IncorrectPasswordError: 'signin.errors.incorrect-password',
IncorrectUsernameError: 'signin.errors.incorrect-username'
selectFields: '+digestAlgorithm',
digestAlgorithm: digestAlgorithm,
limitAttempts: true,
maxAttempts: 50
digestAlgorithm: { type: String, select: false }
* Override .setPassword to also save `digestAlgorithm` key
const originalSetPassword = schema.methods.setPassword
schema.methods.setPassword = function setPassword (pass, cb) {
return, pass, (err) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
this.set('digestAlgorithm', digestAlgorithm)
cb(null, this)
* Override .authenticate to migrate the password when needed
const originalAuthenticate = schema.methods.authenticate
schema.methods.authenticate = function verifyUserDigestAlgorithm (pass, cb) {
const user = this
const userDigestAlgorithm = user.get('digestAlgorithm')
if (userDigestAlgorithm === digestAlgorithm) {
return, pass, cb)
// Migrate old sha1 password to a new one with sha256
if (!userDigestAlgorithm) {
const sha1User = new Sha1User({
hash: user.get('hash'),
salt: user.get('salt')
return sha1User.authenticate(pass, (err, passed, msg) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
if (passed === false) return cb(null, passed, msg)
return user.setPassword(pass, (err, user) => {
if (err) return cb(err), user) => {
if (err) return cb(err), pass, cb)
return cb(null, false, {
message: 'signin.errors.must-reset-password'
* Use a temporary dummy model for old passwords verification
const Sha1UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema()
Sha1UserSchema.plugin(passportLocalMongoose, {
errorMessages: {
AttemptTooSoonError: 'signin.errors.attempt-too-soon',
TooManyAttemptsError: 'signin.errors.too-many-attempts',
IncorrectPasswordError: 'signin.errors.incorrect-password',
IncorrectUsernameError: 'signin.errors.incorrect-username'
digestAlgorithm: 'sha1',
limitAttempts: false
const Sha1User = mongoose.model('Sha1User', Sha1UserSchema)